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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1707
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy by Inked Snow Chapter 1707

Landry Group could not afford to pay 500 million dollars at all!

Besides, even if they could afford it, Jim would not be willing to hand over this money to the Martins over something

like this.

Seeing the pained expression on Jim’s face, Mr. Martin sneered and leaned against the back of his chair. “We won’t

stop until we get the five hundred million dollars.”

Before being brought over to the tower, the people at the PR firm had already told them that Landry Group was

capable of paying them 500 million dollars in

compensation and that the problem was whether they were willing to do so or not.

The reputation of the Landry family, one of the most influential families in Merchant City, was worth far more than

500 million dollars!

Jim could not help snickering when he heard this. “I’m afraid that even if you manage to get your hands on these

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five hundred million dollars, you won’t live long enough to spend it!

“Secretary, kick these two people out of here. If they come to cause a scene again in the future, take a video of

them, call the cops, and sue them!”

With that, he glanced coldly at the two people before him and said, “If you want to play with fire, prepare to be


With that, he strode out of the room, leaving the astounded Mr. and Mrs. Martin.

Mr. Martin stared at Jim’s retreating figure in shock.

Did the people at the PR firm not say that…Jim would hand over the 500 million dollars? Why did he leave just like


“Please go, Sir, Madam,” the secretary said in a low voice as he approached them.

The two of them exchanged glances but ultimately got up to leave.

However, to their surprise, a car stopped in front of them a s soon as they stepped out of the entrance of Landry

Group Tower.

Lucas’ face appeared as the window was rolled down. “Sir, Madam, please get into the car.”

Mr. Martin frowned and quickly pulled Mrs. Martin into the car.

Even though they had their reservations about Joshua, he was still a distinguished boss compared to Jim and helped

take care of Cheryl’s affairs after she died.

With Lucas driving, they arrived at Cheryl’s rented house.

The tiny room was filled with Cheryl’s possessions, and the walls were decorated with pictures of her, alongside

clothes hung up on hooks.

When the two of them entered the room, Joshua was leaning against the window sill, staring out at the view.

As soon as she entered the room and felt her daughter’s presence, Mrs. Martin burst into tears and slumped onto

the ground, crying.

Even Mr. Martin’s eyes were brimming with tears.

He walked over to Joshua and said, “What are you trying to tell us by bringing us here, Mr. Lynch?”

Joshua shrugged and smiled, pointing at the photo of

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Cheryl beaming at the camera. “She was a beautiful and cute girl.

“If I were you, I’d show her some respect after her passing and avoid exposure of Cheryl’s death in the public eye.”

With that, he glanced at Lucas.

Lucas murmured in understanding and quickly turned on the television.

The Merchant City news appeared on Cheryl’s television, which was decorated with cute bunny stickers.

The news displayed a photo of Mr. and Mrs. Martin causing a scene at Landry Group Tower.

“According to what we know, the victim’s name was Cheryl Martin, and she was a secretary working for Joshua

Lynch, president of Lynch Group.

“She was twenty this year and hailed from a small town known as Tavoo on the eastern side of Merchant City.

According to our investigation, she graduated from Merchant City University last year…”

Pictures of Cheryl were displayed on the screen one after another.

All of her personal information, including her life experiences, had been exposed and was displayed to the public on

the internet.

Not only that, but the reporter had even paid visits to all the places Cheryl had lived in and worked at and

interviewed the people she had been in touch with before she died, including her colleagues, past teachers and

classmates, and even her neighbors and schoolmates from her hometown.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin were devastated and angered by this violation of Cheryl’s privacy. “How can they do this?”