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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2118: fire beast
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It seemed that the end was very near, but Du Yu walked for a long time. Thanks to the inner alchemy of the turtle thing, otherwise, his current physical strength will definitely be overdrawn.

"these are……"

At the end, Du Yu saw a strange sight. The end of the cave turned out to be bright.

Du Yu put the three of them down gently, and pulled Bai Linger out of his waist at will. At this time, he could not care about respecting his predecessors. What was in front of him completely caught Du Yu's attention.

I saw that the egg-shaped object as large as a grinding disc emitted a bleak light, safely supporting the surrounding light.

Through the emitted light, Du Yu vaguely saw animal-like skeletons from the object.

"Could it be that this is the egg of the fire beast?" Du Yu stared blankly, muttering in his heart.

After pondering for a while, he raised his hand and reached out to the snow-white egg. But before the fingertips touched it, the thing seemed to sense danger, and the egg body went inward, forming a small pit on the surface of the egg.

Du Yu always thought that the surface of this thing was hard, but he never thought it was so soft. What's even more incredible is that after one reacted, the others also made the same action one after another.

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"Ah..." The roar sounded again, and Du Yu quickly covered his ears. Only then did he realize that the hissing sound came from these eggs, and when the sounds came together, it became extremely harsh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break into your territory. It's just that the rain outside here is really strange, so I'm staying here for the time being. Please forgive me."

Du Yu was tortured by the voice, and he apologized repeatedly because he felt that these things could understand human words.

Sure enough, the eggs soon subsided, and silence returned to the cave.

Du Yu opened his eyes slowly, but the animal-like skeleton in the egg turned into a picture of a baby.

He looked incredulously, if the thing in front of him was really a legendary spirit beast, how could he be able to do anything in the face of the appearance of these babies.

Du Yu couldn't help but look back at the few people on the ground. Although he was not sure whether the thing in front of him was the spiritual beast they were looking for, he had to give it a try.

"This is just an illusion, an illusion..." Du Yu kept repeating this sentence in his heart, as if he wanted to numb his nerves.

He pulled out the dagger and tried to maintain his inner composure, and then stared firmly at the thing.

At this moment, the cry of a baby could be heard inside the egg, and Du Yu's heart suddenly softened. Those babies haven't come into the world yet, is it true that they hurt innocent people for a thought that might be wrong?

"What? A little illusion makes you timid? Don't forget, the three people lying on the ground are all waiting for you to save your life."

A strange voice entered Du Yu's ears, it sounded like a child, but the tone was calm and like an adult.

"Who!" Du Yu took two steps back vigilantly.

A baby's face appeared on the wall behind the eggs, and then a vine emerged from the crack in the stone wall.

It is a very strange red flower. Its flower bud is actually the face of a baby.

"What are you!" Du Yu took another step back.

The flower twisted and twisted the vine above the egg, making a weird laugh.

"What am I? What you should be worrying about now is how to save your friend."

The thing said, stretched the vines and twisted towards the few people on the ground, Du Yu immediately summoned the black sword to block in front of them.

"One more step forward, and I'll cut off your vines!" Du Yu scolded, and the flower stepped back a little.

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"Yo, you have a great temper. Hey, it's a pity that you are a man. I don't like your stinky skin. However, seeing these three beauties today, I'm in a good mood, I can tell you Where is the fire spirit beast you are looking for!"

These words came out of the mouth with that tender face, and Du Yu couldn't help but get goosebumps all over.

He didn't know what kind of monster the thing in front of him was, but it was his only hope.ᴛhis chapter is ᴜpdated by N(o)vᴇl(ꜰ)ire.nᴇt

"Where!" Du Yu asked urgently.

The flower bud twisted the vines and walked above the eggs, and then nodded, clearly telling Du Yu that those eggs were fire spirit beasts.

"But, shouldn't the fire spirit beast be an animal or a monster or something!" Du Yu asked suspiciously.

"Where do you think this place is? All things in this world can do anything to save their lives. This is just a form of them. However, if you really take their blood to save your friends, you You have to be mentally prepared.”

"What preparation?" Hearing the yin and yang of the flower bud's strange voice, Du Yu really wanted to cut off her flower bud with one knife.

"This fire spirit beast is the purest thing in the world. If you take their blood for your own use, you will be cursed."

"No matter what, I have to save, this is my promise." Du Yu's eyes were extremely firm.

The flower bud was still twisting the vine, looking at Du Yu with a half-smile, but finally said that he could fulfill Du Yu's wish. *