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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 279
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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 112.

✩ Eva✰

288 Mouchers.

“Is this Selena?” I blink my eyes rapidly as I try to bring the room back. into focus, the wet cloth on my

forehead is doing nothing to stop the sweat that is pouring down my face as Thomas talks on the

phone. “Good this is Thomas, I need you to come to the Ruston Motel on sixty-seven, Eva is in a bad

way and you are the nearest shifter Doctor.” I groan loudly as another pain shoots through my stomach,

this one seems to bleed down my leg at the same time as it shoots across my stomach. “You can’t tell

Cas, you need to come alone.” I growl loudly as Thomas walks past me, he’s pacing up and down the

room but stops when he hears my growl.

“You get Cas here now!” I scream as another pain shoots through me, “something is wrong!” I just want

someone to tell me what the hell is going on because right now it feels like my body is trying to rip itself

apart. I lose time as Thomas talks into the phone and I try to find a way to position myself and not be in


“Alright, Selena said we need to keep you comfortable and relaxed, she said the worst thing you can do

right now is panic.” I nod my head as he wets the cloth from a bowl he’s put on the bedside table, I

wave him off as he tries to put it back on my head. The feeling of the cold is actually making me feel a

little sick but then again so is everything else. right now.

“Please don’t touch me.” I whimper as I curl into myself as I try to breath myself through the pain,

nothing seems to be working so I give in to my body and start to cry. Thomas starts stroking my hair

and making soothing shushing sounds which is making me feel a little



“Where is she?” The sound of Cas’s voice has my eyes flying open as it echoes around the room.

Sitting up, I’m confused because the room is dark and I can sense that I’m alone and the pain that had

me screaming has stopped.

“You can’t see her, it’s the law.” I try to untangle myself from the covers. on the bed when I hear the

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

sound of skin hitting skin and the unmistakable sound of something easy hitting the floor.

“Did you have to knock him out?” Thomas sounds exasperated as I finally untangle myself and put my

feet on the wooden floor of the bedroom.

“Well it was either I knock him out or Cas kills him.” I smile as Darryl’ s voice sounds on the other side

of the door, “I’ll wait here while you guys see Eva.” I look at the door as it swings open, expecting to

see Cas. I’m a little disappointed when Thomas steps in, flicking the light on as he goes.

“Are you trying to get up, lay back down!” Selena’s shrill scream is only out done by the way she

bounds into the room, her face is tight with worry and her dark blue scrubs are wrinkled. I ignore her

though as my eyes land on Cas, he’s leaning against the doorway, his hand clutching it like he’s willing

it to hold him up. His green eyes look wet as he looks at me, letting his eyes glide down my body, they

pause on my round stomach as Selena tries to push me back onto the bed.

“Hey Angel.” His little smirk has a wobble to it that betrays his worry, I smile back at him as tears start

to glide down my face. “Lay down for Selena.” I nod my head as I lay down but hold out my hand to

him, “some privacy Thomas?” Thomas just does a little bow before sweeping from the room and pulling

the door closed behind him.

“It’s been so long.” I know it hasn’t been that long but I can’t keep the need from my voice, the second

Cas’s skin makes contact with mine Ghost starts to purr.

“I know Angel, I see you’ve been growing our pup though.” His big calloused hand slides over my

nightshirt covered stomach, he doesnt get to touch for too long though because Selena pushes his

hand out of the way.

“Sorry guys but you need to do this later, I want to check you and the pup out before The Elders come

barging in.” I wipe at my face as Selena bush’s herself in her bag. Gripping the hem of my shirt I lift it

up to show my huge stomach, the skin is stretched so tightly that I’m honestly wondering if I can get

any bigger without popping like a balloon.

“How’s the pain Angel?” Cas’s hand across my forehead as he looks down at me is much more

soothing than any cloth Thomas put on my head.

“It’s stopped. Thomas said I passed out and then I think I fell asleep. I heard you shouting and I was

surprised when I woke up and the pain was gone.” Taking my eyes off Cas I look at Selena as she

takes what looks like a massive length of elastic from her bag.

“I need to put this around your stomach, it will let me monitor the pup’s heart beat. Help me sit her up

Cas.” Cas lets go of my hand and slides at hand under my shoulders, together we manage to get me in

a sitting. position much faster than I would have on my own. Selena stretches the band around me and

attaches a plastic pod looking device right over where my baby is sitting.

“Will this let you see the pup?” Cas asks Selena as he helps me lean. back onto a pile of pillows

Selena has set up behind me.

“No but it will let me measure the activity and heartbeat, it will give


His Rogue Omega Chapter 112

208 Mouchers

me a good idea of what’s going on. The ultrasound has too many parts for me to bring here, as long as

everything checks out now then we can wait to do that when we get home.” Selena sits on the other

side of the bed and starts pressing some buttons on the iPad she’s holding, “how you been eating?

Sleeping?” I shrug my shoulders, I don’t really know how to answer her question so I go for brutal


“They keep me in here, I’ve not been outside since I got here. I haven’t shifted and Ghost seems fine

with that, I eat what they bring me which is three square meals a day. I sleep when I’m not eating but

I’m constantly tired, it’s like a cycle of eating and sleeping.” As if to prove my point I cover my mouth as

a loud yawn leaves my body.

“So no matter how much you sleep you’re still tired?” Selena asks without looking up from her iPad, I

nod my head and she purses her lips and looks at Cas.

“Don’t do that, tell me what’s going on.” I really don’t have it in me to interpret their silent conversations



“Angel, she’s trying to figure it out.” Cas’s hand is back on my forehead as I lean into his touch and

close my eyes.

“Well listening to this,” she unplugs something and the soft rapid. fluttering of a heart beat sounds in the

room. “You’re pup is healthy and happy, my guess is you have low iron and need your mate. Taking a

heavily pregnant female from their mate can do some strange things that medicine can’t account for.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

that medicine can’t account for.” Selena shifts on the bed and attaches a blood pressure cuff around

my right arm, “I think the pain you were feeling was Braxton hi cks, it’s like false labour. It could mean

your pup is going to be with us soon but if the false labour was so bad that you passed out the actual

labour is going to be worse. You might want to consider a c-section.” I cringe as Selena starts to pump

the little balloon, I know enough to know that means Selena would have to cut my baby out of me!

50 47%.


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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 112

288 Wouchers

“I don’t want that.” I shake my head as Selena looks at her watch before letting the cuff around my arm


“Angel, be reasonable. You are tiny and if your stomach is any indication you are carrying a big baby,

maybe a c-section would be for the best.” I look up at Cas as Selena removes the cuff and nods at Cas

as she tucks it back into her bag and picks up the iPad again.

“Either way, you don’t have to decide now, just something to consider.” A thump on the door has me

jumping as Selena glances at Cas, “go, I’ ve got her.” Cas leans down and kisses me on the forehead

as he stands. from the bed..

“Wait, you’ll come back?” I hate that I sound so needy but I really do want him to come back and lay

with me.

“Wild wolves couldn’t keep me away, Angel.” He winks at me before opening the door and sliding

through it without opening it too far to let whoever is outside see in.

“Want me to take the band off?” I glance over at Selena, blinking my eyes rapidly, I realise I’ve been

watching the door for a while now.

“Sorry, what?” I try to sit myself up more but her hand on my shoulder stops my movement.

“How about we leave it on and you can nap with the pup’s heartbeat?” I nod my head as she leans over

and flicks the light off, “sleep. He’ll be back Eva and I’m not going anywhere.” The soft glow of her iPad

as she sits on the armchair gives the room just enough light to make it seem less lonely and eventually

I fall back to sleep to the soft fluttering sound of my baby’s heartbeat.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!