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Alpha Dom and His Human Surrogate by Caroline Above Story

Chapter 47
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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story Chapter 47

Chapter 47 – Ella Takes Matters into Her own Hands


I’m resolved to buy Ella a ring tomorrow, but we still have to get through tonight first.

She was distant on the ride home, sitting across from me in the back of the limo rather than tucked up

against my side the way I prefer. Moreover she didn’t say a word until we got back to the house, and

then her only message was that she wanted to sleep in her own rooms this evening.

“Are you angry with me?” I ask, furrowing my brow in confusion.

“No, I just think a little space would be good for us.” She answers, hugging herself in a clear defensive


Maybe she’s right, I think, though it’s not easy to hear my thoughts with my wolf snarling in protest. I

still haven’t gotten to the bottom of her reluctance to indulge our shared desires, and I don’t want to

press her if she really isn’t interested. Even if she is, I think it would be a mistake to push her too hard

or fast and risk spooking her. “Okay.” I agree eventually. “I’ll notify the guards.”

My wolf is whining like a pup as I stride away from her, and I can’t believe how attached I’ve become to

the sweet human in so short a time. I don’t like letting her out of my sight when I know she’s under

threat, but this is so much more than that. I’ve gotten so used to sleeping with her warm little body

snuggled in my arms or sprawled out on top of me, that I’m not sure I’ll be able to rest without her.

As I prepare for bed, I try to make my wolf settle, but it’s nearly impossible. In the end, I realize I didn’t

scent mark Ella tonight, and if anything will calm my wolf, I imagine that will. I pull on a t-shirt over my

pajama bottoms and set off towards her rooms, knowing precisely how ridiculous I’m being and not

giving a da mn.

However when I arrive outside Ella’s rooms I immediately pick up on a strange tension among the

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guards. I look around at them curiously, but their stiff postures are only compounded by their refusal to

look me in the eye. A moment later a soft whimper emanates through Ella’s door, and I understand. It’s

not a sound of worry, sadness or fear, but one absolutely dripping with S**. My ears sharpen towards

her door and I hear more sounds: the slight rustle of the bed sheets; the gentle glide of deft fingers

sliding over wet flesh; uneven and excited breathing; and pounding pulse. It’s obvious what Ella is up to

in my absence, and I have to stop myself from groaning aloud.

I silently order the guards away – knowing Ella would be mortified if she realized my men can overhear

her touching herself. My own mind is divided over what to do – I doubt she wants me to hear this either,

though she probably wouldn’t mind if she realized just how open shifters are about S**. Even my men

weren’t embarra*sed, simply nervous over my reaction to them being near Ella at an intimate moment.

She might not be my mate, but she is carrying my pup, and that’s a claim every bit as powerful and

sacred to our kind. They know how possessive I am of her, how protective. They probably thought I’d

rip their ears off just for standing in hearing distance. Still it was their duty to guard her, and now it has

to be mine until this private moment has pa*sed.

I’m confident that I’m the least objectionable audience to Ella, considering the intimacies we’ve already

shared. Still, I have to keep telling myself this reminder as time pa*ses. Every time I begin to wonder if

I’m using her protection as an excuse to eavesdrop, I put myself in Ella’s shoes and recall how

humiliated she would feel about so many strangers hearing her in this state. Leaving her unguarded

isn’t an option, so this is the lesser of two evils.

Nonetheless, it’s absolute torture to listen to Ella finding her pleasure this way, because every small

pant and moan fills my head with a thousand explicit images. I can imagine exactly what she’s doing,

and the tiny sounds she emits every now and then egg my wolf on. He’s in a near frenzy, demanding

we go in and put a stop to this immediately. I should be the one pleasuring her, she shouldn’t have to

take matters into her own hands. This is a mate’s job. If she were mine I would march in right now, give

her lush bottom a few swats for not making her needs known to me, then bury my face between her

legs and feast until she’s begging me to stop.

But she isn’t mine. I remind myself furiously, trying not to get so carried away by the fantasy that I give

in. Still, she’s clearly worked up because of the kiss, my wolf reasons, she’s probably thinking of us this

very moment.

We don’t know that. I caution. She didn’t want to get involved, remember? Her current need might be

related or it might be the pregnancy, her hormones, or simply the fact that she’s a living breathing

woman with a healthy libido. Either way, we have no right.

Ella’s quiet ministrations speed up, and I pray we’re near the end of this – I’ve given up all thought of

scent marking her. If I go in there now, I won’t be able to restrain myself or my wolf. I’m hard as a rock

on my slacks, and as soon as Ella’s need for privacy is over, I’ll let the guards return and trust her

safety to them once more. Afterwards I’m going to have a nice cold shower and relieve me co ck the

only way I can in my current predicament.

Ella’s delicious murmurs finally crescendo, and I wish I’d pressed her harder about her reluctance to

start something romantic between us. This is only going to get harder as her pregnancy progresses,

and my wolf is quickly running out of patience. I can’t understand his behavior. I’ve had S** with plenty

of she-wolves over the years, and he’s only ever pushed me to claim Lydia, no matter how much I

cared about the women who came before her.

It’s like he doesn’t believe Ella is human – like he refuses to accept that I couldn’t mark Ella even if I

wanted to. And I don’t want to… right? It’s just my wolf going overboard because of the pup.

If only we could mark her somewhere else, He suggests wistfully, completely ignoring my logic. And

don’t even pretend like that idea doesn’t tempt you.

Unfortunately he’s right, but it doesn’t matter how tempting the idea is. Mating marks are so intimate

because they require allowing another wolf to wrap their jaws around your most vulnerable spot. It

would defeat the point to mark Ella somewhere safer.

But just think about how amazing it would feel. My wolf urges.

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Again I have to stop myself from groaning out loud. The ba stard is right. The last thing I want is to hurt

Ella, but I’m very experienced when it comes to bringing a she-wolf to the peak of pleasure before

sinking my teeth into her. I’m sure I could do the same for her– if only it wasn’t her neck I had to bite.

Goddess, stop it! I internally shout at myself. You’re losing it! This is crazy talk. It’s your co ck talking,

not your brain or even your heart. You don’t really want this, and neither does she.

Right on cue, Ella climaxes, a soft keening escaping her lips. My hands close into fists and I grit my

teeth against the intoxicating noise, and it’s only as I drag in a few gasping breaths, suddenly worried I

might actually burst through her door – that I hear my name on her lips. It’s a mere whisper as she

comes down from her high, and I have no choice but to get out of there before it’s too late. I storm past

the guards, waving them back to their posts, and race for my shower.

A little while later I find myself lying awake in bed, my c ock hard again despite the release I found in

the shower. Ella is the only thing on my mind, and I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll ever be able to think of

anything else. That might have been the most erotic thing I’ve ever heard, and I didn’t even see it

happening. Does she have any idea what she’s doing to me? How irrational and crazed I’ve become

about her? I barely recognize myself anymore.

I’m sure she has no clue. Unlike Lydia or some of the other she-wolves I’ve known, Ella doesn’t have a

manipulative bone in her body. When others would take pleasure in tormenting a powerful Alpha like

myself, Ella would never believe she could. Not because she doesn’t realize how lovely she is or lack

confidence, she just wouldn’t want to and doesn’t understand that her allure is strong enough to do so


Even as I think this, a small knock sounds on my door, and as soon as I scent the air I know it’s the

object of my near… okay, not near, we’re way past near at this point – the object of my total obsession.

Has she come to say she’s changed her mind about us? Is she going to ask me to pleasure her the

way she should have from the beginning? Does she know I overheard her? Will this be the beginning of

something new? More importantly – if I let her in, will I be able to control my wolf? There’s only one way

to find out.