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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 99
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Chapter 99 Cover The Spot Where He's Not Supposed To Expose

"Sorry, I... I didn’t know that you're inside..."

As soon as Bianca closed her eyes, it dawned on her that she should turn around and walk out.

After closing the bathroom door behind her in a haste, Bianca blamed both grandpas for not telling her

that Luke was inside, though at the same time, her face was also flushed with embarrassment...

The two elderly men knew that their grandson was taking a shower in there. They, who had decades-

long experience with relationships, knew very well that 'intimate contact’ was necessary to improve a

relationship between a man and a woman.

This form of intimate contact could be in the form of physical intimacy or visual stimulus.

Without stimulation, there would be no room for wild and fanciful thoughts.

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Without wild and fanciful thoughts, there would be no further development.

Old Master Crawford acted as though he did not notice Bianca's embarrassment and moved a chair

over to take a seat. He began peeling apples for Old Man Rayne.

Bianca stood outside the bathroom, trapped in an impossible situation.

When Luke came out in his dressing gown, he walked past her.

The tall and straight male figure made a beeline for his huge bed. The dressing gown's straps were tied

loosely around the man's waist, vaguely revealing his firm and well-proportioned abdominal muscles.

Bianca went in and retrieved a damp towel, got out, and wiped the sweat off of Grandpa's face.

’Do you feel better now, Grandpa?"

'Much better... Grandpa's health is worsening day by day.’ Old Man Rayne felt extremely guilty for this

was his first time deceiving his granddaughter by pretending to be ill, but since he had already started

it, there was no way

he could back out now.

His granddaughter would be furious if his lie was exposed.

Besides, he was doing this for the sake of two young people's future, so he deserved to be forgiven.

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Seeing that Grandpa’s lips were very dry, Bianca said, "Lie down, Grandpa. I'll pour you a glass of


The old man said immediately, "Pour Luke a glass too. I think he hasn't drunk a sip of water since this


Bianca did not say anything.

With Grandpa currently in the Crawford family recuperating and the old master of the Crawford family

inviting the family doctor over to treat her grandpa, it was not really difficult for her to pour Luke a glass

of water while she was at it.

She came back in no time after pouring two glasses of water.

After feeding Grandpa two sips of water, Bianca took the other glass and handed it to Luke.

Standing by his bed, Bianca held the glass in her hand but did not know how to start.

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Luke was wearing only a dark dressing gown. He was lying lazily on the big bed, cushioning the back

of his head with both of his hands. One of his long legs was bent while the other straightened, looking

even more flirtatious than the male models in magazines. 1

From Old Master Crawford's angle, his grandson's posture looked like that of a hooligan...

On the dressing gown, not a single button was seen. There were only two straps around his waist that

hung so loosely that it looked displeasing to the eyes.

Old Master Crawford coughed. Not worried that he would make things even more awkward, he chided,

"Look at yourself! Even your underwear is exposed. Is that how you're supposed to wear your


After getting scolded by his grandpa, Luke's eyes shot open. He looked as though he had just noticed

the woman standing by the bed.

Bianca did not know where to look and lowered her head to put the glass of water on the bedside table.

"Can I please trouble you to bring me a blanket?" Luke's hoarse and magnetic voice rang out deeply in

this luxuriously-renovated room.

Old Master Crawford reminded her in a timely manner. "There are blankets in the cupboard, so just

grab one for him to cover up."

Bianca glanced at the man lying on the bed and noticed that his eyes were shut while his thick brows

were slightly furrowed. His thin lips carried no trace of blood. He was probably not feeling very well.

'Who knows where this brat went last night. He's been having a high fever since he came back." Old

Master Crawford disclosed his grandson's illness so that Bianca would feel sorry for him.

Bianca opened the cupboard and took out a thin dark gray blanket.

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As her fingers clenched onto the soft blanket, she could not help but think.' How long did Luke stand

outside my door last night? When he hugged me in the morning, I could smell the scent of rain that had

dried off on his clothes.'

It would be strange if he was not ill after he was caught in a heavy rain.

After putting the blanket next to him, Bianca walked back to Grandpa's bedside to take care of him.

Luke lay on the bed as though he had fallen asleep. His eyes were still, his breathing smooth.

"Did someone say that my brother is sick?" As his voice rang out, Louis took vigorous strides in. He

was dressed in racing gear and equipment from head to toe. He took off his gloves when he entered

the house to see his brother.

Seeing that Bianca was also there, Louis held her gaze.

Bianca did not understand the profound meaning in Louis' gaze.

"He was absolutely wasted, got caught in the heavy rain, and stood at someone's door the entire night.

I'd say that the heavens are being

generous to him that he's still alive." Louis had no idea what happened last night at all. In any case, he

would just make up a cock and bull story to make the incident last night sound as severe as possible.

Bianca listened, dropped her head, and could not help feeling guilty about it.

However, she figured awful incidents like that would be over very soon as all things would fade with

time. Of course, she hoped that the so-called ' time' could pass by as quickly as possible.

'What's this blanket for?" Louis asked, turning his head back.

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"That's to cover your brother, to cover the spot where he isn't supposed to expose. Young people

nowadays are simply absurd. If this was our era, he'd definitely be called a hooligan and get criticized

in public by the girls!" Old Master Crawford said with great distress and heartache.

It was their family's misfortune that they had raised an exhibitionist.

Louis glanced up and down and came to a sudden realization as he quickly covered the blanket on the

crotch area of 'the sick man’...

"So what if he’s exposed? It’s not like he’s not wearing underwear. He has enough assets to expose

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himself, no? Bianca isn’t an outsider. It's not like she hasn’t seen Luke's body before." Louis corrected

the old man's misconception.

Although Old Man Rayne was pretending to be sick, he did not forget to observe his granddaughter's


Judging from how quickly awkwardness crept onto her granddaughter's face, Old Man Rayne

concluded that her granddaughter and his future grandson-in-law had probably slept together a long

time ago and had made love before.

All of a sudden, the old man started looking forward with a very open mind, thinking how great it would

be great if his granddaughter was pregnant with Luke's child.

In that case, this old man in his 70s would not have to work so hard to pretend to be ill anymore. Both

young people would naturally end up together as well.

Allison went out in the morning, and the family driver drove her back at about 11 in the morning.

As soon as she walked through the door, there was no one in sight. Hence, she asked, "Where's


She has a master’s but no job and lives on discount coupons. In… Sponsored: CNA

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"In Mr. Luke’s room upstairs," the nanny who was wiping the furniture looked up and replied.

"In Luke's room? Luke is still ill, though. What are they doing in Luke's room?" Allison did not want

anyone to disturb his son. He should be recuperating in peace.

"If I'm not mistaken, Old Man Rayne vomited blood earlier. The doctor was just here," the nanny

whispered again.

Allison was dumbfounded. "Vomited blood?"

The nanny nodded.

When Allison was young, she did not get to meet Kevin's father. Back then, she followed Kevin to a

small town to meet his parents. Soon after getting off the car, they arrived at the gate of Rayne's

residence on foot.

Before entering the gate, however, she turned around in disgust and took a cab back to the city.

As a result, the daughter-in-law and father-in-law never met. Prejudice against this daughter-in-law had

been ingrained in Kevin's father's mind.

She was not a good woman as she despised the poor and curried favor with the rich.

Kevin, however, refused to come to his senses and ignored his father's warning completely.

Would Old Man Rayne die in the Crawford family now that he had vomited blood?

Allison could not help but go upstairs to see what was going on! She has a master’s but no job and lives on discount coupons. In… Sponsored: CNA

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