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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2140: confrontation
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Du Yu stared blankly at the fire spirit beast for a long time. After she fell into a deep sleep, he cut his wrist, wrapped his blood in air beads, and left it in the spiritual world.

When she wakes up and sees the blood she has left, she should understand everything.

It was originally a white-haired fire spirit beast, but now it has to hide itself because of human greed. Sometimes, the decision of good and bad is often determined by the lineup.

After returning to the real world, Du Yu checked the door for the first time, and there was no sign of intrusion. Through the thin oiled paper on the doors and windows, it was completely dark outside.

I don't know what happened to Ling'er, that Yun Feng's man would be so despicable.

Strange to say, Du Yu didn't think Yun Feng liked Linger, but why did he lay such a big net to marry Linger. Is it possible, what else is going on here?

Just as he was thinking, a dark shadow flashed outside the window. Du Yu squatted down quickly, judging from the shadow's movement trajectory, he ran towards Ling'er's room.

Du Yu rushed to the bed with a few brisk steps, put the egg body of the fire spirit beast into his chest again, and then chased it out.

In Ling'er's room, two figures reflected on the door through the fluorescent light.

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"What are you going to do? I've made it very clear that I will never marry you. For a man like you, with such a careful mind, you must have another conspiracy to marry me. You can boldly talk to the store's People say, let's see if someone will believe you. What if you know Zi Yan? Don't forget, my eldest brother also has friendship with her. If you let women sneak into the store, if it spreads out, the reputation of the inn will not be guaranteed. , do you think you can poke it out?"

Linger suppressed the anger in her heart and spoke calmly. But obviously, Yun Feng didn't buy it at all. He decided that with Zi Yan, he could force Ling'er into submission.

"Linger, you and I are also childhood sweethearts. If you follow me, you will only have a good life in the future, and through the marriage, the power of our two families will become stronger. Soon, we will run for the map owner of this territory. When we unite, we will surely dominate one side." Yun Feng said bitterly.

Du Yu understood, it turned out that what he was drawing was just a position, and this position, as long as there was the help of Linger's family, he would naturally have a chance to win.

"How can you be able to do it? The other men in the Ling'er family won't take this position for you? As a man, it is really inappropriate for you to force a woman like this."

Du Yu pushed the door open.

The moment Ling'er saw Du Yu, her eyes lit up, she hurried to Du Yu's side and distanced herself from Yun Feng.

Seeing the person coming, Yun Feng immediately showed a disdainful look on his face.

"You're the guy who paid a fortune for a useless rotten egg at the store recently?"

In the face of Yun Feng's sneer, Du Yu's expression did not change.

Ling'er had said before that there was a toxin floating at the door of the inn. As long as the man came out, he would forget the bidder's voice and appearance. How could he remember himself?

"It seems that there is something unusual between you and the woman in that auction. You know everything about me? If this matter gets out, I don't think your life will be easy. As the owner of the picture, I think the Linger family should not be the first person you attract. Before, you must have found many people with fire spirit beasts."

Du Yu spoke word by word, and Yun Feng's expression gradually became ugly with his words. He never thought that Du Yu would say these words.

Yunfeng was speechless for a while.

"If you're a man, you should look like a man, don't use women as bargaining chips. One thing, don't forget, Linger and I have already made a private agreement for life. Although this matter spreads out, although it is a parent's grace, but After all, it is something that you love and I wish for, and it can be forgiven. If you want to intervene in it, what do you think will happen to people in this wild map?"

Du Yu pinpointed the opponent's weakness at once. Since he is so intent on being the master, this is where the breakthrough lies.

"Okay, you are ruthless. Do you think this will make me give up? Don't think I don't know, Ling'er is using you as a pretext. In short, Ling'er, I am determined to win." Yun Feng frowned and raised his finger. on Du Yu's face.Follow current s on novelenglish.net . Fire(.)nᴇt

Du Yu was also full of heroism, and directly pulled Linger behind him.

"Hehe, then, let's try. The territory is so small. Since I want to tear my face, I will accompany me." Du Yu showed no weakness.

In the end, Yun Feng threw his hands away in a panic.

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Looking at his back, Du Yu's wrinkled brows slowly relaxed.

"You, thank you. I really didn't expect him to come to me at night. It seems that we need to improve the strength of the barrier here." Ling'er sighed, went to the table and poured a glass of water, gudonggudong drink it down.

"It's alright, isn't it still me? I feel that this matter is not that simple. For now, it's just you, Mingcheng, Qi Guan'er and Zi Yan who know about my business. Qi Guan'er will definitely not talk about it. Besides, don't you already have doubts about Mingcheng? You can't believe what Yunfeng said, so it remains to be verified whether it was Mingcheng or Ziyan who disclosed it to him."

Du Yu walked to the table and sat down on his own. He secretly took care of his thoughts, but couldn't find the key point.

"Du Yu, thank you very much. In fact, I originally wanted to see how you hatched fire spirit beasts, so I kidnapped you home. I didn't expect so many things to happen." Ling'er Xin Speaking with guilt.

Du Yu shook his head, if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't know where he was now. Maybe, I didn't even find a place to rest for the night.

"Don't talk so much. The most important thing now is to calm down and don't let Yun Feng take the initiative. The words I just said will probably only drag him on for a while. Although, you are right now. Mingcheng has some doubts, but he knows Zi Yan after all, why don't you start with your brother and see if he can help."

Du Yu suddenly thought of Mingcheng. Although, it is still unclear what Linger is suspicious of Mingcheng, but he feels that Mingcheng is still very concerned about Linger's issue.

Linger thought for a long time, and finally nodded.

"Okay, by the way, how is your fire spirit beast? What is the fate of the spirit world?"

Linger changed the subject and asked. *