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All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 230 It Seems You Are Quite Strong
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Damian wasn't the only one feeling that way. Everyone in Lemoria was uncertain about what the next day would bring. What if all the demons decided to attack right now? Did Lemoria have enough strength to face them?

"Does the city have any plan in place?" Damian asked, unaware of the recent developments as he hadn't been around.

"Well, Ingram, the leader of Lemoria, is going to confront the chief demon in battle. As for the rest of the demons, anyone with sufficient power can join the fight. I've heard that humans from other regions are coming here too," Serana explained.

As Damian paced back and forth, he pondered on how to proceed. Then, Serana said something that caught his attention.

"Everyone is gathering at the main gate, preparing for the battle. Even some elves have come here," she added.


The first person who came to Damian's mind was Siora, the elven queen he had met before. He hadn't expected to see her so soon. Well, soon was a strong word. It had been a few months since they last saw each other, but Damian thought it would take years for their paths to cross again.

Damian exited the temple after being informed of the unfolding events. However, he felt compelled to go and witness the situation firsthand.

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In the end, he knew he had to join forces with Ingram or even face Miller alone. The entire city was in chaos, and as Damian approached the main gate, he beheld the demonic army!

A nearby guard warned, "Stay back! Citizens must evacuate and move to designated safe locations!"

Ingram and the other authorities had organized an evacuation plan utilizing tunnels built beneath Lemoria. It made no sense for non-combatants to remain in harm's way.

But what if the city fell? It would spell doom for all.

With just a fleeting glance, the guard couldn't possibly discern Damian's formidable abilities, but the adventurer's guild token he wore proved sufficient.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't recognize you. I came from another city, sorry," Damian replied, hearing a voice call out to him moments later.

"Damian, come up here!"

Damian looked up to the top of the rampart, where a kind-hearted woman awaited him, accompanied by an elderly man with a long white beard.

"Emma and Ingram!"

Emma's red hair swayed in the wind, adding to her beauty. However, her expression did not mirror her appearance. Like everyone else in the city, she was worried.

The guards all cleared a path for Damian to pass. Who would dare to obstruct someone known to Ingram? Moreover, everyone had heard the name Damian, belonging to the famous enchantment master residing in Lemoria.

"So, it's him? So young!" one of the guards exclaimed, watching Damian ascend the stairs to the top of the rampart.

Damian made his way toward Emma and Ingram. Both stood at the pinnacle of the wall, accompanied by several generals, their gazes icy as they stared at the demonic army on the other side.

"Damian, my friend," Ingram greeted with a smile.

It was evident that Ingram wasn't truly happy, but he tried his best to provide comfort to Damian, attempting to convey that everything was alright.

"Hello," Damian responded, turning to face the demonic army. "And how is the situation?"

Ingram seemed prepared for such a question and replied, "So far, they haven't made a definitive move, which is a good sign. Reinforcements from other cities are on their way. But that doesn't matter for you, as both you and Emma will use the tunnels and get out of here!"

Ingram would never risk Emma's life, and Damian didn't appear to be the kind of person capable of fighting, so he assumed that Damian wouldn't participate in the battle.

However, Damian was still contemplating his next move. He wasn't sure whether to disguise himself and confront Miller using his Necromancy and Blood Magic spells, or to approach the situation differently.

The truth was that all the decent offensive techniques Damian knew were associated with the dark arts. While he might be able to use Blood Magic without any issues—it didn't make him inherently evil—Necromancy was frowned upon due to its reliance on corpses for many of its spells.

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Blood Magic could be performed using the blood of both adversaries and oneself. It was a slightly less extreme practice compared to Necromancy.

Of course, Damian couldn't perform the ritual and absorb the life essence of the demons, as it would send him into a frenzy like that of a beast, and he didn't want to become the next target of Ingram and the entire army stationed in Lemoria.

"I agree that Emma should leave," Damian said, "But I believe I can help in the fight."

"Help in the fight? A young whelp with no combat experience like you?" One of the generals interjected before Ingram could say anything.

Damian looked at him disdainfully, "If riffraff like you can become a general, then I can understand the city's decline..."

The general was furious and used his muscular body to deliver a punch straight to Damian's face. Ingram contemplated intervening, but it wasn't necessary as Damian caught the punch as if it were nothing.

Damian tightened his grip slightly, causing the general's face to tremble in pain.

"I won't end your miserable existence because, despite being useless, you're probably less useless than some of the enemy demons," Damian said, releasing the general's hand and pushing him away.

Everyone present was astonished, not just by Damian's strength, but also by his words. He treated a general disrespectfully without a hint of remorse or hesitation.

Never would they have associated such strength and attitude with Damian, a seemingly harmless young man. Despite the dire situation they were in, they were grateful to have Damian by their side.

Ingram looked at Damian with a sharp, skeptical gaze, but eventually let out a chuckle and said, "Seems like you're quite strong after all."

One of the generals standing nearby was completely focused on the demon army and shouted, "They're moving!"