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A Love Reawakened The Alpha’s Regret by Alphabetical B

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83 56% Darius POV #Danger is looming. The Eagles are now overstepping onto the grounds. The vultures had circled the huts. Pythons are coiling in the crops, I would've asked you to wishgood luck but none can save me. Stay safe. At least, one of us should survived B A deep frown was plastered on my face and I could feel the skin of my forehead folding together. I gripped the mouse under my palm I could hear it breaking. My eyes were glued to the screen as I tried to make sense of Mason's email to me. It was sent two nights ago, the night I'd followed Angela to the funeral. I was so immersed in work I didn't have the opportunity to look through my email yesterday. I was only able to sit for an hour to go through my email when i saw his message.

I clenched my teeth. I s na ched my phone from the box I had placed it early to avoid distraction. In the process, all the contents of the box fell to the ground. Fignored them. I dialed Mason's phone number but nothing. He didn't pick up. At spoint, the call stopped connecting and I'd lost count of the number of times I'd called his phone.

The email was not so straightforward based on his words but it was clear. Mason was in danger and I have no bo o d y idea of what could be happening. I tried dialing other members of the pack but it wasn't connecting at all.

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By the tI'd dialed over twenty separate numbers, I decided to call the Alpha whose pack was closest to Mason's. He was a good friend of ours as well. He picked on the second ring "Alpha Jamil, this is Darius" "Alpha Darius," he sounded alert and surprised.

"I've been trying to reach out to Mason to no avail. Are you perhaps close to his pack?" He went silent for a few seconds. "Alpha-Jamil," I called out again before staring at the screen of the phone to see if the call was still ongoing.

"You didn't know," he asked rhetorically.

"Know what?" ou might have heard. Alpha Mason's pack was attacked a few days ago," "I thought you I found myself rising from my seat. I know something must've happened for Mason to send that type of email but I didn't want to believe. I would've preferred if it was a prank and not otherwise.

"Attacked?" "It was horrible, Alpha Darius. They left nothing unturned and almost everyone was massacred, I don't know the current state of Alpha Mason but the pictures sof my warriors brought back were gory," Listed my hand as my heart clenched, I was breathing heavily and my head pounded. Mason's pack was as well my pack. His people were my people.

"Who attacked them?" "I have no idea, Alpha. The attack happened at night, there was no way we could have known. No one is coming forward to claim they were behind the attack. We haven't heard from anyone as well. Every other pack in this region is trying as much as possible to increase security. If that pack could be ruined and brought to nothing, packs like mine and others wouldn't have...

I dropped the phone call. He wasn't being helpful and I wasn't ready to keep listening to him talk about irrelevant things. It was as if I'd been stabbed in the chest. I was in so much pain I couldn't express it.

☐55% Chapter 83 "Something must be done," it was useless trying to sit back and wallow in pain when I could be out there searching for my brother. Mason was usually the one with the information, not me. For the first time, I felt useless. If no one was coming forward to say they were behind the attack, that means it wouldn't be the last attack. Something bigger was coming.

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As I walked out of my office to pack a few of my things and visit the pack first to see the situation of things, I met Azalea on the way.

"What's going on, Alpha? You don't look too good. You could kill someone," I turned to him with a sharp glare. "Mason is missing. The pack was attacked and currently, there is no news of any survivor," His face constricted and I saw his jaws clenched.

"Who did it?" "Believe me, if I knew who did, I would've called for help from the other Alphas and walked on their blood," "What do we do?" "We go back hfirst," I responded, "When?" "Preferably tonight," I wanted to walk away but I turned back to him, "have you seen Angela?" "Madam is at the Silicon restaurant with Dr. Zack," I growled as soon as I heard the name, Dr. Zack. What for heavens sake was Angela doing with that d? I know I invited him into the pack myself but that was one of the decisions I regret the most in my life. He could get involved in anything but not my woman.

Clouded with anger and disgust, I marched towards the restaurant. I stood by the window side and watched him and Angela laughing and talking oblivious ofor other people.

Squinting my eyes a bit, I waited for Angela to look out through the window. When she finally did, she stared atfor a few minutes and her eyes went wide. I tried mind-linking with her the sway I'd done since I marked her but it didn't work. It never did! That had always mademore curious about her woll I walked into the restaurant and stood beside them. I leaned towards Angela by resting my hand on the table and looking straight at Zack.

"Go home, Angela," "Darius, you can't...' a** up and get home," I mumbled. I wasn't about to cause a scene.