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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 99.


“Ready?” I look down at Eva to see her standing in the dark looking all around here, from where we are

standing we can hear the Pack talking but can’t see them.

“Ready,” Eva nods her head confidently. I don’t know what changed but ever since I brought her home

she’s been filled with this desirable, intoxicating confidence I didn’t even know she was capable of.

Stepping closer to her I slide my hand up her neck to cup her jaw, leans into it and kisses the palm of

my hand.


“Something has changed in you.” I whisper to her, her blue eyes flick open and she smiles coyly at me.

“Is it bad?” I shake my head at her as I bring my thumb round to slide across the bottom of her lips, I

suck in a breath when she takes the pad of my thumb into her mouth and sucks gently.

“It’s beautiful.” She smiles up at me as loud cheering comes from the clearing behind us, “that’s us.”

Stepping back I take my hand from her face and hold it in front of her, when she clasps it in her tiny one

I smile at her once more before leading her through the trees.

“Pack, welcome Alpha Cas and Luna Eva,” the people crowding into the clearing start applauding

louder as Rowan walks from the front of the crowd. Leading Eva out in front of them I let her stand

there and soak in the sounds of praise from her Pack.

“Thank you all,” I hold my hands up and the chatting starts to die

down. “To answer the rumours, yes Eva is my fated mate and yes we are expecting our first born. Soon

Everfur will have an Heir.” Eva coughs, looking at her I chuckle a little, “or Heiress.” Laughter sounds

around us as Eva nods her head and beams at me. “Tonight we will be minus Heath due to him

recovering from his injuries, so please take care when running and stay together.” That being said I see

people at the back of the crowd already removing their clothes, turning to Eva, I go to lead her off but

she’s already taken off her sports bra and is pulling down her leggings. I’m about to kick up a fuss

about the males of the Pack seeing her but she shifts into Ghost before her leggings hit the floor. She

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sits on her ass and tilts her head to the side as if

demanding I hurry up, pulling my shirt over my head I start to call Storm forward.

‘Come on, old wolf,‘ Ghost bounds off into the trees, tormenting Storm as she does.

‘Old wolf?‘ I laugh as Storm starts to chase after our mate, she’s fast and for now Storm seems

satisfied to let her lead. The sound of wolves running around us does nothing to distract Storm from

chasing Ghost down, she weaves around trees as Storm glides over rocks. After a while of running I

realise where we are and warn Storm to stop, just over the hill is a small pond which we will go hurtling

towards if we don’t slow down. Unfortunately for Ghost she doesn’t realise this and keeps running until

she’s gone from view and a loud splash sounds from over the hill.

“Eva?” I pull Storm back so quickly that I can still feel him under my skin, I start scrambling up the hill,

it’s slow going on bare feet but I finally make it. I start to panic when I don’t see Ghost or Eva, the water

is still rippling so I know she’s in there. A twig snapping behind me has me turning to see Rowan and

Selena’s wolves walking towards the small pond.



‘Eva?‘ Selena asks me.

“In the damn pond.” I say quickly to her sandy brown wolf, I watch as she lowers herself onto her front

paws, shakes her ass and then shoots herself forward. I manage to roll out of the way just as she hits

the hill and goes sailing through the air.

‘Last one in, is a lame wolf!.‘ Selena calls out as she soars through the air and splashes into the water.

I feel Rowan’s wolf come to stand next to me, both of us watch the water line, I’m almost ready to jump

in after them when the two women pop their heads out of the water. Sputtering and giggling they start

to splash each other, it seems the cold water has shocked them back into their human forms.

“That was playing dirty, he was super close to dunking himself!” Eva squeals as she dives towards

Selena and dunks her head under the


“Hey!” I shout, they both stop and look towards me and Rowan, I can see Eva’s pale legs under the

water, she’s kicking them like crazy to keep herself afloat.

“Oh, stop grumping. Come in, the water feels amazing.” Selena shouts over to us as she lays on her

back and starts to float around the pond. Just as I’m about to tell them to get out Rowan’s wolf goes

diving into the water, both of the women scream when his heavy wolf’s body causes a massive splash.

“Fine,” defeated and outvoted, I take a few steps back before running and jumping into the water. I

gasp when I land, which makes me swallow some of the ice cold water, pushing myself to the surface, I

start to cough and splutter.

“Catch me.” I hear Eva squeal a split second before her warm body is colding with my back, I can feel

her cold hard nipples digging into my back. “Go, go, get them!” Eva points over to Rowan and Selena



the water.

clasp hands and start trying to push the other off

as me and Eva. Paddling over to

“Give up, my man ain’t letting me go.” Selena laughs loudly as she continues to push Eva off my back,

reaching down into the water I tighten my hold on Eva’s legs. Trying to offer her support.

“Friendly babe.” Rowan tells her with a smile on his face, “she’s really competitive.” Rowan tells me

with a smirk on my face.

“Well have you seen my man’s muscles, he’s not letting me go either.” I try to keep my balance as Eva

leans to the left to try and for Selena to lose her own balance. I can feel her thighs clutching me as she

leans more to the left and finally Selena goes falling into the water. Eva bring my hands up to her ribs

and start to tickle. It isn’t long before she’s full belly laughing against my back, as soon as her thighs

loosen I

into the water too, so I buck her off my back.

starts cheering but I feel it’s only fair she go into the water. Eva

“That was dirty.” Rowan says with a chuckle as we both start to swim away from the two thrashing


“Yeah but funny as hell.” I laugh as Eva starts to curse me out while swimming behind us.

“We should head back.” Rowan whispers, after splashing around in the water we all climbed out and

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

now both of the women are curled up against us napping. It’s actually nice and peaceful laying here on

the side of the pond looking up at the night sky.

“Yeah, probably.” I say with a sigh but making no effort to actually


‘Alpha, we have a problem.‘ I sit up quickly as Heath’s panicked voice



Ha Roque Omega Chapter 95

comes over the Pack link, Eva falls off me with an umph and lands on the floor.

“What the hell?” I hold my hand up to her as I try to listen to Heath. Rowan and Selena are both sitting

up looking at me with concerned. faces.

‘What is it?‘ I ask Heath quickly.

“The rogue and Vince are gone from the cells, Jeremy’s scent is all over these cells.‘ I hear his panic,

he’s worried because the whole Pack is out in the woods and we have three dangerous men now


around the Pack land.

‘I’ll be right there.‘ I tell him as I stand from the floor and hold my hand out to Eva.

“Time to get back, ladies. I need you to run and not stop until you’re at the Pack house.” Both women

nod before shifting back into their wolves, “Rowan, gather the Pack up, run is over. Meet me at the

cells, both prisoners are out and Jeremy’s scent is all over the cells.” Rowan nods as I start to call

Storm back, he will guide the women back to the Pack house and make sure nothing happens to them.

“You keep an eye on my mate, get there safely.” Rowan says to Storm as he leans down and strokes

his mate, “run fast babe. Keep Eva between you and Storm, you know how to protect yourself.”

Selena’s wolf slides a tongue up Rowan’s face before turning to me and blowing a breath out of her

nose. Turning to Ghost I see she’s standing directly behind me, happy with the formation, I urge Storm

to start running.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!