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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 272  Dawnstone City
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Chapter 272  Dawnstone City

After landing, Archer opened a portal, and the two girls appeared with the Sparrows.

Greeting the girls with a kiss, Talila observed and shook her head, while Darius disapproved of how the boy treated her.

Archer, however, didn't stop there; he approached the elf and planted a kiss on her cheek. In response, she stepped back and scolded him.

"Why are you kissing me, you lust-filled dragon? You already have two of my aunts, and now you want me to? You're shameless," Talila stated firmly.

His smile grew wider upon hearing the girl's fiery words, and he moved even closer. He placed his hand on her waist, prompting Darius to interject, "Leave her alone. It's clear she isn't interested in you."

Archer looked up at the lion demi-human, his grin undeterred, as he retorted, "Well, cat, she seems to enjoy it, given that she has the strength but doesn't push me away."

At his words, Talila huffed and moved away, causing the girls to giggle.

Darius's frustration mounted, and he stated firmly, "You're just being a pervert. Why would she want to be with someone five years younger than her?"

Archer started to laugh which irritated the man further, but he didn't back down and asked the lion man. "Well, why don't we ask the woman herself? Let's find out who she'll choose: a dragon or a cat."

His girls burst into laughter, while the Sparrows regarded Darius with disappointment etched on their faces.

He turned to Talila, who had been observing the scene. He asked her directly, "Tali, between me and the dragon, who would you rather marry?"

Caught off guard by the question, Talila looked like a deer caught in headlights.

Meanwhile, Archer wore a knowing smile, and Hemera's expression indicated that she was aware of her niece's choice.

The elf hesitated, nervous to answer. She started to walk away, but Cecelia and Teuila stepped in, urging her to put an end to this one-sided feud once and for all.

Talila knew whom she wanted to marry, yet she refrained from revealing it to deny him the satisfaction. Still, she recognized the need for resolution.

After some contemplation, she turned to Cecelia and said, "I'd marry Archer, but not anytime soon. He annoys me."

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Hearing this, Darius lost his temper and started arguing with Archer. "You're a playboy. You don't care about Talila."

Archer grinned before his violet eyes turned to the elf and blew her a kiss which caused her to look away.

But before he could look at Darius again, the man lunged at the smirking dragon, who easily evaded him.

He swiftly gave the man a firm smack on the back of his head, sending him crashing to the ground. Archer chuckled as he looked down at him.

Darius quickly got back on his feet, spinning around to confront Archer. However, he was already right there, using his tail to sweep Darius's legs out from under him.

In a matter of moments, Archer incapacitated him with a series of slaps, rendering him unconscious.

Standing up, he muttered to himself, "Too easy. But I did catch you off guard."

Approaching with a cautious smile, Feyra said to him, "Thanks for not seriously harming him. Jealousy got the best of him when you and Tali met. He's changed since then."

Radyn chimed in, "Yeah, he's held onto the bitterness for years over it. But it's not your fault. Talila wouldn't have been interested in him anyway."

Archer nodded in understanding before making them an offer. "I can open a portal to Vessia City if you'd like. I don't want to be around him."

Novius concurred, saying, "I agree. We should take Darius back and help him move past this."

Radyn, Feyra, and Cecelia all agreed as well, but Talila hesitated until she heard Novius's voice once more. "You can travel with Archer and meet up with us in Vessia City if you want."

Stepping forward with a smile, Cecelia said, "We knew you were adventuring to help your tribe, and now that it's completed, you can travel with him to get to know your future husband."

The other Sparrows voiced their agreement. Just before Talila could respond, Archer produced some bracelets and handed one to each member.

Curious, they wondered what they were for, and he enlightened them. "These will allow you to teleport to a specific area in my domain. I'll create a resting place for you, so you don't have to worry about accommodations and can meet up with Talila whenever you'd like."

Talila and the others smiled as they accepted the gesture. She turned to him with a smile, but he could see her cheeks were slightly red.

Archer opened a portal to Vessia, and the Sparrows carried the sleeping Darius through it. After closing the portal, they continued their journey and soon spotted a distant large city.

During their journey, Archer talked with Nefertiti, who would be back the next day. Hecate wanted to visit a city for potion ingredients.

Hemera arrived, smiling, and looked around, spotting the city in the distance. They continued and soon saw carriages and fellow travelers on the road.

As Archer and the girls neared the city's outskirts, a stunning sight unfolded before them. A massive stone wall surrounded the city, its imposing presence towering into the sky.

The sun's rays cast dramatic shadows on its surface, highlighting the grandeur of the fortifications.

At the heart of the wall loomed an impressive gate, flanked by two towering guard towers.

Intricate carvings and exquisite embellishments adorned it, bearing witness to meticulous craftsmanship.

Tall banners, proudly displaying the city's emblem, gracefully danced in the breeze, providing a captivating contrast against the rugged stone backdrop.

Archer noticed the soldiers' vigilance as they inspected the merchants' cargo at the front of the line.

Their armor glistened in the sunlight as they stood guard at the entrance to Dawnstone. It took an hour of waiting until the group reached the front.

The guards took a look at them and let them through with a wave. Once inside, they started looking around.

Archer saw that the buildings were made from sandstone and decorated in vibrant colors, reflecting a rich cultural heritage.

Tall minaret-like structures reached toward the sky, while bustling market stalls lined the streets, offering an array of goods.

The aroma of exotic spices filled the air, and the sound of distant music played softly in the background.

Colorful fabrics and tapestries hung from the windows and balconies, creating a picturesque and lively atmosphere.

Hemera turned toward him, her lips curved into a delighted smile as she asked, "Could we visit the bookstore, Arch?"

Archer surveyed their surroundings before responding, "Definitely, Hem. Is there anything specific the rest of you are interested in doing?"

Each girl considered his question, but it was Ella who spoke up first, "I'm looking to purchase more ingredients for cooking and perhaps some additional arrows."

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Acknowledging her request with a nod, he turned to the others, who seemed open to various possibilities. Talila, however, also expressed her intention to acquire arrows and potions.

The group collectively decided to prioritize finding the bookstore, setting out on an exploratory journey.

During their walk, Archer noticed numerous stalls offering an assortment of meats, a sight that pleased him and prompted him to make several purchases.

After an hour of exploration, their search bore fruit as they stumbled upon their destination. They all took a moment to read the shop sign: "Kaya's Spellvault."

Entering the store, they were greeted by the familiar sight of a traditional bookshop, with rows of shelves. An elderly man sat comfortably behind the counter.

Archer and Hemera eagerly embarked on their quest to find books, while Ella and Sera began their own search among the shelves.

Teuila and Talila watched as the four carefully combed through the shelves, eventually accumulating a pile of spellbooks on the counter.

The old man appeared intrigued, his interest piqued by the sight of these youngsters and their growing book collection.

Observing Archer's approach, he inquired, "What are you and these young ladies doing, my boy?"

Archer turned to the old man, answering, "We're buying books and selecting spells we'd like to learn."

Turning to the two observing girls, he instructed, "You two, pick out some books for the library."

They nodded and set to work, while the old man introduced himself, "I'm Hakan Kaya, the owner of this shop."

Archer exchanged greetings, saying, "I'm Archer."

Hakan smiled before glancing at the six girls, who were now browsing his shop and selecting dozens of books.

After a while, they returned with their chosen books, and Hakan began counting the collection.

Finally, he addressed Archer, saying, "The cost is 1100 gold pieces. You've gathered over two hundred spellbooks, some of which are quite rare."

Archer retrieved a large pouch and handed it over, watching as Hakan stored the books in his Item Box.

Once all the books were gone he bid farewell to Hakan and left the shop, the group started searching for a weapon shop to buy Ella and Talila some arrows.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]