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You Hit My Heart by Kylie Stanford

Chapter 152
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Could Joyce had caught her in something? No way, she did not leave any traces. The security guard was also paid to leave Khebury

forever, and no one could have known.

Even if she suspected her, as long as there was no evidence, she could always deny it, and no one could ever do anything to her.

Thinking of this, she bravely looked up and her voice stern, "Joyce, | think you must be crazy, and you dare to frme now, just

to stay in the Warner family? You are occupying Charlotte's position, and you have no shas a mistress?"

Charlotte saw that Shelly had turned the fire on herself and cursed inwardly Shelly for being such an idiot. Please never mention

her and make people think that she was involved, she thought.

She couldn't hold back any longer and stepped forward to drag Shelly aside, squeezing her eyes desperately, "Please, don't say


At the moment, the more Shelly acted, the more disgusting it would look.

"Why not?" Shelly couldn't read Charlotte's implication at all.

She looked around and saw everyone and even Casey staring at her expressionlessly. She was even more energized, "Why are you

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all looking atlike this? We found the documents and the cash, why don't you ask her where the money cfrom."

"I got the three hundred thousand dollars in cash from the St. Maria Hospital as a refund. It was previously for a friend's surgery,

but now | don't need it anymore. | took it out and was originally going to give it back to Luther. Is there a problem?" Joyce glanced

faintly at Luther as she spoke.

Luther was stunned.

Shelly wouldn't let go, "Brother, she made up such a ridiculous reason, and you believe it?"

Shelly suddenly bawled, "Brother, since childhood you lovethe most. You never scold me, but since Joyce came, you have been

mean toseveral times. | really want to do what's best for you. This bitch! Today, | must uncover her disguise!"

After saying that, Shelly got fanatical, suddenly rushed forward, raised her hand, and was ready to give Joyce a slap.

Joyce was about to turn on her computer when Shelly pounced on her. She was caught off guard. She tried to fight back but was a

little too late.

Just when Shelly's slap was about to fall.

At this point, Luther stepped forward, squeezed Shelly's wrist, and slapped her hard with the other hand.

"Pop!" A crisp sound.

Shelly covered her burning cheek and looked at Luther incredulously. The next second, she cried and yelled, "How dare you hit me?

How dare you hitfor this liar!"

Since she was a child, he had never hit her! No matter what she did wrong, he never really hit her!

Now, to her surprise, for Joyce this time, he beat her up.

He hit her in the face with such force that her ears seemed to go deaf.

She was in so much pain that tears fell from her eyes.

"That's enough! You are the only one who is lying here! Show the surveillance video!" Luther couldn't stand it anymore and he

almost roared.

Joyce turned on the computer again and played the night-vision surveillance video again.

All the pretense of Shelly had all collapsed at this moment.

Her face was white as a sheet.

She was like she had lost her soul and could not believe what her eyes saw.

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She had done everything so perfectly. Even if someone suspected her, as long as there was no evidence, she could deny it. She

never thought that Joyce actually installed night vision surveillance on her own computer.

Just everything she did was recorded.


Everything she did was exposed, all of it, in front of everyone in the entire automotive project team.





