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Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 1274 Shaking The World
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Grey stared at the same spot for almost a minute. 

"Get to work, boy. The faster the better. Keeping this place active takes up a lot of resources. This is the reason I never took your father here." Grey's grandfather's words woke him up from his daydreaming. 

He didn't know it took up resources to keep this place active, so hearing his grandfather's words, he was taken aback. 

Seeing his grandson's confusion, he explained, "To connect to the origin source is not something that should be accessible to us, only those in the God Plane should be able to do it. However, we're from a family that has produced a God during its history, and he created this place for us. However, without his strength, we can't access it. Only while spending considerable resources can we bring it to life, but it's only for a short while. Its consumption is massive."

Grey could sense the heartache at the end of his grandfather's words.

Grey's grandfather looked at him, to be honest, he wanted to bring Grey here when he heard that he was trying to connect his golden energy to the origin source, he just brought up the idea of bringing him here as a benefit from making him look younger. 

Grey was naturally unaware of this, but he knew the reward he was getting for making his grandfather look younger was far more than what he did. The two could not be compared. 

He quickly closed his eyes and got to work. Thinking too much would only waste more of his grandfather's resources, that was not something he wanted to do. 

With both eyes closed, he tried to sense the origin source, to his shock, this place truly was as amazing as his grandfather said, he didn't even try and just with a thought, he could already sense the origin source. 

Now that he has located the origin source, his next step was to try to connect the golden energy to it. Once he does that, he should be able to merge the golden energy to his core and possess a stronger attack power. 

Grey's grandfather watched from the side as Grey tried connecting the golden energy to the origin source. He could sense what Grey was doing after all, he was a top expert. 

Time went on and after a few minutes, Grey opened his eyes. He failed in his first attempt. 

Just like when he was trying to merge it to his core, he sensed the same rejection, this time even stronger. 

'Could it be that there's no way to merge them?' He thought to himself, his eyes open as he looked around. He was still thinking when an idea struck him. 

'It shouldn't be a bad idea.' He said to himself. 

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He wanted to try to see if he could swallow up the origin source with the golden energy. 

The golden energy was from the chaos, and has proven to be stronger than the energy acquired from the origin source. If it's stronger, shouldn't it be able to swallow up the origin source? 

It was a daring idea, just the thought of the possibility excited Grey to no end. What was it like swallowing the origin source? Wouldn't that make him one of a kind? 

He calmed his raging emotions and started his plan. His first objective was to bring out the chaos energy from his body, and then use it to wrap the origin source. Previously, he had been using the gentle way to try it, but now, he wanted to do it by force. He would use the chaos energy to wrap up the origin source, swallowing parts of it in the process. 

While Grey was bringing out a large amount of chaos energy in the direction of the origin source, Grey's grandfather's eyes opened widely in shock. 

He didn't even dare to believe what Grey was trying to do. 

"He shouldn't be trying to cover it up, is he?" He muttered to himself. 

While thinking of it, he thought about what might happen if Grey was able to achieve what he's planning to do. Taking part of the origin source will affect the world. 

'No, I shouldn't allow him to do this.' He quickly came to a decision. 

"Grey, stop!" 

Unfortunately, he was too late. Grey was already entrailed in the midst of covering the origin source with the chaos energy.



The sky in every part of the Aurora Continent changed, not just the Aurora Continent, but even the Azure Empire. They were all part of the same world. The entire world seemed to fall into a state of momentarily silence as everyone, both old and young, strong and weak looked up to the sky. 

The previously blue sky was enveloped by a domineering force. The force wanted to consume it. The sky wanted to fight back, but in front of this force, it was very weak, too weak to even lift a finger. 

Lucas and Martha stared into the sky and the eyes of Lucas changed drastically. 

"It's him. How's he causing such a commotion?" He knew from the second he saw it that it had something to do with Grey. Only when the origin source is being messed with could something like this happen. 

What he couldn't understand was why the origin source was so docile in the presence of Grey and his chaos energy. The chaos energy of the Chaos Battlefield was strong, but not enough to overwhelm the origin source. 


In the cave. 

Grey's grandfather wanted to move close to Grey, but he was forced back by a tyrannical energy that scared him. He looked at Grey in fear. 

"How's he like this?"

He didn't know what was occurring outside, but from what he was seeing, he didn't sense anything good. 

Grey on the other hand was covered by this tyrannical energy. Nothing could touch him. 

Inside his body, the chaos orb was churning in excitement. It was like it had come to life. In the Chaos Space, the sun that was hung high in the sky was also sending energy out. 

Grey could sense the changes, but he didn't care too much about it. His bold idea was coming to pass and he didn't think it was possible. 

Just as Lucas thought, even though the chaos energy was powerful, it wouldn't be able to overwhelm the origin source in such a manner, the reason this was happening was all due to the chaos orb that resided in Grey's body. 

Grey's grandfather was watching the scene in shock, his shock soon turned to pain when he sensed the rate at which his resources were being used up. 

"Hundreds of years of resources are gone, just like that." He didn't know how to feel. 

Seeing that Grey was still in the midst of his experience, he couldn't help but pump in more resources into the place. 

"This kid better make it worth it, else I'll kill… his father." 

For some reason, he liked Grey more than his son, and has spent more on Grey than he has done on Lucas. It hasn't even been up to twenty minutes, and Grey has drained a lot of his resources. Luckily, he saved up a lot. 


Outside the cave. 

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The Magical Beasts' forest. 

A figure appeared deep in the Magical Beasts' forest as he looked at the temple in front of him. His eyes were cold as he looked in the sky. 

"What's happening? The origin source is being messed with?" The man spoke softly. 

It was none other than the Old man who took Chris as his student in the trial land. 

"This is bad, the seal is weakening without the support of the origin source." 

The origin source has been of great help in holding the seal together, but now, with the origin source being covered up by Grey at the moment, the seal was weakening. The only good thing was that the members of the Gnome race hadn't sensed the anomaly, if not, they would've broken the seal by now. 

The man made some hand seals and managed to open up the sky, creating a space for the origin source that was radiating straight to the seal, helping reinforce it. 

The seal was finally stable, but the damage was still done, the seal was still weaker than what it used to be. 

"This is bad. It won't last up to four months." 

The man's eyes showed despair. 

"It's time to awaken the Faction. We've slept enough." 

The man disappeared from the spot, but unknown to him, a small black shadow came out from the seal.

The shadow looked around and drilled into the ground of the Magical Beasts' forest. 


The Aurora Continent. 

Inside the cave. 

Grey had no idea of what was happening outside the cave, he was still swallowing up the origin source. 

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes with a smile. 

"Haha, finally." He laughed in delight.