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Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 473 Doing an Investigation in Secret
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Chapter 473 Doing an Investigation in Secret

Seeing Li Yong get things from his car, the cripple rushes over to help him, blaming him for buying too many gifts and advising him not to spend so much money next time. After taking out the gifts, Li Yong heads to the kitchen.

After seeing through Widow Wang’s body with his clairvoyant vision, he walks in and smiles, “Auntie Wang, you’re not feeling well, are you? I’ll cure you.”

Widow Wang says happily, “It is an old disease and can’t be cured. You don’t need to bother with me.”

“Not at all. Here, Auntie Wang, sit.”

Li Yong helps Widow Wang sit down on the bench. Then he takes out silver needles and gives her acupuncture.

He has figured out the situation in Widow Wang’s body. It is all because she had such a hard life previously when she always failed to eat properly. Moreover, with years of manual labor, she, who got sick, did not bear to take injections and medicine and could only put up with her poor health condition.

As time went by, she suffered from all kinds of old diseases.

Looking at the old and frail body of Widow Wang, Li Yong feels that he saw the hard and long life she went through. He is suddenly very sad. He feels so for every woman like Widow Wang as well as everyone who is going through hardship.

With tears in his eyes, he urges the spiritual power in his body and injects them into Widow Wang’s body one strand at a time, repairing this old, sickly, and weakened body.

After consuming six strands of spiritual power in a row, Li Yong cures all of Widow Wang’s illnesses.

He straightens his back and smiles, “Auntie Wang, get up and give it a try to see if there is any discomfort.”

Widow Wang has felt particularly comfortable already. And she stands up as she is told. As soon as she just takes two steps, she suddenly bursts out crying. She is so excited that she wants to hug the tall Li Yong, only to realize that Li Yong is cleanly dressed while she is dirty. In order not to get his clothes dirty, she sits down on the ground and wails loudly.

Li Yong is at a loss for words, wondering why Widow Wang is crying. He wants to persuade her. But he doesn’t know what he should say.

Hearing Widow Wang’s cry, the cripple rushes over and asks, “Young Master, what’s wrong with her?”

Li Yong also feels it strange, wondering what is going on. He once again sees through Widow Wang’s body, making sure that all of her illnesses have been cured by him. She surely isn’t crying because of her illnesses.

By all rights, Widow Wang should be happy. So why does she burst out crying sadly?

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The cripple goes to help Widow Wang up and asks loudly, “Honey, why are you crying?”

“I’m so happy. I’m so happy. I’m all cured. I’ve never felt so relieved. I was going to die. And now I feel that I can live for a long, long time...” Widow Wang says off and on as she cries. Hearing her words, everyone is relieved.

It turns out that besides crying over sad things, sometimes, people will also cry when they encounter things that make them particularly happy.

After lunch, the cripple brings the things for grave visiting and takes Xiao Xiaopan and Li Yong to the back of the mountain.

On the hillside, there is a grave where Xiao Xiaopan’s grandfather was buried with his ancestors.

After they arrive at the grave, Xiao Xiaopan places offerings in person, kneels silently in front of the grave for a long time, and is unwilling to get up.

Time goes by minutes by minutes. And only after seeing the sky darkens does she follow Li Yong back down the mountain.

After dinner, Li Yong accompanies Xiao Xiaopan to the Xiao Family’s old mansion and meets Xiao Xiaopan’s senior aunt and uncle.

They are an old couple in their fifties, looking thin and somewhat hunchbacked. There are wrinkles all over their faces.

Xiao Xiaopan puts down the gifts and exchanges pleasantries with them for a while before asking, “Uncle, can you tell me? Who killed my grandfather? Who stole the most prized Medicine King Stone?”

“We don’t know it either,” They say in fear.

Xiao Xiaopan asks again, “Why did my mom and dad disappear together?”

“We simply don’t know the answer.” They grow more and more terrified. They never expect that the silly Xiao Xiaopan would get better. Nor do they expect that Xiao Xiaopan would come back to ask such questions.

Knowing that she can’t get any answer from them, Xiao Xiaopan can do nothing about them either. After gossiping for a while, she gets up and proposes to leave. After rejecting her aunt and uncle’s eager request that she should stay there, she returns home with Li Yong.

Upstairs, the cripple has prepared a room for Li Yong and Xiao Xiaopan, where there is a red quilt embroidered with a pair of loving ducks with their necks crossed. Everything in the room is brand new. And there are paper cutouts of the dragon, the phoenix, and the characters meaning double blessings. The room looks festive, looking just like a bridal chamber.

After lying on the bed, neither Li Yong nor Xiao Xiaopan is sleeping. Xiao Xiaopan is stuck in pain. And Li Yong is comforting her.

“Why didn’t they tell me? They must have known the truth. After Grandpa died, strange people approached them. Then they gave away all of Grandpa’s things and gave away the family heirloom, Medicine King Stone. I want revenge for Grandpa. I want to get back my Medicine King Stone. And I want to find my mom and dad. What should I do, Yong?”

Xiao Xiaopan sobs as she asks. And her tears get her pillow wet.

“Don’t be sad. Think about it and there will always be a way.” Li Yong hugs Xiao Xiaopan and softly comforts her.

“How can there be a solution?” Xiao Xiaopan isn’t asking Li Yong. Instead, she is murmuring to herself, asking herself so.

In order not to let Xiao Xiaopan continue to feel sad, Li Yong has no choice but to lecture her with some great truths, “All walls in the world have ears. No matter how well a secret is kept, it will be revealed in front of the world someday. Those bad guys surely will not have a good end.”

At the same time, he turns on his clairvoyant vision and looks at the Xiao Family’s old mansion, which is more than 500 meters away.

He sees that Xiao Xiaopan’s uncle and aunt are whispering. And judging from their looks, they seem to be blaming each other and are both somewhat frightened. Feeling that they must be talking about something, Li Yong urges his spiritual power and converges them into his ears to improve his sense of hearing as he overhears their conversation while tilting his ears aside.

“Xiaopan has come back now. She won’t cause us any trouble, will she?”

“The way you see it, why is she suddenly better when she’s been stupid for over dozens of years?”

“She’s destined to be ill-fated.”

“We can’t be implicated by her. We can’t let her into the house again in the future. Let’s just say we’re cut off from her.”

“It’s all your father’s fault. Whoever learned medicine skills from him would be doomed. Your senior brother disappeared. Your junior brother and sister-in-law died tragically. And Xiaopan surely won’t end well. Fortunately, you didn’t learn the art of medicine, making you live on to now.”

“I wonder what kind of person your father offended, making him die for no apparent reason and his offspring suffer as well. I’ve been on edge for decades after marrying you. I regret it so much. Back then, I would have lived a better life if I had married someone else randomly rather than you.”

Hearing these words, Li Yong is somewhat angry. Xiao Xiaopan must have suffered a lot since she had lived with such a person since her childhood.

When Xiao Xiaopan falls asleep, Li Yong gently gets out of bed, puts on a set of black uniforms, and uses a piece of black cloth to cover his handsome face. After that, he jumps out of the window and disappears into the night.

He comes to Xiao Xiaopan’s uncle’s house. And with just a few tricks, he knows everything Xiao Xiaopan wants to know, which her aunt and uncle aren’t willing to let her know. The result is a surprise to Li Yong, who never expects that Xiao Xiaopan’s grandfather will have died of poisoning.

Even Xiao Xiaopan’s aunt and uncle know nothing about who did the poisoning.

What is even more surprising is that Xiao Xiaopan’s mother and father died early by drowning together.

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As to why they drowned, according to Xiao Xiaopan’s uncle, they offended the bad guys. And for fear of revenge, they jumped into the river together and committed suicide. However, according to Xiao Xiaopan’s aunt, after they were injured by someone else, they were thrown into the river and then drowned alive. It’s been twenty years. And Li Yong doesn’t know who he should believe.

As to why they told Xiao Xiaopan that her parents had disappeared, it was an order from Xiao Xiaopan’s grandfather, which was to give her some hope. They told Xiao Xiaopan that her parents had gone to work outside and that they surely would come home after earning some money.

Xiao Xiaopan was convinced. And that’s why she has the obsession to find her parents.

As for where Medicine King Stone is now, it is somewhat mystifying. According to Xiao Xiaopan’s aunt and uncle, after the death of Xiao Xiaopan’s grandfather, several men in black clothes came and stole everything, including the Medicine King Stone.

Xiao Xiaopan’s uncle didn’t know who these men in black were. Xiao Xiaopan’s uncle and aunt, who were both timid and afraid, dared not call the police after they were robbed.

Back then, there were no telephones or cell phones. So there was no way to call the police. Even if they ran for miles to get the police over, those people would have run away without a trace. It’s not like the current times when there are surveillance cameras everywhere on the road.

Unless they were caught on the spot, once they ran away, there was nothing the police could do.

Seeing that Xiao Xiaopan’s aunt and uncle know so much, Li Yong asks again as to who made Xiao Xiaopan stupid.

As it turns out, they do know who did it. According to them, there was a man from the city named Chu Jianghe who came over to buy herbs twelve years ago. Xiao Xiaopan was only ten years old at that time. And to earn money for her grandfather’s treatment, she went to the mountain to pick herbs so that she could sell herbs to him. As a result, Chu Jianghe followed her. Then, inexplicably, Xiao Xiaopan fell into the ditch and became silly because of the falling.

They don’t know if it was Chu Jianghe who did it. But this Chu Jianghe must have been involved.

When Li Yong hears the name Chu Jianghe, he immediately thinks of the hitter hired by Zhao Dazhou, who was called Chu Jianghe as well.

This Chu Jianghe is an old man. After being defeated by Li Yong, he went to guard the Zhao Family’s banknote base and had even fought with Hu for many times. At first, Hu was no match for him. But he defeated him later on.

Wondering if it’s the same person, Li Yong immediately calls Hu who is guarding the base of the medicinal materials.

He instructs Hu to investigate the whereabouts of Chu Jianghe and bring him back after he finds him.

Back at home, Li Yong enters the room through the window and doesn’t disturb anyone.

He takes off his black clothes, packs them, and hides them before climbing onto the bed. As he sleeps gently next to Xiao Xiaopan, he stretches out his arms to embrace her. He decides that he will protect this poor woman for the rest of his life.

Then, he makes up his mind that in order not to make Xiao Xiaopan feel too sad and think nonsensically, he won’t tell her any of this information before he has investigated it thoroughly.

The next day, he accompanies Xiao Xiaopan to walk around in the village, pass by the river, and climb the mountains, visiting beautiful places in her memories together. Gradually, Xiao Xiaopan gets spirited and no longer keeps the hatred and grudge in her mind.

They stay here for five days. During these five days, Xiao Xiaopan visits her grandfather’s grave every day. At first, she cries silently. But, gradually, she stops crying. Even so, she is still sad.

She is slowly learning to control her emotions as well as get strong.