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The Love that Never Really Dies (Sasha and Sebastian)

Chapter 96
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“Why?” Matteo asked with his eyes widened. Mommy won’t be here anymore? Why not? Is she unwilling to do that, or did Daddy ask her not to come anymore? I think it’s more likely to be the latter. Sure

enough, Sebastian, who was peering down at the boy, immediately became impatient. “If she’s not

coming, then so be it. Why do you ask so many questions?” “Then, it must be you who don’t want her to

come over, right? Daddy, are you still angry about the thing that happened at the hospital? You can’t

really blame her because I was the one who called her. Since I assumed that you’re too busy, I asked

her to take me there. Don’t be angry, Daddy,” explained Matteo. He thought that his father was angry

because of that, and he only knew about it after Ian texted him. He also assumed that his father became

jealous when Ian chose Sasha over him.

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Unexpectedly, his father’s face became even uglier after Matteo’s explanation. “Why am I angry? Alright,

let me tell you this. From tomorrow onward, Mr. Scott will be taking you to school, and Ms. Wendy will be

taking care of you at home.” “What? Mr. Scott?” Matteo was not too happy with this news. He’s actually letting Mr. Scott take Ian to preschool every day now? So he’s really not letting Mommy over anymore? How can he do that? This is so unreasonable of him! I’ve tried so hard to let Ian spend more time with Mommy and even switched our positions. Now Daddy banned her from coming just like that? He has no idea how big of a misunderstanding he has caused her! She’s feeling so guilty right now for assuming that I’m the one who’s sick! How can he be so thoughtless? Matteo became furious as well. He tightened

his tiny fists, and anger replaced his smile.

“Daddy, do you know that you are really annoying?” “What did you say? Annoying?” “Yes, I want to like

you, but look at yourself. You lose your temper and bully others as you please. No one likes this kind of

Daddy, and I won’t either!” After the disappointed child had expressed his thoughts with teary eyes, he

turned around and slammed the door shut. Sebastian was dumbstruck as he didn’t see it coming from

this little guy, and he hadn’t heard anything like it from him before. What did he mean by wanting to like

me? Did he not like me before? Am I not his Daddy? What is actually going on with him today? Is he a

different boy? Sebastian was enraged again. However, since his son had shut the door on him. Seeing

that, he contained his irritation and thought of talking to him after he felt better. Sasha, look at what

you’ve done! When the man left, he still assumed that it was her who changed his son’s temper. —

Sasha was serious about leaving with her two children and started looking up flights on her computer as

soon as she got home. Remaining silent, Vivian would still check on Ian’s closed-door as told by Matt.

I have to make sure that Ian’s fine. The little girl stood guard loyally. After looking for a while, Sasha

realized there weren’t many flights to Clear because of the cold weather, so she could only turn her

computer off in disappointment. “Vivi, what are you doing? Where’s Matt?” “Huh? Oh, Matt? He’s still in

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his room. Mommy, are we leaving now?” Vivian was still concerned about this matter and immediately

asked as soon as she saw her mother. Sasha shook her head.

“No. We will probably be in a day or two. Has Matt come out yet?” Sasha asked. After Ian locked himself

in his room, Sasha wanted to coax him. Why is my son acting strange? He didn’t respond to me at all, even when I tried to call for him. Is he feeling guilty that I’ve found out that he’s sick and tries to hide from me? That thought stabbed her in her heart. Vivian nodded. “Yeah, Mommy. Maybe Matt didn’t want to

leave. So please can we stay?” “No, we have to. Matt’s sick. Don’t worry, Mommy will cook first, and I will

talk to him later. I’m sure he’ll be fine after that.” Sasha soothed her daughter and went to the kitchen to

start cooking. She had confidence in her son as he had always been very understanding. She believed

that he would be fine after talking to him. Unexpectedly, she found the room to be empty when she went

to unlock the door after she finished cooking.