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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 250 Breakfast Will Be Ready Soon
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Teuila motioned for Archer to come closer, and when he did she handed him a wooden sword from her storage ring and explained. ''I will be teaching you how to use it properly.''

Archer nodded his head as he took it and stepped backward.

Under the beautiful moonlight, a grassy clearing stretched out before Archer and Teuila. Tall trees stood as silent witnesses, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze.

Hemera, Ella, and Nefertiti came out of the tent and sat on a log, watching with interest as the ocean princess prepared to train him in the art of swordsmanship.

She stood before Archer, her stance confident and her wooden practice sword held firmly in her grip. Her gaze was steady, and her determination was evident.

"Alright, Arch," she said with a smirk. "Time for your first lesson in swordplay. We'll start with the basics."

Archer nodded, his eyes fixed on the practice sword in her hands. He was eager to learn, he was excited to finally learn, especially from her.

Teuila demonstrated the proper way to hold a sword, her movements fluid and precise.

"Hold the grip like this," she instructed, positioning his hands correctly. "Your dominant hand goes here, and your other hand goes here for better control."

Archer adjusted his grip as she showed him, feeling the weight of the practice sword in his hands.

"Good," Teuila nodded. "Now, your stance. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, one foot slightly forward. This gives you balance and stability."

He mirrored her stance, his body tensed with anticipation.

"Remember, Arch, swordsmanship is not just about swinging a weapon. It's about control, finesse, and strategy," Teuila explained. "Your body and mind must work together."

She began with basic drills, guiding Archer through simple movements. They practiced the fundamental strikes and parries, the sound of their wooden swords clashing filling the air.

"Focus on your breathing," Teuila advised. "Inhale as you prepare, exhale with each strike. It helps you maintain control."

Archer did as she said, letting his body relax as he got into the practice routine. Teuila's moves were both graceful and strong, showing how skilled she was.

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She demonstrated different techniques, showcasing the artistry of swordplay. Archer watched with admiration, eager to emulate her.

"Now, let's work on your footwork." She said, guiding Archer through a series of steps and maneuvers. "Move with purpose, but stay light on your feet. You should be able to pivot and change direction quickly."

He stumbled a few times, but Teuila's patient guidance helped him find his footing. As the training continued, she introduced more advanced techniques.

She taught him how to anticipate his opponent's moves, and how to counter and disarm. Archer absorbed every lesson.

Time seemed to slip away as Archer and Teuila immersed themselves in the training. Their movements became more fluid, their strikes more precise.

"Very good, Arch," Teuila praised after a particularly well-executed series of strikes. "You're a quick learner."

Archer grinned, a sense of accomplishment swelling within him.

"Remember, swordsmanship is a dance," Teuila said, her voice taking on a poetic tone. "Each movement flows into the next, creating a symphony of steel and skill."

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Teuila called for a break. Archer's muscles were tense, his body aching from the exertion, but he felt exhilarated.

Sitting down on the log with the rest of the girls, Teuila wiped her brow and took a swig of water. "You did well today, Arch. Swordplay is not easy, but you're on the right path."

Archer smiled when he heard her praise, he gave back her training weapon as they made their way back to the tent.

The five entered and started to relax as he started eating some of the food he bought from the Zenia Empire.

He quickly fell asleep after laying down. The girls started watching him with smiles on their faces.

Teuila turned to Hemera and spoke. ''How has he been? Did he behave himself?''

She nodded. "He has been fine. We went to a city and visited the adventurers' guild to buy some spellbooks for the library."

The four girls exchanged nods and began conversing among themselves. After talking for a while, they all retired to their beds.

The next morning, Archer woke up with a yawn and realized he was on the sofa. He stood up and stretched, cracking his back.

Looking around, he noticed that the tent was quiet. Roaming around, Archer found the girls sleeping in their respective rooms.

Archer soon realized that it was extremely early and decided to go hunt for bandits while they slept.

He cast Cleanse on himself and changed into a fresh set of clothes before stepping out of the tent.I think you should take a look at

When Archer walked outside he saw the Stone Men standing guard with odd beast corpses all over the place.

He cast Stone Warden and summoned a group of small agile Stone Men, Archer ordered them to loot all the hearts and bring them to him.

They nodded their stone heads and rushed off to complete his order, after half an hour they returned and gave him 300 beast hearts.

Archer ordered the smaller ones to guard the tent and left a message for the girls. He summoned his wings and flew in search of the bandits.

He knew they were in the Elaios Forest and decided to clear out the bandits first then go for the slave camp.

After flying for a little while he stopped in mid-air and hovered there, he activated his Aura Detector.

Archer started scanning the forest and picked up pings from a mile away, he made his way there.

He flew for ten minutes and arrived at a large camp, Archer dive-bombed the first bandit he saw and decapitated him as a rush of adrenaline  kicked in.

Once he did that he landed in the middle of the camp, shocking all the men that were there. He had a massive smile on his face as he looked at all of them.

Archer unleashed Chain Lightning. The night lit up with a blinding flash, and a loud boom followed as a violet lightning bolt shot from his hand.

They split and raced through the air in a stunning display of power. The bandits were taken aback, their eyes wide with astonishment as the electric energy surged toward them.

The violet lightning jumped from one bandit to another, creating chaos they couldn't avoid.

Crackling bolts hit their marks hard, making bodies convulse and smoke rise from burnt clothes.

Chaos engulfed the camp as bandits shouted and scrambled, desperately evading the assault.

Archer's concentration remained unbroken, his countenance resolute as he manipulated the Chain Lightning.

His spell continued its frenzied dance amongst the bandits, akin to puppetry, each bolt homing in on a fresh target with destructive fervor.

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The scent of ozone pervaded the night air, mingling with the bandits' frantic cries that reverberated through the tumultuous scene.

Amidst the aftermath of the electrifying onslaught, a handful of bandits managed to regroup, their faces etched with fear and anger.

Archer, his eyes gleaming with resolve, stepped forward as he raised his hand to cast another new spell he wanted to try out.

''Soul Sunder.''

Heavy darkness filled the air, sending a shiver through the camp as his presence seemed to draw upon the dark void.

A shadowy tendril extended from Archer's hand, reaching toward the nearest bandit. Fear widened the man's eyes as the tendril touched him, and his cries were silenced.

Instantly, his life force was drained, leaving behind a lifeless shell. The other bandits exchanged uneasy looks, understanding the danger they faced.

He continued to channel the dark magic, sending forth more tendrils that sought out their victims with deadly accuracy.

One by one, the bandits fell, their souls torn asunder and absorbed into the void. Their agonized screams echoed through the night, a haunting symphony of despair.

The camp that had once been a haven for lawlessness and cruelty was now a graveyard of shattered spirits and broken bodies.

Archer replicated his earlier strategy, invoking Stone Warden and conjuring a dozen diminutive Stone Men.

He once again instructed them to thoroughly scavenge the bandits' camp, even collecting their hearts. Settling onto a nearby log, he took a seat.

After an hour, the Stone Men returned, bearing chests brimming with treasures along with thirty hearts. Archer stored the spoils within his Item Box, dismissing the Stone Men afterward.

As his wings expanded, he readied himself for flight; however, Sera's voice reached him just as he began to ascend. "Where are you, Arch?"

Upon hearing her voice, he cast Gate that led directly to the tent. Moving through it with agility, he landed inside with graceful precision.

Dismissing his wings, Archer entered the tent, where three of the girls were comfortably lounging in their nightgowns.

Ella and Hemera were in the kitchen. As he entered, Ella turned her head towards him, a smile gracing her lips as she spoke, "Breakfast will be ready soon."

He nodded in acknowledgment and warmly greeted each of the girls with a gentle kiss on their foreheads before taking a seat.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]