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Twin Tormentors By RARE

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55 LEIGH-ARI The gun training didn’t work out as planned. Although | had been thrilled by the idea of learning how to use a real gun without shitting myself, it was safe to say | sucked in all ways possible when it cto it. | mean | didn’t even know the basics.

Apparently, there was a badass way of holding a gun and how you should deal with it. Such a s rolling it with on hands and fingers and shit. And man Verzi looked so damn hot when demonstrating. | had managed to drop my pistol on my toes at least a few thousand times that Verzi had to put something to protect my poor feet.

I sucked so bad that I didn’t know how to hold a pistol, | didn’t when it was the right tto cork it, pull the trigger, and shit. At times | pulled the trigger without corking it, and then nothing happened. | even gave up on myself after trying forever.

| was thankful that Verzi was so patient and lenient with me. He cradledgently and tutoredwithout even feeling drained. But damn! In all honesty, | was royally wasting his tand mine. He didn’t have to tell| sucked, because | could see it all by myself. At spoint, | just gave it all up. It wasn’t working.

In the evening when Enzo arrived, | laid everything down for him and cried on his chest. They had ridiculedfor a few seconds before consoling me, then tookto CATT HOLDINGS offices. | was thunderstruck at the sight of the building. Not only was it the tallest building there, but it was humongous. And it was just glass. Although it was at night, | still got to experience such a beguiling thing and I felt so refreshed. After that, they had givena tour around the building. We ended up making love on the roof top while overlooking the skyline a t night. One of the most memorable nights ever. And one thing | understood at that moment was that the twins were stinky! Heck! They were the richest bachelors | have ever known. 1 It was when we arrived back at the castle | realized that we needed that little sneak out. | mean it had been just us, the big three. No guards and shits. It was the first t| have ever been so relaxed, without all the care in the world. And they also were light on their feet, for the first time, they were free of all the burden. The imposter case was still a mystery. And heck! Whoever that was, he knew how to hide well. And that had caught up with us without even realizing it. That little tour plus the hot sex against the protective glass railing was exactly what we needed to unwind. If there was by any chance, any reporter who got a click o f what happened, then it was going to be a feast for those who laid their eyes on i) The following day, | was busy working out with the rest of the guys in the gym. It was just so lively in here when compared to the twins’ gym, | preferred this one. Not because the boys’ gym was lacking. Heck no. It had everything and more. But this was good because | had people to spar with and | picked on a few moves, which made it all fun. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) The combat had quickly becone of my favorite things to do. Because it keptbusy.

| was currently pinned under Raquel who didn’t even nudge no matter the tricks | was using. And shit! This girl weighs a fuckin ton! “Get up M’Lady. You have to.” She called out pinningeven further to the ground. Her arm was painfully nuzzled on my neck, making it so hard to breathe. But | knew | had to get out of her grip. | attempted jabbing her abdomen with my fist, but she quickly caught it with her hand and pinned my wrist down.

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“Nice try. But that was predicted.” She called and settled a heavy knee on my abdomen, causing everything | had eaten to rise and settle right in my throat. Shit! She shifted slightly and | spotted a chance. Fuckif | was going to miss it.

| raised my knee and jabbed her behind her thigh. She yelped and her weight slightly lifted from my body. | took that moment where she lost her concentration and landed a healthy punch on the side of her face. On the smooth skin right between her hairline and eye. She to pindown vet again, but her nice flat belly cin contact with m y knee that was bent protruding, waiting for her to land on it. The force she threw herself at m e caused the hit to be amplified. She mewled and | took that chance and kicked her with both of my feet, causing her to fall a foot from where | was.

| stood on my feet and heaved out, taking huge breaths of air. This girl utterly drainedout! “You are a tough one.” | complimented staring at her. She expertly flipped from the ground and landed on her feet, then looked at me. | was surprised that she could still stand on both feet, looking so unbothered while | was to pass out from all the hits she fed me.

“And that was a good one M’lady. You have finally learned something.” She said and | laughed. How could she say that after beating the crap out of me? And heck! She didn’t go easy at all. Although | was always merciful and avoided using all of my strength, these people didn’t go easy onat all. When they kicked, they made sure they kick where it hurts. | had kissed goodbye the idea of being merciful. Being a doctor and mother hen was only going to get my ass kicked all the time.

“Let's rest for today M’lady. You did a good job.” She offered her hand, | smirked. Then hurriedly yanked her by her arm and tossed her over, causing us to land down with her pinned under me. | had her arm bent awkwardly and sandwitched between our bodies, causing her joint to twist in the most abnormal way ever! “Gotcha!” | beamed and then got up, letting her rollover. She got up with a big smile.

“I didn’t see that one coming.” She said as she flexed her arm.

“It didn’t hurt, did it?” | asked, the doctor insurfacing.

“There won't be any mercy when facing the enemy my lady. One day you'll be battling someone stronger thanor all of these people combined. You can’t always be merciful.” She said, “Are you sure there's someone stronger than all of you here? Because girl, you are the strongest opponent I've ever sparred with.” We conversed lightly as we left the gym. | then dismissed her to her room as | walked back to the west wing. | wanted to take the shower before the twins arrived because | was so stinky and sweaty. One thing I knew is that they would want to lickeven in this condition! Those boys were so damn whipped.

It was well in the evening, 10 minutes before 9. | was actually taken aback by the t| have spent in the gym today. But then | didn’t waste it, | used it for a good cause. The thought of the twins with Xander crossed my mind and | wondered how they were doing. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) They decided to contact him and get sinformation about the imposter. Although Xander wasn’t the bad guy, | am sure as fuck that he was going to give them a tough time, just to annoy the living life out of them. | mean Xander was the sworn enemy here, just the mere mentioning of his nsent the guys berserk.

| shook my head and then pushed the door to my bedroom open. | stopped dead in my tracks when | found that it was dark, all the lights were off including the ones at the terrace. Weird! Because that had never been the case. And | could have sworn that the lights were on when I left for training! One thing toldnot to take this lightly as | wanted. | carefully entered inside and then leaned my hand against the wall, in search of the switch. | flicked it on and nothing happened. The tension skyrocketed. This didn't feel good at all! | took a silent step backward, i n an attempt to run back outside when suddenly, a strong hand yankedinside and roughly pushed the door closed.

Everything happened so quickly that | didn’t even have tto scream or do anything. A rush of panic shot throughas the hand tightened on my mouth, completely muffling all the sounds | was making. | had to calm down. I had to think of how to take this mountain of a man down. Enzo had taught me, | was good. | can do this! “Good girl.” The intruder called out when | stopped struggling, but he didn’t loosen his tight hold on me. He had my small frpinned against his front, and from where my head was settled, | could tell he was a giant of a man. Something about his voice was oddly familiar, like way too familiar. And | knew it was none but the imposter himself. So he decided to take action when the twins were both out? Perfect timing! “We are going to make this really quick okay? You are going to keep your little mouth shut and we are going to leave this place silently. You don’t want to make any noise and alert the guards now do you?” He rattled and trailed a cold blade against my naked back. He was armed. Shit! | gave him a small nod and then he shovetowards the glass doors. | had to distract him so that | could have an upper hand on things, or else | was going to die.

| stomped on his feet causing him to chuckle coldly: “Now | know why they call you a little kitten. You are completely helpless now, but you still want to fight?” He said and painfully added pressure into his hold, his fingers digging into my cheeks. | jabbed my elbow into his stomach, causing the blade to take a sweet dive into my skin. | hissed and then stepped out of his hold.

| jumped on my feet lightly and waited for him to come.

“If you do something to me, | will scream. And all of the guards will crunning here and the twins will catch you. You know what will happen if they lay their hands on you.” | said in a rough voice. | couldn’t see who it was because of the darkness, but his silhouette waltzed towards me.

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“Oh, my bad! | forgot to mention that all the guards are out. | mean it tooktto get through them but, no one will be coming for you assistance princess.” He called out causing all the hope to fly out the window. | was completely on my own, and | hadto depend on! With that thought in mind, I kicked high in the air, aiming to land it on his side, but he expertly caught my leg and roughly threwto the side, where | landed on my vanity table with my back, eliciting a loud crash that rattled painfully in my ears. The scent of blood completely engulfed my sense of smell. And from what | know, the vanity was a red mess because | was a bleeder. Girl | bled rivers and oceans! “Mew! all you want kitten. The boys made this room completely soundproof. And those little devices are all off.

You are mine now!” He said as he took smooth steps towards me. He pulledup on my feet with my hair, painfully pulling my strands from my scalp. | tried prying his hands from my head but he didn’t budge.

“I told you to behave. Now, look what you madedo. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) ” He called out before knockingin my face with his forehead, | swear | saw stars at that moment. | fell back on the shattered glasses, causing them to pierce through my skin.

| yawled as he angrily kickedin my stomach, causing my body to coil in an attempt to protect myself from his merciless kicks.

“Why ?” | called out through sobs. Gosh, it was so painful.

“Because | hate the mere thought of you.” He spat before pullingby my hair and draggingall over the shattered glasses. | was strong, | was going to make it out alive. | had to make i tout alive. For the boys! | attempted to get up but he madly threwdown, causing my head to bang against the carpeted floor.

“Bitch don’t waste my time. Don’t you fucking waste my tbecause whether you like it or not, you are going to leave this room with him.” He angrily stomped towardsand then snaked his fingers around my neck and pulledup, his hand blocking all the air. | felt so lightheaded as he just heldlike that, | don’t know for how long. But | felt consciousness slipping through my fingers. My heart clenched painfully, my body fighting for the deprived air.

| wasn’t going to make it. My heart yearned for the twins. For Enzo. For my crazy Verzi.

If only they were here.

“Well, well! You finally learned how to behave.” His voice which was full of hatred and anger was the last thing | heard before darkness consumed me!