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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 215
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“Can you play and think at the stime?” she laughed.

“Of course,” I blushed and started to beat out their favorite rhythm again.

In the afternoon we went to the beach. There were several games being played but I wasn’t taking part. Even after having spent the night dreaming of swimming, I still wanted to go into the water. Perhaps next tmy owners had me, we could go somewhere swimming.

I remembered a place then, a place I’d never been to and never seen. It looked Like a Lake, surrounded on every side by tall mountains. Water from the mountains washed into the body of water from a several streams. Master Damien and his Brothers often stopped there to play as they left the mountains.

“CIARA feet. “You could have just thrown it back to us. Con, we need another person for this gto work.” an annoyed Fuji said, grabbing the ball that had landed at my

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I apologized and walked over to join my friends. My mind was all over the place today. Hopefully I wasn’t having ssort of a mental breakdown.

As I cleaned the apartment that night, I thought about all the strange feelings and strange dreams. They were consuming and cout of no where. It was almost impossible to think or do anything with them plaguing me.

I panicked a slight bit as I considered the issue further. One of my cousins on Earth had schizophrenia, at least Mom had toldshe had it. The girl thought aliens were invading and wore a classic tinfoil hat most of the time. Even with the best of medications she was not able to think clearly.

It madesmile sadly now. Poor girl, she really wasn’t wrong.

Perhaps it was the box, I thought. Maybe all those days with the calming creams stuck in the box had drivenmad. Strange it would just pop up suddenly, so many day cycles later.

My rag touched a clear jar of liquid on the table and I caught it just before it fell over.

“Slave,” one of the men barked, “pay attention to what you are doing.

You almost knocked over one of our experiments. You spend another night in the box.”

Angela’s Library

Dropping my head submissively, I apologized to the man.

He was right, I was not being cautious. I shuddered to think how many days in the box I would get for ruining their work.

Later that night, tired from cleaning, I crawled into what was becoming my permanent bed. It slid shut and I shuddered at the quiet darkness.

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The only thing I could hear was my breathing. All I saw was black.

Perhaps I would fall asleep soon and not be subjected to the desolation of this punishment.

The dreams cagain that night. This tI dreamed I was on Earth scrubbing my mother’s house. My uncles walked around dropping food and other things on the carpet, watchingclean it up. It was an annoying repetitive dream, just like it had been when I had lived it.

Suddenly, the dream changed slightly. Master Damien and his Brothers were watchingwork. It was embarrassing they should see what slovenly piles of crap my family was

I couldn’t seem to stop cleaning, even with my owners standing and looking around. I swept, mopped, and scrubbed, but things never got cleaner. Dirt and grappeared out of thin air or my uncles made another mess.

My uncles had destroyed the house for the fun of watchingtry to put it back together. In my dream, when my Uncle Eddy dropped a large pile of cheesy dip on the carpet for the fifth time, Master Damien struck him. Uncle Eddy flew across the room and smashed against the wall and Slid down uncoscious. Suddenly the floor, the walls, and the entire house looked clean and fresh.

I sighed with relief and stood up.