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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55
+5 vouchers
Hazel found herself overcome with a sense of weariness as she contemplated. Ethan’s impending visit the following day.
Gratitude filled her for the connection he had with her and her children, yet a growing unease gnawed at her. Liam, seemed to be
forming a bond with him. And even Daisy, it was clear she liked him. Hazel could tell from her eyes on Ethan. She was in awe of
his persone. But The fear of separation loomed over her like a storm cloud, threatening to disrupt the fragile balance she had
She massaged her temples, feeling a headache creeping in. The facade she had meticulously crafted, the illusion that these
were not Ethan’s children, weighed heavily on her conscience. Despite Ethan’s understanding, his love for them was palpable.
He had accepted they weren’t his but he still loved them anyway. The guilt she felt was a heavy burden, one that she struggled
to bear.
As she gazed upon her children’s peaceful sleeping faces, Hazel questioned the choices she had made. “Am I doing the right
thing? Would they be better off with their own dad?” The room was silent except for her somber thoughts, echoing in the
darkness of the night.
Ethan’s affectionate gestures toward her kids added another layer to her internal conflict. His love was evident, and it both
comforted and troubled her. The upcoming day’s visit felt like a ticking time bomb, threatening to expose the truth. beneath the
delicate web of deception she had woven.
The night wore on, Hazel sitting awake, wrestling with her emotions. Ethan, though genuinely caring, was a busy individual.
Ethan was a really busy person. Liam was getting attached, what would happen if Ethan suddenly couldn’t make it or stopped
visiting? Her little boy’s heart would be broken. Liam was busy setting up his paintings that he would show Ethan the next day.
Liam’s attachment and excitement was clear. He was looking forward to it. It was evident as even during dinner, all Liam could
talk about was Ethan.
The following day, Ethan embarked on a special mission, heading to the toy store with a purpose in mind. He had enlisted the
services of a high–class chef to whip up light snacks for the kids, and for Liam, a personalized painting set to fuel his artistic

endeavors. Taking charge personally, Ethan navigated through the aisles, carefully selecting items–a task that brought back
memories of his previous shopping spree for Hazel’s kids at the same mall. Arriving a.

at the hospital’s driveway, Ethan, laden with toys and a thoughtfully assembled fruit basket, made his way inside. However, the
ward appeared empty, and a sense of unease washed over him as he gazed at the vacant bed.
“Where are they?” he inquired, directing the question to a nurse at the reception. “They left a few hours ago, came the reply.
A wave of panic swept over Ethan. Had Hazel fled with her kids? The unsettling
Alpha’s Regret: Pregnant Rejected Luna
+5 vouchers
thought lingered, No, it couldn’t be, it didn’t make any sense. Maybe she had gotten uncomfortable with him being close to her
son and had decided to leave? He wondered his mind reeling in panic recalling she had looked very uncomfortable the previous
night he felt even worse. His actions may her overwhelmed her and she feeling suffocated might have prompted her to leave,
what kind of man would be that interested in his ex–wife’s children. He was weird. Realizing he had stepped out of line several
times. He decided he was going to apologize, for making Hazel uncomfortable. For intruding in their lives when he had no right
With a heavy sigh, he dropped the items he held to the floor.
Mr Woods?!” A familiar voice called breaking through his thoughts. Liam, breaking into a run, collided with Ethan’s legs. Relief
washed over him as he stared at Hazel, realizing they hadn’t left after all.
“Ethan? Are you okay?” Hazel inquired, and Liam’s gaze mirrored the concern.
Uncomfortably clearing his throat, Ethan responded.

“Ethan?” Hazel’s soft voice beckoned him once more.
“Yes, I’m fine. Where did you go? I came, and there was no sign of you guys. The nurse said you left,” Ethan said, his voice
tinged with relief as he stroked Liam’s head.
I’ll go set up my paints,” Liam said as he darted into the room, Daisy followed close behind.
“We went home for a little while. The kids hadn’t really eaten a home–cooked meal for some time now. And Dr. Gomez said it
was okay to go and return,” Hazel explained. Ethan’s relief was visible.

“When I came, I was told you guys left. I thought I’d made you uncomfortable, and that you got scared and left,” Ethan confessed
Ethan admitted his wrongdoing and expressed remorse for intruding into their lives. “Reflecting back on past actions. I was
wrong, I had completely no rights to intrude into your lives like that. I’m sorry if I ever made you uncomfortable or put you in a
difficult spot. Even worse I invited myself here today, i was intruding without stopping to think how uncomfortable it would make
you feel”
Ethan.” Hazel called putting an arm on his. She gave him a small smile. She was genuinely touched. Ethan had changed so
much, his words had touched her deeply. “You’ve helped us. You found Dr. Gomez, and you got that room that’s so comfortable
we can all sleep in it. Thank you, Ethan. Although Liam’s closeness to you took me off guard yesterday, I understand everything
you ever did was try to help us. Not impose. And for that, I’m grateful.”
Ethan sighed audibly, his shoulders visibly relaxing as they locked eyes for a poignant moment. Their connection deepened.
“Mommy!” Daisy’s call snapped them out of their reverie. Standing at the door, Daisy cast a curious glance at Ethan, her bright
smile revealing her fondness for

Alpha’s Regret: Pregnant Rejected Luna
+5 vouchers
“Hey, Mr. Wild,” she greeted shyly, fiddling with her dress shyly.
“Hey, Fluffy,” Ethan responded with a small smile.
“Would you like to watch Peppa Pig with me?” she asked, her head bowed.
Hazel, observing the interaction, shrugged,
Ethan glanced at Hazel his eyes beaming with longing but he needed to get her confirmation that she was okay with him there.
Hazel shrugged, now it wasn’t only Liam but Daisy had also fallen for Ethan’s charm. She couldn’t do anything about it. realizing
that Daisy, too, had fallen under Ethan’s charm.
Chuckling, Ethan squatted to Daisy’s level. “I’ll love to, bunny,” he said, prompting delighted claps from Daisy.
“I’ll introduce you to everyone!” she declared before running off.
“Mr. Wild? I’m all set,” Liam called out impatiently, casting an accusing look at his mom, who seemed to have kept Ethan away
from him for too long.
“I’m gonna show you my painting.” Liam declared, holding Ethan’s hand and leading him into the room.
Hazel’s smile faded slowly, a thoughtful expression settling on her face.