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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53: Briggs

The day was tedious. The meetings were largely made up of arbitrary updates from all the

pack leaders in attendance. There were a few concerns regarding border disputes and

rogue attacks, and several trade proposals were put forth. Any packs involved would have

the opportunity to meet privately for moderated negotiations. I used that time to follow up

with the Alphas who experienced fires similar to the one we had at the library.

I left the conference room with what information they could give me and promises that

they would send us anything else they had on their investigations after they returned to

their territories. As I walked into the bar, I spotted Ayla, and my

hackles raised.

She was talking to Alpha Conner. Theo and I knew Conner, and we didn’t like him. He was

a ruthless leader and a misogynistic prick. We had heard rumors of more than one of his

she–wolves leaving his pack for inappropriate advances from him and his ranking circle.

And we knew for a fact he beat at least one of his partners.

Ayla responded with a polite but forced smile. Her posture was rigid and formal, moving

away with every inch he took toward her. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she

was definitely uncomfortable. The bartender set a drink down in front of her. He also eyed

the interaction between the two and lingered close by. Ayla picked up the glass and moved


leave, but Conner grabbed her arm.

was next to her in a second.


Chapter 53: Briggs

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“There you are, Ayla,” I said, getting Alpha Conner’s attention long enough to allow Ayla to

free herself. “Mina sent me to let you know we found a table on the patio.”

“Beta Briggs,” she said with relief, “that sounds perfect.”

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“Now, hold on, beautiful,” Alpha Conner said smoothly, “I think you can spare a few more

moments to share a drink with me.”

“No, thank you, Alpha,” Ayla said firmly. “My party is waiting for me, but I hope you have a

lovely day.”

“Then perhaps I’ll just join you,” Conner insisted.

I noticed two other Alphas and a Beta coming up to us. They must have noticed the

situation as well.

“I’m afraid this is a private meal, Alpha Conner,” I interjected. “Come on, Ayla.”

He turned away from Ayla and grabbed my shoulder.

“Do you really think a Beta has any business with a she–wolf like her?” he said quietly.

“Is everything okay over here?” a man I recognized said. I believe his name was Gregory,

Alpha of the Moonvalley Pack.

“Yes, Alpha,” I said, guiding Ayla to my side. “I was just telling Alpha Conner here that Ms.

Garner is a cousin, and my mate and I are waiting for her to join us on the patio for lunch.”

Alpha Conner eyed me for a moment, deciding whether I was telling the truth or not.

“We were about to head in that direction ourselves,” Alpha Gregory said. “We’ll walk with





Chapter 53: Briggs

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They all eyed Alpha Conner. The energy coming off of everyone was palpable. I wasn’t

sure whether Conner would be stupid enough to continue his protests. Luckily, he sat back

down on his bar stool, giving us a bitter smile.

“No worries,” he said. “I’ll see you this evening, sweetheart.”

I barely managed to stifle the growl that bubbled up. Ayla tucked her arm in mine and

pulled me toward the direction of the patio. The others continued along with us until we

stepped out into the sunlight. Once we were outside, it was like she could breathe again.

“Thank you, gentlemen,” she said, turning to the three men who had also come to her

rescue. “I appreciate the escort.”

“It was our pleasure, Ms. Garner,” the second Alpha stated. “I′ m Alpha Vincent. This is my

Beta, Aaron, and Alpha Gregory.”

“Ayla Garner,” she replied, shaking their hands. “And this is Beta Briggs. It’s a pleasure to

meet you all.”

Alpha Gregory chuckled. “Yes, we know who you are, Ms. Garner, but we are happy to be

formally introduced. I’m sure Alpha Kingston won’t be too pleased about Conner harassing


“Yes, well, it may be best to let me handle the news,” Ayla said. “I’d rather he didn’t start

a war on my account.”

“Of course,” Alpha Vincent said.

They said their goodbyes and left Ayla and me alone on the patio.

“Are you okay?” I asked.





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She smiled and tipped her head for me to walk with her. “I’m fine. No harm done. Thank

you for your help back there.”

“Of course,” I said. “Alpha Conner is a real bastard. Whatever you do, don’t let him get you


“I’ll keep that in mind.” She set her drink on the patio railing. “Mina told me about Theo

and Kylee. How… how is Theo doing with that?”

Her question took me by surprise. I didn’t want to read too much into the inquiry. Not yet,

at least. But I wasn’t sure what to tell her.

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“He’s dealing with it,” I said. “It actually seems to have been good for him. He’s been a

better Alpha. He’s been more himself than he’s been in a long time.”

Ayla nodded. “That’s good to hear. I’m sorry Kylee lied. I’d like to say she did it out of

misguided love, but I don’t know.”

My brow furrowed as I looked at her.


“You have nothing to apologize for, Ayla,” I said. “You aren’t responsible for anyone else’s

actions, and you’ve been hurt by them more than anyone else. So, I do want to hear you

apologize for anything.”

“Okay,” she laughed. “But everyone made mistakes in this situation.”

We stood in silence for a moment.

“Theo’s glad you’ve recovered from the accident,” I told her.





Chapter 53: Briggs

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The corners of her lips tipped up slightly. “Tell him thank you.”

She looked at her watch and cleared her throat.

“I’ve got to meet Kingston before the Luna meeting,” she said. “Thank you again, Briggs,

for rescuing me from Alpha Conner.”

“Mina would kill me if I let anything happen to you,” I teased. “Theo would, too, you


She rested her hand on my forearm, squeezing it as she gave me a gentle smile. I could

see there was pain in her eyes. She didn’t say anything else before she walked away.



Chapter 54: Ayla

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