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A Man Like None Other

Chapter 3964
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Sweat poured from every pore of Jared's body, and his vision was awash with the fiery hue. Despite the

excruciating pain, he remained silent.

Tempering the physical body was an agonizing process, so much so that many cultivators, regardless of their

cultivation levels, often focused solely on refining their cultivation techniques.

Their physical bodies remained fragile, for few were willing to undergo the torment of physical body tempering.

Jared, however, was different. From the very beginning, he had committed to tempering his physical body. As his

cultivation level rose, so did the intensity of his physical refinement.

Each session was excruciating, but the rewards were immense.

With an indestructible physical body, Jared wouldn't need to resort to physical body reconstruction or soul

transfer like other cultivators.

He lost track of time, eventually growing numb to the intense heat.

At that moment, Jared's bones had transformed, now crystalline and emerald-like, radiating an aura of ancient


“You reckless fool, this is not how one should cultivate! Whether you're tempering your physical body or

practicing cultivation techniques, it must be done gradually, You used fire sources to refine your physical body

for an entire day and night. If not for your extraordinary physical resilience, your physical body would have been

incinerated, and your divine soul could have been utterly obliterated! If that had happened, what would become

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of me? You've kepton edge for an entire day and night,” Vermilion Demon Lord scolded, his tone a mix of

anger and concern.

“A whole day and night?” Jared was taken aback as he hadn't realized he had been tempering his physical body

for that long.

“Did anyone cby while | was tempering my physical body?” he asked anxiously.

If anyone discovered that he possessed five types of fire sources, especially the violaceus flof Violet Flame

Sect, it would spell trouble. The consequences would be dire.

“Rest assured, no one came. They probably think you'll need several days to recover,” Vermilion Demon Lord


Upon hearing that, Jared breathed a sigh of relief. “Good.”

Stepping out of his room, he noted that night had fallen.

The moonlight bathed Jared, giving his skin a faint, ethereal glow.

It was the outcof the fire sources’ tempering.

“The desert of the central region is scorching by day, yet surprisingly pleasant at night,” Jared mused, enjoying

the moonlight and gentle breeze that brought a sense of indescribable comfort.

With a relaxed demeanor, he decided to explore Violet FlSect, now that he was an inner court disciple with

access to various restricted areas.

At the inner court, he strolled and encountered no disciples guarding, allowing him to wander freely.

Soon, Jared found himself in a tranquil courtyard where an extraordinary amount of spiritual energy, laced with

traces of celestial energy, wafted through the air.

“This courtyard is far superior to Judd’s courtyard,” Jared muttered, pushing open the gate and stepping inside.

In the serene courtyard, a plethora of celestial flora flourished, surrounding a spiritual energy pool brimming with

spiritual water, emitting a luminous mist that danced in the air.

The mist, infused with spiritual energy, revealed the spiritual energy pool's abundance, enriched further by

celestial energies.

Whose courtyard is this? To possess such a spiritual energy pool is truly opulent!

Jared pondered inwardly, surveying his surroundings. Yet, no one seemed to inhabit the space.

Not even a trace of another's presence lingered.


Since no soul dwells here, | shall

indulge in a bath within this sacr

ii * (Aref de

spiritual energy aoK reddeclared,

shedding his garments before

gracefully descending into the

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spiritual energy pool. The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Enveloped by the billowing mist, Jared experienced a profound sense of tranquility.

Without hesitation, he initiated Focus

Technique, absorhing (he copivbs'

- / fe: : :

spirituaterid delestial energies. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

Having stumbled upon this spiritual energy pool, Jared harbored no reservations in utilizing its gifts.

The ascension to even a minor

cultivation level demanded vast

resources Hence) Joréd was

r&sdived to seize every opportunity

available. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!