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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 99
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Who is my target?

When the door cracked open, Scorpio stopped sharpening his blade and raised his gaze to stare at his

man calmly walking inside, and then he asked in a dead tone, “What is it. Target?”

Lowering his gaze to the floor, Target hesitated and then mumbled, “There‘s an older lady out there

asking about you.”

from every time he rubbed a little too roughly against it.

Flinching, Target took a step back and then mumbled, “She wants you to do a job for her, and she

claimed to have the money to pay.”

For a moment, Scorpio didn‘t even react or look up. Then he said, very softly but with enough

annoyance in his voice, commanded, “Bring her to me.”

After a slight bow, Target eyed his boss before walking away without another word, and Scorpio

continued to sharpen his blade.

A couple of minutes later, the door opened again and Madam Jewel walked inside, clutching onto her

purse with her face etched with a look of disgust. as her eyes darted about the room.

After her three bodyguards joined her inside, Target shut the door and eyed his boss, waiting for a


“What do you want?” Scorpio asked, laying his blade down and picking up another one.

With a frown and a nervous glance at her bodyguards, Madam Jewel sighed, staring at him, and said,

“I got a job for you.”

Pausing, Scorpio looked up at her for a second, and then at Target, and understanding his boss‘s

signal, Target approached Madam Jewel and tapped her on the hand, saying, “Ma‘am, you can sit he-”

“Don‘t touch me!!” Madam Jewel lost it, jumping away from Target and glaring at the look of confusion

on his face.

“Please refrain from touching, my madam!” Kent warned, his eyes cold as he glared at Target.

“Okay, Okay!” Target exclaimed, holding his hands up and backing off slowly.

Frowning, Madam Jewel reached into her bag for a hand sanitizer, taking some of it with trembling

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fingers, and dabbing it onto her hands and wrists.

“Are you sick?” Scorpio asked in a deadpan tone, resting back in his chair.

“Excuse me?!” Madam Jewel shrieked, turning around and shooting him a glare.

“Are you ill with something contagious and don‘t want others touching you before you pass it on to



The rest of her words stuck in her head as the realization of the knife on the table came to her and she

froze completely.

For a moment, Scorpio glanced at Target and then back at her asking, “What do you exactly want from


“Fifteen thousand dollars...” Madam Jewel answered instantly, her eyes darting between the knives and

him. “To kill a man for me. A clean job that will not lead back to you or me.”

Silence filled the room, and after another tense pause of hesitation, Madam Jewel finally lifted her gaze

and stared right at Scorpio as he asked, “Who referred me to you?”

There was a look of slight reluctance on her face as she lied with bold eyes, “Well, my driver. He

claimed that you are the best in the game.”

“Was... I was the best until I took one for a client, lost it all, and went to prison while he still walks free…

I have served my time and just got out. Now, you–”

“That‘s why I want you to be the one to handle this job... you are trustworthy. Also, He‘s just a nobody

and no one will care about his death... you have nothing to worry about. And once the job is done, you

can get a five thousand bonus... Twenty thousand dollars in total.”

Silence fell over the room again, and Scorpio sat back in his chair, thinking it over for a few seconds

before asking, “Who is my target?”

Smiling triumphantly, Madam Jewel reached into her bag, took out a printed photo of Elijah, and placed

it on the table in front of Scorpio.

Looking at it closely, Scorpio narrowed his eyes and looked up at her, “Is this my target?”

Yes.‘ Madam Jewel nodded firmly, smiling widely. “He‘s just a regular guy... So, can you kill him or


Quietly, Scorpio picked up the picture, looked at it for a while, and then tossed it back down, saying, “||

can. But I need a smoke to decide.”

“What? But...B–ut,” Madam Jewel mumbled, watching him stand up and walk around the table, then left

her in shock, walking out the room.

Finally, the last group of employees joined the rest in the lobby of Investistic Co. and Elijah stood in

front of them, watching their faces as the mumbling began among them.

“After having a meeting with Dean Hayes and his son, we are getting summoned again by this guy,” A

lady whispered, frowning hard at the sight of Elijah. “What could he possibly want?”

“To beg us to stay... After all, without the Hayes‘s continuous pumping of money into this company, its

revenue alone can not sustain the workforce salaries... so maybe he‘s going to plead with us to give

him time.” The dude beside her scoffed.

A snort interrupted the whispers, causing both parties to turn around and stare at the other fellow as he

mumbled, “Well, he‘s not going to know what hit him when we all quit and walk out of here!”

“All of you are fired from Investistic Co,” Elijah announced in a loud voice, making everyone go silent

from shock

They all had a look that indicated that they thought Elijah was joking with them, but seeing him standing

in front of them with a deadass serious expression didn‘t give them any more chances to doubt him.

“What did you say?!” A dude shouted in disbelief, feeling like he was imagining Elijah‘s words.

“You all are hereby dismissed from the Investistic Co. All the employees working here are free to clear

your desk and leave the premises.”

An employee turned to his buddy and mumbled, “This guy can‘t be for real. The company is

experiencing bankruptcy. Without workers, this place will crash. Does he even know what he is doing?”

“What do you expect from a man that spent most of his first marriage waiting for his wife at home,

without having any career or ambition, except staying at her heel?” The other guy gritted out through

his teeth.

“I feel sad for Peach, allowing this dupe to marry her. What a waste.”

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“I can say she‘s stupid for even allowing this fool to run this company after she just got her hand no

such a bit of good opportunity.”

Seeing them just standing the and mumbling, Elijah hesitated for a second, and then said, “If any of

you are still standing here after fifteen minutes, I will take that as you wanting to continue working for

this company.” “Who wants to work for this shitty place...” A guy blurted out from the crowd. “Instead of

you getting down on your knees and begging us to help you save it, you are putting on a show! What a


Following the direction of the voice, Elijah‘s sight rested on a dude with a smug smirk on his face, who

was glaring right at him, almost challenging him.

“That‘s good. I don‘t have a place here for your arrogance, so gather your stuff and leave!” Elijah said,

his voice carrying a commanding tone that made everybody flinch under his coldness.

The guy looked a bit embarrassed, and then he walked out of the crowd, mumbling under his breath.

“Who else wants to join him?” Elijah uttered calmly in a loud tone. “If you leave today, you are free to

pick up whatever the company owes you in salaries on Monday.”

Shortly after those words, every employee started walking off to gather their things, and then they were

leaving the building one by one without any hesitation.

Soon, it was just Elijah, Ryan, Dice, and Rookie standing in the abandoned lobby of Investistic Co, and

an awkward silence settled in the atmosphere as Ryan and Rookie waited for their boss‘s next move.

For a moment, Dice looked around, and then at Elijah, wondering why he would fire all the employees

at such a crucial time.

“I guess none of them had the company at heart... Just as I expected.” Elijah sighed, turning his head

to meet Rookie‘s eyes, and added, “I need you to update the company website and upload hiring

information for all the positions needed to run this place to its full capacity, and whatever Elmer Hayes

was paying those that just left, increase it with better work benefits.”

‘Those fool... He was testing them.’ Dice thought as it finally hit him.

With a gentle nod, Rookie replied, “I can do it right away.”

As Elijah looked over at Ryan and was about to speak, the sound of the elevator suddenly “ding,”

startled them, and their attention was immediately directed toward its doors.