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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana)

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 No Other Way

As soon as Bernice announced she was in love and that her boyfriend was Finnegan, silence descended over the


Jennifer’s expression grew taut, but she knew she could not stop her.

Finnegan was slightly surprised by Bernice’s sudden announcement but more so moved. He knew she would be

incurring her grandparents’ wrath by making their relationship known at such a time.

Sure enough, Bruce smashed a cup on the floor after a moment’s silence, his face as black as thunder. “Bernie, I’ll

pretend this never happened, so let Finnegan leave the room. Everyone here is a member of the Zimmerman

family. It’s not appropriate for an outsider to be here.”

Millicent said frostily, “Stop this nonsense. Hurry up and tell that outsider to leave.”

“Bernice, it’s your grandfather’s seventieth birthday today, so let’s not upset him. Besides, as part of this family,

your grandparents should be the ones who decide who you should date,” Sapphire piped up.

“Yes, that’s right. Today is a day for celebration. You should stop joking around.” The rest of the Zimmerman family

also started persuading her, clearly trying to team up and pressure her into kicking Finnegan out.

“Have you said enough?” Bernice seemed to have changed into a completely different person at that moment. She

wore an icy look on her beautiful face.

The atmosphere in the room instantly became tense, and Bruce’s expression darkened even. further.

Nonetheless, Bernice did not care how they felt. She said coldly, “First of all, I don’t like to joke around. Second, I’m

willing to take the advice of our family’s elders regarding company and family affairs. And third, it’s my freedom to

have a boyfriend. No one can interfere with


Hugging Finnegan’s arm tighter, she continued, “He’s my boyfriend now. I’m here not to discuss the matter but

merely to inform you. If you insist on saying he’s an outsider and want him to leave, I’ll leave with him.”

Finnegan gazed at her even more tenderly. Over ninety percent of the average women would choose to put the

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man they love in a tough spot when under pressure from their family. However, even though Bernice’s entire family

opposes our relationship, she staunchly defends me and stands by my side. With a girlfriend like her, what else can

I possibly ask for?

Just then, Queenie rose to her feet. “Bernice, as a Zimmerman who grew up under the



family’s favor and care, are you going to disobey Grandpa and Grandma like this? Are you planning on severing ties

with the family?”

Timothy also stood up. “You should be grateful for the kindness our family has showered. over you all these years.

Hurry up and apologize to Grandpa and Grandma!”

The siblings sounded as though they were chiding Bernice, but Finnegan could sense their intention to sow discord.

Turning to look at Bruce and Millicent, he noticed they looked slightly more upset. A trace of amusement flashed in

his eyes. It appears these two harbor ill will toward Bernice.

Bernice maintained a calm demeanor before the pair. “Indeed, I was blessed with the family’s resources while

growing up. However, I don’t feel I still owe the family much. That’s because since I became the CEO, I’ve more

than doubled Firebird Group’s market value, and its annual profit has tripled. Who here, including Grandpa, hasn’t

benefited from my contributions? Do you think your current annual dividend would have increased by at least

twofold without me? Stop saying I owe the family something. I’ve already repaid the family manyfold in my own

way. Also, don’t try to curb my freedom or guilt-trip me. At most. I’ll cut all ties with this family.”

Everyone’s expressions shifted. While they were still in disbelief over how unyielding Bernice was being, she turned

to gaze at Finnegan tenderly. “Whatever it is, nobody can stop me from being with him, not even my parents.”

In other words, if even her biological parents could not deter her, the others had even less rights to do so.

Millicent’s body shook with rage, and she brought her palm down on the armrest. “Insolence! This is too much! You

were born a Zimmerman. Even if you die, you’ll still die a Zimmerman. You’ll never be able to repay our kindness.


“Do you truly want to be with Finnegan?” At that moment, Bruce stopped Millicent and narrowed his eyes at


“Yes,” Bernice replied.

Bruce raised his head slightly, a cunning look in his eyes. “Very well. Seeing how determined you are to be with him,

I’ll give you a chance. Otherwise, even if the two of you get married. I won’t recognize him as my grandson-in-law.

I’ll even kick you and your parents out of the family.”

Bernice paled a little. She could not care less if she had to cut ties with the Zimmerman family to be with Finnegan,

but she did not want to drag her parents into it.

Lowering her voice, Millicent said, “What are you saying, Bruce? Have you forgotten that we’ve promised–”


He stopped her mid-sentence again and continued,

Bernice took a deep breath, then answered with a firm look, “Tell me more.”

Bruce chuckled. “Excellent. As expected of my granddaughter, you’re not afraid to take risks. My proposal is

simple-double the profits for Firebird Group’s wine, food and beverage, and pharmaceutical businesses within three

months. If you succeed, I’ll acknowledge your relationship with Finnegan. But if you fail, you’ll have to end things

with him and do as I say.”

Millicent, who could not wrap her head around Bruce’s sudden change in attitude at first, and the others present

smirked, whereas Jennifer looked worried.

Firebird Group dabbled in various industries, but the wine, food and beverage, and pharmaceutical businesses were

its’ mainstays. It had taken Bernice and Patrick five years to double those businesses’ profits, so how was she

supposed to repeat that in just three months? After all, the higher a company’s valuation, the harder it is for that

company to double its profits.


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of that, there was also the crucial issue that Firebird Group was facing some difficulties. It would be good enough if

she managed to ensure neither of those three businesses were affected under such circumstances, so how would it

be possible to increase profits?

Naturally, Bernice was well aware of that. She also understood Bruce was deliberately making things difficult for

her. However, after giving it some thought, she replied, “Grandpa, I know what you’re thinking, but it doesn’t

matter. I agree with your proposal. I’ll make you accept Finnegan.”

Then, she left the reception room while holding onto Finnegan’s arm. There was no reason for her to stay any


“Jennifer, you and the rest should also head out first. The guests will all be here soon, so go help to welcome them,”

Bruce said calmly, masking the anger in his eyes.

He wielded absolute authority in the family, and the others dared not disobey him. One after another, they got up

and left.

When he and Millicent were finally alone, the latter gave him a thumbs up. “You’re still as sly as ever, Bruce. This

way, we can be sure of making Bernice break up with Finnegan when the time comes and get together with Liam

Sable instead.”

Bruce sighed softly. “Bernie looks obedient, but in truth, she’s very rebellious. I had no other choice in this decision.

Aside from that, I also want to see what she’s capable of. So what if I let her go if she succeeds? That’ll just mean

the end of our family’s crisis.”

Millicent frowned. “What you mean is that we’ll do as she says if she succeeds? But you’ve already promised the

Sable family!”


Bruce nodded. “But does she have what it takes? That’s practically impossible. Get in touch with Bishop. When the

Sables arrive, bring them over first lest Mr. Sable proposes marriage on the spot and makes things awkward.

There’s no other way.”
