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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2122: you are a poor bastard
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Feeling the incredible gazes of the people around him, Du Yu gradually felt that he was probably in trouble again.

"I'll go, you can take a look. What can you do even if you have something of that quality in your hand? Are you playing with the ball or showing off your wealth in your hand? Let everyone know about you. Bought this with more than ten coins? Let everyone laugh at you for being mentally retarded!" For some unknown reason, Er Shao suddenly started a fire, and it was like eating people.

Du Yu couldn't help moving the chair and retreating back, but it was a bad person. Isn't the white swan considered a black duck when it was born.

"It's also a life after all. Doesn't it take thousands of years to produce one? No matter how bad it is, it's still very precious compared to other things." Du Yu grinned, despite his appearance, he was very dissatisfied. I wanted to make a quibble, but the momentum was cowardly.

"You, forget it!" Er Shao waved his sleeves, they didn't know each other anyway, what decision did he make, did he have a half-cent relationship with him?

"Okay. Since no one bids anymore. Congratulations to this little brother in front of me for getting this little fire beast egg. Once again, we trade instantly, pay on time, and will not refund or exchange."

When the smiling Zi Yan said the last few words, the smile on her face disappeared. Moreover, his eyes were full of warnings.

Du Yu frowned, what came to mind was the way she tore the man with her hands just now. Her pocket is cleaner than her face. If she were to find out, wouldn't she have to end up like that man.

Thinking about it, Du Yu's eyes gradually turned to the second master beside him. It is said that women are made of water, and her heart must be very soft. Although they have only just met, she will not watch herself die here.

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"You are a poor bastard! Don't open your mouth to me, I have no money. You just gave the child a handful of beans, adding up to more than 12 coins." The second master talked with Du Yu opened a distance, and his eyes were clearly warning Du Yu while telling him that they had only just met each other, why would she help him?

However, Du Yu grabbed her arm and pulled her to his side. The strong and powerful arm was placed directly on her shoulder, and Er Shao only felt that a splatter of blood almost spurted out of his throat.

She didn't expect that Du Yu in front of her would have such a Taoist behavior behind her.

"I'm afraid you'll have to help if you don't. I'm the only one who knows the identity of your daughter. Looking at the scene, if the woman finds out that you are also a person with boobs, I think your fate..."

Du Yu deliberately said half of his words, and Er Shao suddenly turned cold and responded in a low voice, "Are you threatening me?"

Du Yu nodded, then looked up at the stage, wanting to open his mouth to say something.

The second young master quickly covered Du Yu's mouth and stared at him with gritted teeth.

Du Yu knew that this was a success.

"Then, ask this little brother to pay off the money and leave."

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan waved her sleeves, and the little egg flew to Du Yu's eyes.Thɪs chapter is updatᴇd by novelenglish.net . ꜰɪre.ɴet

Reluctantly, Second Young Master fumbled for money bags from his waist, then took out twelve and threw them into Du Yu's hands.

"Then what?" Du Yu stared blankly at the thing in his hand, and surveyed the eyes of the people around him, who were all staring at his palm.

Du Yu couldn't help but wonder, are the people here really that poor? Or is this coin very valuable? If he had known that he had kept more valuable treasures on his body, he should not have given Du Huan all the treasures he had found during his explorations over the years.

Now it's better to make yourself look like a beggar.

"I really don't know what bad luck I have to meet you." Er Shao grabbed the Dokobe that he had just put in his palm in a rage, then picked up the fire beast egg, and threw the Doko coin into the ride egg. in the body's plate.

Then, the plate flew towards Zi Yan again.

"The currency is clear, please leave the venue." Then, Zi Yan made a gesture of invitation. ,

"This is the end? I still want to see what's next." Du Yu was a little confused for a while. It stands to reason that they should do their best to stay, right?

There's no reason to be kicked out here.

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"If you let the other party know that you borrowed my money to buy things here, you will die even worse." Er Shao said in a low voice, then took Du Yu's hand and hurriedly left the inn.

Du Yu's whole person is completely in a state of confusion, what kind of time and space is he involved in?

"What the **** is going on here? Don't you have to wait for the main event later!" Du Yu stared at Er Shao suspiciously.

At this time, the second young master was holding back his anger.

"I've already told you that the business here is a one-sided individual act. If they know, we don't know each other, you borrowed my money to buy this unlucky bastard, not only will you be in trouble, but also Even me, I won't be able to enter here for three years."

Er Shao patted his forehead and glanced at Du Yu like a fool. Suddenly, she grabbed Du Yu's collar and said, "Who are you? Why do I feel like you don't belong here. Could it be..."

She lowered her head thoughtfully.

"Don't ask me where I am from. I just want to find out what is going on. Also, don't we earn more than ten coins to buy this? This is an ancient spirit beast. ."

Du Yu's eyes widened in disbelief. They only saw a dozen or so in the cave that day. Furthermore, he saw that there were more than just these two in the pockets of the second young master in front of him.

Er Shao rolled his eyes, his face full of helplessness.

"I said eldest brother, who are you? Although we all came for this egg, no one said what ancient divine beast it was. And what did you say? What is it? This is what we keep by our side to help us cultivate. Don’t look at this conference once a year. There are tens of thousands of eggs once a year, and I don’t know how many are destroyed. If you look like this, give it to me I don't want it either!" She was about to cry as she spoke, originally she was heading for that rare crystal egg body today, but I didn't expect...

"Hey, forget it. It's just that I was unlucky today, why didn't I read the almanac when I went out in the morning." Er Shao shook his hand, and then threw the small egg into Du Yu's arms. .

Du Yu looked at her distant back, and suddenly felt a little sense of security in his heart. This was the first good person he met here, but he couldn't let her run away like this. Thinking about it, Du Yu quickly chased after him. *