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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 117
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The Marvelous Elijah's Return by Rever Chapter 117

Exchange Melina for Peach Silently, Peach looked down at her fingers which were clasped around her

hand and then lifted them so that theywere lying flat across the surface of the table, staring into Jacob's

piercing gaze.

"I don't follow," Peach whispered under her breath. "What are you asking?".

"We allknow that your husband should be a loser, a lower life... A scum... So how is he doing this?"

Jacob asked as he leaned his elbows on the table, making himself appear taller and broader. Hearing

his insult towards Elijah had Peach glaring at him, her eyes narrowing and her jaw tightening as she

darted her gaze away from him, mumbling, "How is he doing what?" "Do you know how expensive

lawsuits are, Huh? Where is Elijah taking the money from? Who is backing him? What's his contact?"

Jacob questioned, raising a brow. Even though she was still going to say these same words to protect

her husband, she realized they were the raw truth as she mumbled, "I don't know." "You don't know, or

you won't tell?!" Jacob shouted angrily, slamming his hands against the table. Immediately, Peach

flinched in surprise at the sudden outburst, but quickly calmed herself and looked straight at him, her

expression softening, and with a whisper, she said, "I know nothing about my husband's business or

activities." "What kind of wife are you if that's true?! Do you think I am stupid?!" Jacob roared, rising to

his feet, his anger growing with every second he stared into her eyes. Suddenly, he took out a gun, and

banged it on the table, his finger slightly resting a distance from the trigger. "Who is your husband?!...

Don't test my patient!" Jacob screamed at her, his finger tightly curled onto the trigger, his eyes

narrowed as if trying to intimidate her with his presence alone. Her heartbeat pounding in her chest,

Peach stared at Jacob, her hands grabbing the edge of the table, her knuckles turning white as she

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gripped it tightly and held in her cry. "I don't know..." Peach whispered, shaking her head, trying not to

make eye contact with him. Jacob clenched his jaws, his patience running thin, and then pointed the

gun at her head with his index finger, and demanded in a calm tone, "Tell me now... Or I swear that I

will fucking pull this trigger! Bang! And you are dead!" Squeezing her eyes shut as her breathing

hitched and her heart began racing, tears fell from her eyes and her body trembled slightly, she

whispered, "I don't know..." The feeling of the gun's mouth pressed against her skin made Peach's

breathing irregular, she tried to calm herself down but it wasn't working, her mind was torturing her with

memories of her mother... her life with James, Ryan, Matt, and Rookie, and she tried so hard not to, but

like a dream shifting into a nightmare, her every moment with Elijah. Silently, she waited for Jacob to

pull it, even though she was praying that would never happen. After a terrifying long pause, Jacob

looked down at her hands and immediately noticed her wedding band's unique design. But what caught

his attention most was each of the stones that were engraved in the ring. Not even asking, he reached

for Peach's fingers, but she suddenly opened her eyes, yanking her hand away from him and frowning

at him. "Give me the damn ring!!" Jacob yelled, his eyes burning with anger. Before Peach could hold

back her tongue, she had already let out roughly, "What do you want with it?!" Then she realized that

Jacob still had a gun and she instantly regretted having said anything, freezing as she stared blankly at

him. Her arrogant tone made him raise his hand, he was ready to back slap her really hard, but like he

had a tiny Angel and devil on his shoulder, he heard a whisper, "That's gonna leave a nasty bruise. You

said it yourself... Her skin is smooth. If you bruise her, it's still going to be there three days from now!"

"So what?! Who gives a fuck?! Who the hell is that boy for a man like you to fear and respect!" The

other voice echoed in his mind. "You two, shut up!!" Jacob screamed, shaking his head as he glared

menacingly at Peach. For several seconds silence filled the air as she stared at him, wondering who he

was talking to since it was just her and him in the room. "Give me the damn ring now!!" Jacob

demanded again. A hint of reluctance sparked in Peach's eyes as she held his gaze for an extra minute

before she reached for her hand and pulled off the band from her left ring finger. After shakily throwing

it onto the table, she stared straight ahead, avoiding Jacob's gaze as he picked it up and stared at it.

Then without saying a word, Jacob turned on his heels and walked out of the room, leaving her with

moist eyes as her emotions came crashing down upon her. "Boss," A guy with a lot of ear piercings and

blonde hair called out to Jacob as he shut the door behind him. "Are you leaving?" "Yes. And none of

you are allowed to fucking touch her... at least not now... after Elmer gets released by that bastard, we

are free to handle her however we want before sending her back to her so-called husband. For now, he

needs pictures of her to cooperate with us, and I need her intact for that. Is that clear?" Jacob replied in

a rough tone. "Clear, Boss!" "I need to head out to test this shit and figure out if the stones are real

diamonds or not." As Jacob was about to walk off, he saw his men standing around the door, and like a

sound on replay in his head, Elijah's warning affected him more than he wanted to admit. After

hesitating for several moments, he sighed heavily, knowing that he only had to play along for three

days, so he turned to the door, and locked it before putting the keys into his back pocket. The

warehouse was quiet as Elijah continued to silently stare at the picture of Peach that Jacob sent him...

the tears in her eyes, the fake smile, and the stress in her expression had his heart constricted

painfully, and it hurt to see her that miserable. Suddenly, when he stood up from the chair, an

immediate tension settled in the atmosphere as Elijah shoved his phone into his pocket and then

walked over to Jerome. "Take a scroll with me," Elijah ordered quietly before stepping past him. A look

of terror clouded Melina's eyes as her lids widened, watching him walk out of the warehouse and leave

her alone with these random strangers, her heart beating loudly against her rib cage and her palms

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sweating profusely. Unable to scream at him because of the duct tape on her lips, all she could do was

wiggle in her seat with teary eyes, looking around the room. When Elijah and Jerome were in the open,

inhaling the fresh night air, Elijah looked at his man and said, "They want Elmer free for Peach save

return..." "Can we not exchange Melina for Peach?" Jerome asked, sounding unsure of himself. 1

Shaking his head, Elijah held back his words, staring at the ground and saying, "That's not going to be

enough... Threatening them with just Melina while Peach is still in their grip is a risk I don't want to take

with my wife's life. I bought myself three days to come up with something solid to get her out of this shit

successfully." "Okay... What do you need from me?" Jerome asked, glancing nervously at Elijah.

"Nothing... At least for now. Just watch Melina. Do not free her, feed her, or take her from that

position... I want to see her in that exact spot, in the same conditions until I command something else.

She doesn't get to have comfort after what she is putting my wife through." "Yes, boss." + After a

moment of silence from outside the warehouse, Melina heard the sound of a car engine, and she

immediately guessed what that meant. But when she finally saw Jerome returning to the warehouse,

that was when the color drained from her face, knowing that Elijah had left her. The ride back to the

hotel was one of the most depressing drives Elijah had had, knowing that Peach was not at their suite

waiting for him with that smile that always seemed to lighten his mood.

The Hayes was behind this... he knew that, but the guilt eating at him that she was gone had him blaming

himself as hard as he hated that family, every fabric in his bone was telling him he failed her... He should have

been able to protect her better from this mess, instead of getting her involved. The sound of an aggressive

honking made Elijah snap out of his thoughts, he glanced at the rearview mirror to see a black Escalade

speeding past him as the driver screamed," Stop driving so slow, asshole! The road is free!" Snapping his

brows together, Elijah sighed out his heartache and reached for his phone, dialing Matt's number a moment

later. "Hey boss," Matt's voice greeted from the other end. "I am about to call Dice for you guys to switch

security. I need you, Ryan, and Rookie tonight... Peach got kidnapped." Elijah said, his heart ripping at the

reality of those words.