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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 260 Mother
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As Archer, the girls, and Sparrows ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, a sight emerged on the horizon that caught their attention.

In the distance, nestled among the towering trees, a village seemed to have sprung forth as an extension of the very forest itself.

Archer's eyes widened with amazement as he beheld the remarkable sight. The village was a blend of natural elements and artistic craftsmanship.

Elaborate treehouses, intricately carved from the living wood, rose gracefully into the sky, their branches interwoven with those of the forest.

The structures seemed to meld seamlessly with the surrounding trees, becoming one with the landscape.

As they drew closer, the details became more apparent. Leafy vines adorned the dwellings, their vibrant greens contrasting beautifully against the earthy tones of the wood.

Lush gardens spilled over with a riot of colorful flowers, their petals swaying gently in the breeze.

Archer's steps slowed as he took in the scene, his violet eyes tracing the pathways that wound through the village.

Lanterns made from delicate glass orbs emitted a soft, warm glow, casting enchanting patterns of light and shadow on the ground.

However, something struck Archer as strange. The villagers appeared visibly depressed and malnourished, their bodies alarmingly thin.

Approaching Talila, he asked a question, "Tali, what is wrong with this village? Why do they look so depressed."

She turned toward him, a sad smile appearing on her face as she responded, "The tribe is facing hardships, struggling to get enough food. And with winter coming, things are going to get worse.''

His gaze shifted to the girls, he watched them as they spoke to the village children and handed them snacks from their storage rings.

This intrigued him, prompting him to ask the elf another question, "But in a village without men, how are there children here?"

Before Talila could reply, an older woman chimed in, her voice carrying years of wisdom, "We welcome outsiders who lend aid to the tribe. This practice was altered years after Fabia's arrival."

Archer's attention was drawn to a tall woman possessing dark hair and eyes, an aura of leadership surrounding her.

He soon noticed the spark of recognition in Talila's eyes upon seeing the woman. With a respectful bow, Talila addressed her, "Matriarch, it warms my heart to see you again."

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The woman returned the gesture with a smile as she looked at the girl. "And you as well, after six long years. The gold you sent our way has been a true blessing."

While Talila acknowledged the sentiment, Archer shifted his focus to the pressing issue, asking, "I was informed that your tribe is facing food shortages. How dire is the situation? How long can you last?"

The woman gazed at him and responded, "Three months."

Archer nodded, his mind already churning with thoughts about the potential usefulness of a skilled group of bow-wielding warrior women.

Seizing the opportunity to introduce an unexpected proposition, he spoke words that likely caught Talila and the tribe off guard.

"Would you consider relocating the tribe if there existed another place, one abundant in food and safety?"

The Matriarch looked suspicious as she listened. Her eyes carefully studied him. But then she saw the five girls nodding in agreement.

Her doubt started to fade, replaced by curiosity. She answered carefully, "Yes if things were like that, I'd think about moving the tribe."

He smiled and decided to talk about it after helping. "We'll talk more about this after we help Fabia."

She nodded too, showing she agreed. She led the group deeper into the village.

Meanwhile, the Sparrows stayed in the village square, and Archer's girls went back to the domain to wait for him.

Archer, Talila, and the Matriarch headed toward a treehouse located on the village's edge.

Climbing the walkway, they entered the treehouse where two women were tending to a slumbering moon elf.

Upon seeing her, Archer couldn't help but notice that she bore a striking resemblance to Menelaus.

Drawn to her sleeping form, he gently approached. She appeared to be in a deep slumber. He reached out, placing his hand on her forehead, and cast Cure Wounds.

A brilliant light surrounded her, accompanied by faint sounds emanating from her body but she didn't wake up.

Archer chose to look through his library for healing spells. He turned to Talila and said, "I'll be back soon, Tali."

In a hurry, he opened a portal and entered his library, and began searching, storing the spells he already had in his Item Box as he did.

In the midst of his search, Hemera entered the library, when she spotted him it caused her to smile but she quickly asked, "Looking for something, Arch?"

Meeting her gaze, Archer explained, "I'm in search of a healing spell to help Talila's mother."

Hemera's nod signaled her understanding. A specific book came to mind, causing her to navigate toward a particular shelf.

She got the book and passed it to him. Reading the title, Archer confirmed, "Aurora Healing."

He showed gratitude to Hemera with a hug and then created a portal to Talila's treehouse. Upon reappearing, the Matriarch took a step back.

Ignoring her reaction, he started reading aloud, explaining to the two. After an hour and a half, a notification appeared.

[Aurora Healing Learned]

Archer's face lit up with a smile as he grasped the newfound knowledge. Rising to his feet, he walked over to the slumbering woman and gently laid his hand on her forehead.

He cast his new spell, Aurora Healing. The soft radiance spread from his hand, casting a soothing glow that danced across her body.

Talila's gaze was locked on her mother, a mixture of hope and anxiety evident in her eyes. The Matriarch stood by, her expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

Moments passed, and the air filled with a sense of stillness as the mana worked its way through Fabia's form.

Then, as if in response to the magic's touch, Fabia's eyelids fluttered ever so slightly. A faint sigh escaped her lips, and a serene expression graced her features.

Gradually, her breathing deepened, becoming more regular, as if the healing magic was weaving its mending threads throughout her body.

Aurora-colored tendrils of light danced gently around Fabia, illuminating her with a soothing radiance.

The room seemed to hold its breath, as if time itself had slowed down to witness this moment of rejuvenation.

And then, with a soft and peaceful exhalation, Fabia's eyes slowly opened. Her gaze was unfocused at first as if she was emerging from a dream.

Clarity returned to her eyes, and her focus settled on the concerned faces surrounding her.

Talila's breath caught as she witnessed her mother waking up. Tears of relief and joy welled up in her eyes.

"Mother?" she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

Fabia's lips curled into a gentle smile, her voice soft but clear as she replied, "Talila... my dear, is that you?"

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She nodded, her tears now freely flowing. "Yes, Mother, it's me. You're safe now."

Stepping back, he felt a rush of satisfaction. The spell had done its job, and Fabia was awake.

When he saw the two reunite he felt a bit of jealousy but remembered his Mother from Earth and smiled. 'I hope they are all okay.'

He couldn't help but hate Larka even more for how she treated him, especially when he remembered his past life.

That's when he saw Fabia's gaze shift to him, gratitude shining in her eyes. "You... you healed me," she murmured.

Archer nodded a warm smile on his lips. "Yes, with the help of a healing spell. You're safe now, Fabia."

Overwhelmed by the emotions of the moment, Fabia reached out a weak hand towards Talila, who eagerly took it in her own.

Their fingers intertwined a tangible connection reaffirming their bond. Archer watched the mother and daughter pair.

He decided to sort out the tribe's new village and get away from the motherly love he witnessed.

Archer stood up and told them he will be back soon as he opened up a portal to the domain. He wanted to help the tribe for Talila and give them somewhere to thrive.

Emerging on one of the balconies, he summoned his wings and soared towards a nearby mountain, swiftly traversing over the domain to reach his destination.

He hovered over the forest and closed his eyes as he started imagining a village built into the forest with treehouses, fields for food, and other essentials.

After doing this for a while he descended to the forest floor and took a look at his new creation.

He saw many elaborate treehouses, like enchanting sanctuaries nestled among the branches, their construction a harmonious fusion of artistry and nature.

Archer's eyes widened with amazement as he took in the scene.

The village appeared as if it had been born of the very forest itself, each structure meticulously crafted to coexist with the towering giants that surrounded it.

The treehouses ascended gracefully, their wooden forms rising toward the sky, connected by rope bridges and walkways that intertwined through the canopy.

He saw dwellings adorned with leafy vines and flower-filled balconies, each a celebration of the vibrant life that thrived within the forest's embrace.

Lush gardens spilled over with an abundance of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, showcasing the ingenuity of those who had cultivated this verdant haven.

Archer was happy with what he had done, now it was time to return to the treehouse to tell the Matriarch.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]