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6 Times a Day

Chapter 217 Fuck Toy
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When he was done, he laid on the blanket next to her. He had an arm loosely around her back, and their heads were side by side. He said, "I sound like a broken record, I'm sure, but that was awesome! Unfortunately, I think I'm probably done for the day. I mean... four times in two hours! That's a lot for any guy, I'm sure. Thank God I'm in my sexual prime."

Katherine was lying face up with her head pointed to the sky, so she couldn't see his face. "I forgot to ask earlier: how many times did you cum today, before this?"

"Once. With Mom."

She felt a surge of jealousy, but also a surge of arousal. "Oooh! That must have been interesting! Tell me all about it."

He felt very awkward about sharing what had happened with his mother with his sister. It hadn't been easy for him to mention as much as he already had, so he tried to change the subject, especially since he had some things he'd been meaning to talk about. He sat up.

She sat up too. That allowed eye contact again.

He said, "Instead of that, I've got some things on my mind I really need to say."

She felt a tinge of worry, but said, "Please do."

"I've been thinking... When we fucked for the first time two days ago, we didn't put much thought into it. At least speaking for myself, I was so hot about fucking you that I was like, 'Yeah! Let's do it!' without really thinking it through at all."

She looked like she wanted to say something, but held her tongue and just nodded.

He continued, "Since then, I must admit, I STILL haven't really thought things through. I mean, I've gone from never having sex before to having so many sexually exciting things happening to me that it's like my life is a wild roller coaster. Not just with you, but Mom! And Aunt Suzy! And on and on! So I think it's a good time for us to talk about it. We can't really do it at home, due to the danger of someone like Mom listening in. So this is the perfect time."

She said a bit testily, "So talk. I don't see what we really have to discuss though. Unlike you, I've been thinking about this a long time. You should see my diary - not that I'll let you!" She stuck a playful tongue out at him. "But seriously, I've wanted you a long time. I'm not exactly thrilled about your other lovers, but it is what it is. I promise not to get in the way. So what's there to talk about?"

He exhaled as he pondered what to say. "That's good that you're like that, but this is all brand new to me. Even the IDEA of having sex with you is, like, WHOA! So please be patient if I'm still playing catch up for a while. I'm just wondering what this means for the future. Earlier, you said, 'You're the only man who'll ever have me, and that's a promise for life!' That concerns me."

She scowled at him. "Concerns you?! Why wouldn't you be totally psyched about that?!"

"Well... we ARE brother and sister. You can't really mean that, can you? Obviously, we can't go out as girlfriend and boyfriend. So what's going to happen when you get a serious boyfriend?"

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She slapped her forehead in exasperation. Then she let out a loud frustrated sigh. "You don't get it, do you?"

"I guess not."

"There will be no serious boyfriend, or a boyfriend of any kind! I belong to YOU now! Period! Forever! Or at least as long as you'll have me. I'm your fuck toy! Don't you understand?!"

"I guess I don't. I've been thinking about that too, and that kind of concerns me as well. I know earlier that you said that's just sexy talk, but you seem to take it pretty seriously, and it's kind of extreme. For instance, I remember at Kim's house you said, 'Fuck toys don't complain, they don't make demands, they just get fucked.' That sounds super submissive."

She sighed again. "It IS super submissive. I AM submissive, okay? You should thank your lucky stars, because I want to submit myself to you!" She sat up stiffly, raised her arms, and arched her back slightly to highlight her impressive tits. "This body belongs to you now! You can do what you want to me, whenever you want! Sneak into my room at three in the morning for a nice long blowjob. PLEASE! I'll give it to you, and gladly, because that's what fuck toys do."

He frowned. "You see? Of course that arouses me, but it also concerns me. I don't want you to be my slave or something ridiculous like that. I love your spirit, your zest for life. I don't want you to mindlessly say 'Yes, sir. No, sir.' I want the same Kat that I've always known and loved."

"I AM that same Kat, you big doof! I'm not gonna change that much. Like I was saying earlier, I'm your fuck toy now, but I'm an uppity fuck toy. I'll still be spunky even as I guzzle down your spunk!" She'd wiped her face clean of the facial he'd splattered on her earlier, but she'd deliberately left a few stray streaks of cum. Now, she swiped up a cum gob and ostentatiously sucked it into her mouth.

He shook his head in wonder. "How is it I'm both aroused and kind of concerned at the same time?"

She said, "Humor me on this whole fuck toy thing, okay? It means a lot to me."

"But are you serious about it or not?!"

"I guess I'm half serious. It's kind of a fun role to play, and it's been my big fantasy to be your fuck toy for a long time now. I get so into it that you might not be entirely pleased. But so what? Let's just enjoy it as sex talk and sexy fun. I am sexually submissive and I get off on getting you off, so we should both enjoy that to the max!"

He nodded, but asked, "Is that why you spent a lot of time orally pleasuring my dick and you wouldn't let me go down on you?"

She said, "Kinda. I do love sucking you off! I totally don't get women who aren't into that. And I'm not opposed to you doing me. But my pussy could only handle so much, and I wanted to be fucked a whole lot more."

He was secretly relieved. He wanted to be a good sport and reciprocate, but it seemed "icky" to him.

She brought her hands down to her crotch and spread her pussy lips open. That caused a copious amount of his cum to flow out. "Look what you did to me! You really did wreck me. I'm gonna be red and sore down there for days, but in a hurts-so-good kind of way. It'll be so cool at school, having that 'split in two by my brother' feeling all day long. It'll make math class fly by, that's for sure!" She giggled.

He ran a hand through his hair as he considered what to say. "Sis... I love your enthusiasm. And I'm willing to go along with the 'fuck toy' concept for a while. I've gotta admit that it arouses me."

"Yeay!" She punched a fist in the air.

He grinned at that. "But! There's a but."

"Actually, two butts." She shifted in place, briefly twisting her hips and flashing her bare ass at him. "I'll show you mine and you show me yours."

He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "As I was saying, there's a but. Which is, let's keep this fuck toy stuff to a fun sex talk kind of thing. If you start taking it too seriously, that's going to concern me in a big way. For instance, you made a passing reference earlier to being 'enslaved' to my dick or something like that. That's what I'd call going too far."

She nodded. "Yes, Master." Then she stuck her tongue out at him.

He laughed. "Okay, I don't mind a joke like that every once in a while. But seriously, let's take this one day at a time, and see how things go. When you say things like you promise to be mine and mine alone forever, how can you possibly mean that?! We're both in high school. So much can happen. A year from now, I'll be off in college and you'll still be here. Can you really say now that you'd go without sex for the whole time I'm out of town?"

She stared intently into his eyes. "Yes, I can. And that's even though I know you'll be fucking your way through the college girls left and right. This is who I am. This is what I want. I know you don't believe that yet, but that's okay. I'll prove it to you in time. You'll see!"

He shook his head. "But Sis! You're a very beautiful girl. How could you go your whole high school time without a boyfriend? People will talk. And I can tell you right now I won't be able to go without a girlfriend. I've gotten entangled with a bunch of incredible women, and I'm kind of hooked on it."

She replied hotly, "I know that. Believe me, I'm well aware. And I'm okay with that, like I said. It makes sense that you'll have an official girlfriend before long, and I'm okay with that too, even though I'll probably crawl the walls with jealousy. I have just one demand."

"What's that?"

"Whoever that lucky girl is, she has to know about you and me, and be okay with that. May I point out that Kim and Aims already do know about us and they're okay with it, so you have two good candidates already."

He considered that, and nodded. "That's fair."

"DAMN!" she suddenly exclaimed.


"All this talk about having to share you with others, it makes me BURN with jealousy like you wouldn't believe! I mean, I'm burning like my heart was set on fire! But at the same time, it makes me totally horny, and I don't know why! It's like, it's like proof that my brother is a total stud and the hottest guy in town! I need you in me, right now!"

He looked down at his flaccid penis. "Unfortunately, as you can see-" He stopped in mid-sentence, because he found himself looking at the top of his sister's head instead.

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She took his flaccid penis in her hand and mouth and did everything she could to get him hard. But it quickly became clear that he really was tapped out.

He acted fast, and repositioned so he was lying on top of her. Then he French kissed her extensively while fingering her needy cunt. Sure enough, after a couple of minutes, that combination gave her a nice orgasm.

When she recovered, she gave him a loving smile. "Thanks. I really needed that."

He chuckled. "You're weird. Why do you get that hot from having to share me?"

She shrugged. Then she raised an enigmatic eyebrow. "It's the mysterious way of the fuck toy. I don't expect you to understand."

He gave her a disapproving look. "Okay, that's enough fuck toy talk for today. You've reached your quota."

"Damn!" She giggled.

After that, the two of them were completely sexually satiated. But they realized that they still had time to burn, so they put their clothes back on and packed their things. But instead of heading to the car, they hiked further down the path they'd come on for half an hour before they turned around to head home. They held hands the whole time and talked about anything and everything. Both of them felt a closer bond to the other than ever before.

They talked more on the way home, and Katherine managed to squeeze out of him a brief account of what he and Susan had done earlier in the day. She was genuinely happy about it, because she figured that the more sexually liberated Susan became, the more sexual freedom she would be able to enjoy at home as well.

When they got home, there was still plenty of time before dinner. Susan asked them about their shopping trip, and they got creative in explaining how they'd spent the whole time at the mall. But she was so trusting that she didn't even suspect they'd done anything else.

After taking a shower, Alan went to his room and read bits and pieces of his three new sex advice books. He didn't have time to read that much, but he learned some new things.


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