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6 Times a Day

Chapter 271 Playing The Long Game.
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Ron didn't go upstairs immediately when he returned home, so Susan was able to make herself calm down and look normal. Then she quickly cooked up some sweet potato, squash and black bean enchiladas. All four Plummers sat down to what appeared to be a completely ordinary dinner for them.

But appearances were deceiving. In fact, the air was unusually thick with intrigue and lust. Because Susan's oral work had been unexpectedly interrupted, both she and Alan felt like they had unfinished business. All Susan could think about was her son's erection, and how much she'd been enjoying licking and sucking it until Ron came home. And all Alan could think about was his mother's centerfold body, talented mouth, and sexy ways. Unless, of course, he was thinking about Katherine, Suzanne, Amy, Glory, Heather, Brenda, or the like. Not surprisingly, Brenda was on his mind a lot.

Both mother and son went out of their way to appear normal, but this in itself would have been a big clue for anyone who knew them well. They were trying too hard.

Ron was oblivious. Luckily, he carried the conversation along for them all, allowing Alan and Susan to just stare at him and nod for most of the meal.

Katherine, however, suspected something. She was very curious about the subtle vibes she was picking up between mother and son. Susan had hinted to her before dinner that there had been some kind of blow-up and Alan was in the "doghouse," but she hadn't learned any details. She had no idea where things stood between them now, especially since Susan didn't act mad at him, and the subtle sexual tension suggested that Susan was the opposite of upset with him. But there was nothing she could do at the moment to find out.

Ron's office colleagues were having a goodbye party for him that evening. Susan was supposed to go, but she claimed to have a stomach ache. Luckily, she was too nervous and excited to eat much at dinner, which gave some credence to her excuse.

The other three breathed a sigh of relief when Ron finally left for his party shortly after dinner. Maintaining a front of "normality" had become very stressful for them all. Susan could barely wait to get her son's boner back in her mouth. Unfortunately for her, there was no time for that. She needed to get dressed and get things ready for Brenda, who was due to arrive soon.

Katherine was still largely oblivious about the evening's plans. She knew that Brenda was coming over for the card game, and she had been invited to take part. Also, she'd heard some about how Brenda had learned the incest secret and that there was a plan for Alan to seduce her. But she didn't know any of the details yet.

Alan was able to dress very quickly, as men often do. So then it was left up to him to explain the rest of the plan to Katherine. He did so in her bedroom so she could select and change into a fancy yet highly revealing outfit while he was talking.

Alan had a lot to explain, and he was still at it when the doorbell rang indicating that Brenda had arrived. Suzanne had shown up a couple of minutes earlier, all dressed up and ready to go, so she let Brenda in while Susan and Katherine finished dressing up. That also gave Alan a little bit of time to at least mention the few important things he hadn't explained to Katherine yet.

He finished by asking her, "So, are you fully on board with our plan?"

"But of course! If it weren't for the incest secret danger aspect, I'd be uppity about it. Majorly, majorly uppity. Even now, I'm not exactly keen, since she's just too damn busty! But protecting the family comes first. So you can count on me."

"Phew! Thanks. You're the best!"

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She stopped what she was doing and pointed a finger at his chest. "I am, and don't you forget it. And YOU, Brother, you're a lucky, lucky dog. So damn lucky!"

"I know. You're not the first person to call me that lately. But hey, no time to talk. I'm gonna go down there and socialize."

"Okay. Knock her dead!"

Alan nearly stopped and stumbled halfway down the stairs when he got a good look at what Brenda was wearing. Luckily, he caught himself and remembered his aloof attitude.

Brenda was wearing a dress that would have looked nice enough on almost anyone else, but on her it was so provocative that it could start a riot. She considered this the first salvo in her campaign to get Alan to truly notice her and lust after her. She'd felt obliged to wear a coat over her outfit to cut down on the stares as she drove over to the Plummer house, particularly if she were to be involved in an accident or be stopped by a cop. But she took her coat off as soon as she arrived, leaving it in her car before approaching the Plummer's front door.

She was wearing a dark blue, sleeveless dress that came high up her neck, covering her torso except for a heart-shaped hole that exposed her cavernous cleavage. The really remarkable aspect was how skin-tight the dress was above the waist. Her protruding nipples could be seen so clearly that it was as if she wore nothing over them at all. They would have been noticeable even if her nipples weren't erect, but her anticipation to meet Alan meant they were very erect even before she walked in the door.

She wore a special bra designed to go with the dress. It was hard to see the bra straps, but one could if one looked carefully. She considered a bra essential, due to her support issues.

However, Brenda wanted Alan to know that she was more than just her boobs. She felt that she had a very nice bubble butt and nice legs, but they didn't get noticed much due to her cracking chest. So she'd picked a dress that was skin-tight down to her belt line, but then widened into an extremely short miniskirt. Her pussy and ass were only a couple of inches from starting to be exposed if she was standing still.

Suzanne had been talking to Brenda, but when Alan showed up, she found an excuse to go upstairs to tell Susan and Katherine about Brenda's daring outfit. She hoped to encourage them into wearing something even more daring in response. She also had plenty of her own clothes stored in Susan's room, and she decided to change into something that would blow Brenda's outfit away.

That left him with the task of keeping Brenda entertained while Susan, Katherine, and Suzanne had to dress up all over again.

Alan and Brenda made small talk. On the surface, it was pleasant enough. Alan was a little bit nervous, but he didn't feel outright intimidated, even though he was thrust into a one-on-one conversation with her unexpectedly soon. Supposedly he didn't know much about her yet, so it was easy enough for him to ask her basic questions about herself.

Since she was doing most of the talking, he was able to get into the mindset Suzanne had suggested for him. The most immediately obvious aspect of that was that he engaged in idle chatter with her as if she were perfectly ordinary looking. He couldn't help but glance at her ample chest from time to time, but compared to other men, his near non-stop focus on her face was practically insulting.

Brenda could see by an occasional glance at his shorts that he wasn't even getting aroused. He certainly would have, had he actually taken the time to truly look her body over. But by concentrating on her face and her words, there wasn't much visual stimulation to inspire him, so it wasn't that hard for him to keep willing his penis to stay flaccid.

Brenda was used to seeing erections sprout up like mushrooms after a rain wherever she went. It was almost comical when she strolled through a public place like a shopping center, to see so many men visibly double over or clutch at their groins as she went by. The few times Brenda hadn't gotten a reaction from a man, she'd assumed that he was gay. But she knew for a fact that Alan was a very horny heterosexual.

She'd long told herself that she wanted to be treated just like everyone else, and that she particularly detested how men spoke to her nipples instead of to her face. But now it was just the opposite: she wanted him to talk to her boobs! She was highly mindful of Suzanne's story about how he had no particular sexual interest in Brenda since he "didn't know her from Adam." The more she failed to get a reaction from him, the more she longed to change that. She found herself subtly rolling her shoulders and shifting the weight on her hips, causing her big tits to jiggle and sway.

And yet, the more obviously she tried to get him to look down, the more determined Alan was not to. He considered it a battle of wills of sorts. He was determined to win.

Brenda was frustrated beyond belief, so much so that she had trouble carrying the simple conversation. Already, she'd never wanted a man to want her more than she wanted Alan right now.

Brenda had been feeling awkward about wearing such a revealing outfit, but she felt much better after Susan and Katherine came downstairs too and she saw what they were wearing. Knowing that Ron wouldn't be home until late, warned of Brenda's sexy dress, and wanting to create a sexy atmosphere to help with Brenda's seduction, they'd dressed to the nines.

And then there was Suzanne, who certainly wasn't shy about looking and acting sexily. She also had the least to fear if Ron came home early, and she was determined not to be outdone by Brenda.

Everyone else's jaws dropped in near comic-book style when she walked down the stairs last. They saw that Suzanne wasn't so much wearing a dress as she had on a long, toga-like piece of cloth draped loosely about her form. It had been carefully taped at several strategic spots, or else her nipples and pussy would have been flashing them repeatedly as she walked. In deference to Brenda, she was also wearing a thong, thereby making it clear that at least certain sensitive areas were covered.

Brenda was amazed when she saw a big bulge rise in Alan's shorts within seconds of Suzanne's arrival. Her relief that the others were wearing very sexy outfits quickly turned into distress, if not even a kind of silent rage. She felt like she'd been completely outclassed. If she could have immediately dressed in a still far more revealing outfit she would have, but she had no such outfit to change into.

What she didn't know was that Alan had been deliberately forcing his penis stay flaccid with Brenda. Then, when the others showed up, he willed himself to get erect. Furthermore, he'd chosen to wear tight yet giving slacks and no underwear, so when he did get an erection, it couldn't have been any more obvious.

Her frustration grew because she'd been told by Susan that Alan's penis was ten inches long and unusually thick. She had figured that had to be an exaggeration, and it was, since the length was really just under eight inches. However, the bulge in his slacks was so substantial that now she found Susan's description completely believable. That suggested to her that all the other wild claims about how sexually impressive were most likely accurate as well.

Brenda was beside herself. She didn't know what to do. Despite all of the impressive things she'd heard from Susan and Suzanne about Alan in recent days, she'd fully expected that he'd be eating out of her hand before long, fawning over her and bringing her drinks in an attempt to impress her. She'd figured that such an outrageously sexy outfit as she was wearing simply couldn't miss.

Instead, he seemed to only have eyes for the three others.

Brenda had to fight not to blow her top. She was practically fuming, and it showed on her face. The fact that she couldn't say anything about it just frustrated her even more.

Alan could guess when she was so frustrated, and he was secretly pleased. He couldn't resist innocently asking her, "Is something wrong?"

Brenda forced herself to fake a smile. "No, nothing."

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"Clearly, there's something. I can read it on your face. Don't tell me you have a prudish disapproval of the other dresses."

She'd considered using that as an excuse, but now she couldn't. "No. I'd be the pot calling the kettle black. I guess I'm just not used to being, well, outshone by others."

He simply nodded in understanding. "There's a lot of that around here."

That pissed her off even more, because he all but confirmed that she was being outdone. But she kept her mouth shut.

Luckily, the card game got going quickly, and that diverted her attention for a while. They decided to play poker for starters, since Katherine didn't know the rules to many other games. They sat around the dining table in the dining room, since that was the logical place.

Alan announced that he wasn't interested in joining the game since he had some homework to do. But he also said that he'd stick around for a while to be sociable to their new guest.

His homework comment secretly frustrated Brenda even more. Here I am, acting like a groupie trying to impress a movie star. But he's just a kid! He's got homework to do because he's still in fucking HIGH SCHOOL! I've got to get a grip. I should just forget all about him and enjoy the evening.

But she couldn't forget him. The hype from Susan and Suzanne had her so intrigued that she had trouble just staying cool and collected.

Things proceeded according to Suzanne's plan. Susan, Suzanne, and Katherine asked Brenda lots of basic questions about herself, especially Katherine, since she knew the least about her. This was key, so Alan could have some material to plausibly work from when he hit Brenda with his seemingly amazing "insights" about her later.

Alan was great at playing aloof and hard to get. He was polite and interested in Brenda, but generally stayed quiet and enigmatic, as if he was always busy thinking. And he continued to only look at her face, even while he happily ogled the dramatic cleavage the others were showing.

Everyone knew that Brenda knew the incest secret, but there was kind of an unspoken understanding not to mention anything about that whatsoever. In fact, there was no sexual talk at all so far, despite the outrageously sexy outfits all the women were wearing.

Brenda felt like she was going crazy. She was frustrated beyond belief at how the evening was going. It seemed like her attempt to get Alan to change his mind about her was a complete flop.

By and by, Suzanne decided that the conversation about Brenda had gone on long enough. She didn't want Brenda to reveal too much about herself just yet, because that could blunt the impressive "insights" Alan was supposed to make later. As a result, she made an excuse to go to the kitchen to prepare some snacks with Katherine and Susan.

It was time for Alan to have his one-on-one talk with Brenda. This was the focus of Suzanne's recent training and advice. Alan started to feel a bit anxious, but then he remembered to pretend he was just an actor in a play. He also told himself that Suzanne had put him in a situation where he truly couldn't fail. That really helped.

Before Suzanne left to the kitchen, she said, "This may take a while because we didn't have any time to prepare things in advance. Sweetie, I want you to take Brenda to the living room so she won't see how us elves work behind the scenes. Keep her entertained with lively conversation, you hear?"

He nodded.