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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2130: rely on each other
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Du Yu knew that Mingcheng said that these were all for himself. If other people know that their fire spirit beast egg body has changed their choices at this moment, then everyone will target themselves.The source of thɪs content is ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet

At that time, it is not only himself who is in danger, but also the family in Mingcheng. Furthermore, the fire spirit beasts under Mingcheng's hands are of the highest quality in themselves. If they are known, then there will be a catastrophe.

"That's why, women are not allowed to enter the fire spirit beast's store. Women are inherently subordinate to the yin, and the sold fire spirit beasts are inherently hostile. If two extreme yin bodies collide, then the resulting The consequences are unimaginable. This is why we are against you to go there." Mingcheng looked at Ling'er worriedly after saying this. He didn't tell her this before, but it was for her sake.

He is really afraid that his sister will become more and more courageous, and he will want to give it a try after learning the truth.

"Brother, I'm sorry to make you worry. Then, is it possible that we women don't deserve to have spirit beasts?" Ling'er raised her head sadly. Her dream since childhood was to have another fire spirit. The beast comes to cultivate with himself.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glance at Qi Guan'er, even he had a chicken, but she had nothing.

"Don't worry, all fire spirit beasts have spirituality, and you will have them too. When the time comes, they will naturally appear in front of you."

Seeing Mingcheng rubbing Linger's head, Du Yu's heart was a little empty. Here, he was the only one left to fight alone.

"Then how can I hatch the egg body of this fire spirit beast?" Du Yu retracted his emotions, raised his head and continued to ask.

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"It's very simple, use your spiritual energy to cultivate. However, your cultivation is not to help them hatch, but to provide them with food, so that they have enough spiritual energy to break through the eggshell. After they take shape, they will help them. You improve the progress of your cultivation. This is an interdependent process, in which you cannot keep selfishness, you must trust it completely, so that it will fully trust you in the future.”

Mingcheng explained it carefully, and Du Yu understood it. It turns out that here, the fire spirit beast and the practitioner are one body, the fire spirit beast can help the practitioner to speed up the process of practice, and the practitioner can also help the fire spirit beast to improve its own spiritual power.

In such a process of mutual aid and reciprocity, why do so many people give up fire spirit beasts for the so-called money.

"Okay, then I'll try it tonight. I also want to see how inconspicuous my one is, which will make those people in the store look down on it." Du Yu joked to himself, but Mingcheng But interrupted him.

"Cultivation must be done in the midday sun when the sun is at its best. I told you that the egg body of this fire spirit beast is extremely cold and cold. We are masculine, so don't be devoured by his cold and cold. I watched it. , Tomorrow is the day when the sun is the most victorious, and with the size of your egg body, if it goes well, you can see it for details tomorrow."

Hearing this, Du Yu had a little anticipation, and began to impatiently want to see this little cat of his own.

However, Linger's face was a little bad, Du Yu thought she was jealous of him.

Everyone saw that it was getting late, Mingcheng quickly ordered someone to prepare dinner, and Du Yu was arranged next to Linger after dinner.

During this period, Du Yu never saw Linger's parents. Before, she was worried about how her parents would react violently when they saw him.

"Dong dong dong!" Du Yu was about to fall asleep when there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Although Du Yu got out of bed to open the door, he still asked instinctively.

"It's me, I have something to tell you."

When Du Yu heard it was her, he stepped up to the door.

Opening the door, Du Yu saw a worried Linger.

What's wrong with her?

"It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" As he said, he invited people into the room.

Ling'er pursed her lips, looking like she was about to speak.

"If you have anything, just tell me, maybe I can help you."

After the two sat down, Du Yu asked with a smile.

"Du Yu, although we have only met once, I still trust you very much. I think you are a good person. So, I came here to find you and want to tell you something. It may be about my family." Ling'er Raising his head, with a very serious look, the smile on Du Yu's face gradually disappeared.

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What about her family? It's been less than a day since they met, is this...

Du Yu suddenly didn't know what to say, no wonder Mingcheng was worried about this girl, and her vigilance against people was too bad.

"Since you believe me, you can safely say that if I can help, I will try my best to help." Being trusted in this way, Du Yu couldn't live up to others, so he also showed his sincerity.

"I feel like my eldest brother has changed. I don't know what's going on. It was when he told you today that he helped you hatch your fire spirit beast egg, and when he told the story of the fire spirit beast. He never said it."

"Just these things? He said these things today because of the change in my choice of egg body, and it was for your safety that he didn't mention it. You don't need to think too much."

Du Yu smiled helplessly, this woman is really a suspicious animal, it's just a remark, she even doubts her own brother.

"No, it's just a feeling. For some reason, I always feel that something is wrong with eldest brother today. Qi Guan'er is a simple-minded guy. If I told him, he would definitely turn around and tell eldest brother. My parents are not at home, I After thinking about it, I still think I am looking for you, you can help me come up with an idea." Ling'er took advantage of the situation and grabbed Du Yu's hand, the sincerity in her words clearly showed that he had already regarded him as a very close person.

Du Yu was stunned for a while, not knowing how to react.

His heartbeat also quickened a lot in an instant. Although Ling'er is not as enchanting as Zi Yan in the daytime, it is easy to make one's heart move at close range.

What's more, they are so close now that Du Yu can feel Linger's breath on his face.


"Second sister, what are you doing? I come from time to time, it's not the right time!" Qi Guan'er didn't know when he came to the door, and just happened to see the two of them now. Take it back again.

Ling'er quickly pulled her hand away, and her cheeks were dyed with a hint of ruddy.

"No, it's fine, I just accidentally hurt my arm during the day, your second sister just take a look." Du Yu explained quickly, for fear that Qi Guan'er would misunderstand and say something to Mingcheng. *