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6 Times a Day

Chapter 265 Dangerous Teasing [DM Sponsored]
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About the only times that Alan had been to Suzanne's pool area was when there were dinners there involving both families, or when he passed through it on the way to use the Pestridges' tennis court, which was out back and on a lower level, away from both the house and the pool. The Plummer house was the social place to be, which meant the Plummer pool got much, much more use (even though it didn't have a hot tub and the Pestridge one did).

The gate in the fences between their houses was also little used. Amy went through it often, but she was the only one. Suzanne usually felt it was more dignified to come and go through front doors, and Brad and Eric almost never came over any more.

Suzanne and Alan walked in silence.

Suzanne had a big smile on her face as she walked hand in hand with him. She thought, Like taking candy from a baby. It's so easy to manipulate Susan, and of course I can do whatever I want with my Sweetie. I've never unleashed my full manipulative powers on her, since she is my best friend and a very moral person. But doing this is an exception, because it's what she really wants deep down. She's loving life! But I'm loving life even more these days. I might just go all the way with my Sweetie today, hee-hee-hee.

Not that I would, actually. The time isn't ripe, 'cos once I get started I'm gonna need it all the time, and Susan wouldn't be ready to hear about that. But I could if I wanted to. Everything is so close. It's all coming together!

She went into her house for a minute while she kept him waiting by the side of her pool. She wanted to double-check that no one else was home or would be back soon. After calling Eric on the phone and talking to him briefly, she walked back outside.

Standing next to Alan by the side of the pool, she took her bikini top off again, then revealed her real purpose. "Time to show you what to do, Mr. Pool Boy. There's not much to the job, actually."

He had a hard time paying attention to what she was saying because he was overcome by lust. Nevertheless, he stood there and waited for his orders.

She stood proudly before him, posing for him with her hands on her hips. One hand casually tugged at her minuscule bikini bottoms, pulling them to the side so he could see most of her bush.

He gushed enthusiastically, "Aunt Suzy, have I ever told you that you're a goddess?"

She laughed. "Yes, but not yet today, unfortunately."

"I'll have to make a daily habit of it then, because you are perfection."

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"I could think of worse daily habits, like smoking."

They were both all smiles, and Suzanne was particularly happy at the compliment.

But she then complained, "I'm not perfection. What about my blue veins?" She ran her hands over her exposed boobs, tracing some barely visible veins with her fingers. "Or how about the crow's feet around my eyes?"

He responded sincerely, "Every single thing about you is so sexy that the phrase 'bust a nut' is a literal worry for me. Just seeing you touch your boobs at any time," - she responded by doing just that - "it's like my cum is going to swell up and erupt from my dick."

She took her hand away with an exaggerated look of concern, like she could actually ruin his penis by touching herself there.

He smiled at her humor. "I love everything about you, inside and out. I even love your imperfections, because they're a part of the you that I've known and loved since I was a baby. Besides, your face doesn't look old at all; it looks sexy, experienced, and knowing."

She unconsciously licked her lips as she imagined an endless stream of cum flowing out of his dick like water flowing out of a garden hose. Damn, he's a charmer! This is why I love him! But she merely said, "You know how to make this ancient, ugly hag feel great."

"Hag?! Ancient?! UGLY?! Are you totally insane?! I take offense at all that. You're not allowed to call yourself such horrible names. I won't let you."

"My hero." She locked arms with him and clung to him tightly. Naturally, she took the opportunity to rub her nearly naked body up and down his muscular one. "But you're distracting me. I still haven't told you your job, Mr. Pool Boy. The first thing you have to do is get naked."

"Hmmm. That sounds interesting." He joked, "I will if you will."

She made a mock sigh. "If that's what it takes to get you to follow orders, then very well. As if I'm in danger of being overdressed as it is! But since you insist, let's do it both at once." Her hands went to her waist so she could remove the bikini bottoms, the only thing she still wore.

"Hey, wait a minute." He was enjoying this. "Are you sure this is legal? I say we have another vote on taking it off, now that we're in a different legal jurisdiction."

She laughed heartily. "Sure. All in favor of Suzanne and her Sweetie getting naked and naughty, raise their hands."

Suzanne and Alan raised both hands each, so four hands were in the air.

"All in favor of Susan's stupid, fuddy-duddy rules and keeping their clothes on, raise their hands." After a suitable pause with no hands to be seen, Suzanne said, "The motion carries, four to zero."

Alan pushed his shorts down to his ankles, revealing a proud erection.

But Suzanne waited with her bikini bottoms. Instead, she said, "Sweetie, I'll give you the honor of taking these off, but remember, we have to obey some rules, even without Susan here. Don't do anything unless I give the okay first, okay?"

"Okay." He could scarcely believe his luck. Taking advantage of the fact that he was naked, he stood right next to her and took his time taking her bikini bottoms off. Not only did he seize the opportunity to explore her crotch and butt as much as he thought he could get away with, but he also let his exposed erection rub up against her creamy, pale skin. Since the two of them were nearly the same height, it poked close to some dangerous areas.

"Hey, Sweetie, who gave you permission to do that?" she finally asked. She wasn't going to complain until she felt his cock rubbing up against her inner thigh, putting it within six inches of her slit. It left a little smear of pre-cum.

He was all smiles. "Do what? Take off your suit? You did."

"Don't play dumb. I'm talking about something hard and long rubbing against me."

He continued to rub his boner up and down her inner thigh as he took off her bikini with the speed of a snail. "Oh, you mean this?" He grabbed his erection with one hand and directed it even closer to her slit.

When she didn't say or do anything, he continued, "Technically, everything I'm doing here is part of taking off your bikini. You know I've always been one to take advantage of legal loopholes." He slid his stiffness between her legs, so it was rubbing the outside of her crotch. Then he began subtly dry humping her.

"All right, smart-ass, finish taking the damn thong off me already. I'm not worried about loopholes; it's you taking advantage of just plain holes that worries me more. What if your mother saw us like this? Mmmm!" In fact, she loved what he was doing, but she hoped to discourage him just enough so that he'd merely keep doing that and not get any bolder.

She moaned in pure delight, which undercut her admonishment. The pre-cum from his cock was now mixing with the dribble of fluid coming from her cunt, and she realized how easy it would be to allow him to slide forward just a little bit more. I love you so much, Sweetie! I won't be truly happy until you're balls-deep in me, pounding me hard with your big cock! But not today. So damn close, but not today!

Once the bikini bottoms were down below her knees and finally freed from one leg altogether, she lay back down on her lounge chair. They were getting too close to actual fucking for her to feel comfortable. She'd assumed that he would stop then, but he didn't.

He continued to hold her bikini bottoms in one hand as he brought them down her left ankle at a glacial pace. With Suzanne lying down, he began to rub his erection right on top of her clit.

Suzanne knew they were getting in extremely dangerous waters now. But she loved it so much that she found herself opening her legs wider and wider. Before long, she was completely splayed out and he loomed over her with his hard-on in the ideal position to begin fucking.

This is what I need! Sweetie, once I let you in there, I'm never gonna let you out! But please don't rub against my clit like that. That's my magic button that opens my legs wide. You keep doing that, and in another minute you'll have all eight inches inside me. Susan and her rules and punishments and prudishness can go hang! Ugh! God!

Alan was positively euphoric - he felt confident that he would finally get to fuck Suzanne, now that they were safely alone and their bodies were lined up just right. His heart was pounding wildly. The situation was exciting enough already, but the thrill skyrocketed as he grew increasingly certain that they were going to fuck.

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He continued to slide his hardness back and forth over her clit and labia, hoping that would drive the last of her resistance away. He let go of her bikini bottoms completely so that he could concentrate fully on sexual pleasure, although they still dangled around her ankle.

She felt incredibly tempted to let him go, but worries about Susan held her back. She imagined the kind of blowup that would follow if Susan heard her screaming "Fuck me harder!" from over their backyard fence. It was a solid, high fence so one couldn't see from one backyard to another unless one went through the gate, but of course it provided little impediment to sound.

So finally she said, "Naughty, naughty. This is why my parents always warned me about lawyers. They always take advantage. Stop that this instant, or someone is going to be in trouble, and I'm not sure if it's gonna be you or me. I'm serious."

However, she added to herself, Or, just stick it in! Show me what a MAN you are! Don't take no for an answer! Take ME! In truth, she would have easily given in if he had been more aggressive.

He stopped, since he didn't know how conflicted she really felt. He'd been aggressive because she was so obviously enjoying all he did, but he also always obeyed when he was told to stop. She was like a second mother to him, and he greatly valued her happiness, love and respect. Yet he didn't remove his erection from its position right on top of her bush, clitoris, and slit. His hot, needy thickness kept throbbing against her most sensitive areas.

Minutes passed as they remained in that exciting and dangerous position.

She was dizzy with the possibilities. Phew! That was too close! If he only knew how willingly I'd spread my legs for him, if he would just show a little backbone. But the danger's not over. As long as his boner is in such a tempting spot, this is touch and go! I really have to insist, before he does something we'll both love! If only Susan wasn't so close!

But just as Susan's breasts were her weakness, Suzanne's was her clit and cunt. She knew she'd give in soon, and she couldn't imagine getting fucked by Alan for the first time and not screaming in ecstasy to the high heavens. Then they'd get in big trouble with Susan, who was just over the fence. The progress she'd made breaking down Susan's willpower could go down the drain. So she finally forced herself to add, "Again, Mr. Letter-of-the-law, the implication in the stop command is that you actually take your penis away, like I told you to before."

"Oops! I was going for the literal interpretation of your most recent command." Inwardly he was deeply disappointed that his ploy hadn't worked, but he tried not to let it show. He'd gotten used to cumming many times a day. But, mostly due to his lingering soreness, he had only cum once so far that day, so the overwhelming desire to cum was making him unusually aggressive.

"I know you were. Now remove it already! You've dropped my thong, so fun time is over."

She thought, I definitely appreciate his boldness. This is just the kind of thing I'd normally love to encourage. If anything, I want him MORE aggressive. I can only imagine how great life will be when my Sweetie is roughly grabbing me and surprising me with random fucks all day long. But unfortunately, there's no way I can risk full-on fucking at this point unless I'm sure Susan isn't home, and I'm pretty sure she still IS home, and in the back yard to boot. She might hear if either one of us cries out, even if she's inside her house. I'd probably get so excited that I really would scream that loudly!

He reluctantly moved so his crotch was no longer pressed against hers. But he said, "Au contraire. The fun is not done. I'm not finished stripping you. I was just resting." He took hold of her bikini bottoms again and resumed pulling them down the ankle they had been resting on.

She chuckled, despite herself. "'Just resting?' That's rich. You really are a sneaky one, you know that?"

He still delayed as much as possible. He had mere inches to go before the bikini bottoms went around her heel, but he had no intention to get to that point any time soon. Instead, he continued to hold them in place while he rubbed his erect dick all up and down her pale left leg.

She eventually had to laugh at his arousing stubbornness. "Is there some kind of holdup?" she asked, half hoping that he'd stop and half hoping that he wouldn't. She was right on the edge of a climax, and wondered how long she could hang in that delightful state.

"Yes. You're so sexy that I think it's fried my brain. I seem incapable of doing anything but rubbing my dick against your skin, for some strange reason." He kept on having fun running his hands and boner all over her legs.