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The Love that Never Really Dies (Sasha and Sebastian)

Chapter 78
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“I am so sorry, Mrs. Kent. This is all Ian’s fault, and I will teach him a lesson as soon as we get back. No

matter what, hitting someone is wrong. Please don’t worry, we will teach him accordingly. We will also

foot all the related medical fees.” Xandra was graceful when she stood inside the preschool’s office and

apologized to the secretary general’s wife. She seemed genuine when she said that she would teach Ian

a lesson once they got home. This is definitely a good parent.

The teachers in the preschool and the secretary general’s wife instantly looked better. “Things would not

have spiraled out of control if you had shown up earlier, Ian’s mom. Just look at what kind of nanny you

have hired. It’s bad enough that she won’t talk nicely, but being aggressive and attacking? My gosh, that

is so barbaric.” “Exactly, what kind of a person is that? Ian’s mom, I think you should fire her as soon as

possible.” “That’s right.” Everyone’s eyes shone with discrimination and insult when they turned to

Sasha, who was still being held hostage by the two men in black suits. Sasha scoffed.

So she’s the mom? Those blind idiots! “Fine, everything is settled then. I will leave now if there is nothing

else.” Xandra had solved the matter beautifully and was prepared to leave with Sasha and Ian. To

everyone’s surprise, Xandra had barely touched Ian, who was standing beside Sasha, when he pushed

her away rudely and growled, “Scram!” “Ian, what are you doing?” Xandra’s face turned pale

immediately. Her gaze swept past the entire office and saw that everyone was looking at her strangely.

She was so angry that she wanted to pull the brat over to give him a good round of beating. “Ian, be

good and come here. Mommy will take you home.” “Stay away from me! You are not my mommy, she is,”

insisted Ian before he rushed to Sasha. He tried to free his mommy from the two men who were holding

her hostage.

Unfortunately, he was too young, so his tiny hands were not strong enough to help his mommy when he

pushed them. Instead, the man he pushed grabbed his tiny arm immediately. “Let go! Let go of him right

now!” shouted Sasha. She was instantly panicking. Unfortunately, those men were not going to let Ian

go. They were about to attack when someone rushed into the office and shouted, “Something bad

happened! A lot of men suddenly show up outside and claim that they are here to pick up Ian Hayes!” Ian

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Hayes? No one knew how the captured kid suddenly became so strong, but he broke free and

immediately ran out. “Daddy,” shouted Ian, “Daddy, I’m here. Daddy!” Ian’s shouts were loud, and his

voice was filled with sorrow and tears. The people in the office heard the commotion, so they

immediately rushed out.

They were not prepared to see what was out there, and their jaws dropped the moment they saw it. This

has got to be the biggest stance the preschool has ever seen. Over ten four-wheel drive cars were

parked in a straight line, and it was something that was only seen in a movie. The car that led the fleet

was a black Bentley with a unique number plate. The door was opened the second the car was parked,

and they saw a ridiculously noble and handsome man walking out of it. It looks like a king had just made

an entrance. Who is that man? The preschool had never seen any parent doing such an entrance

before. Everyone was shocked.

“Daddy, you’re finally here. They hit me and mommy. Mommy is still being held captive in there,” said Ian

between sobs. Ian had already reached his daddy’s side by then. The kid hugged his father tightly in his

arms. Ian was autistic, but he had been pushed so hard that he was even crying aloud. Sebastian picked

his son up and brushed his gaze against everyone there. That got the others to shiver instinctively. Next,

his lips parted, and he instructed, “Get them!” “Yes, sir!” Over a dozen men in black suits got out of the

four-wheel drive cars upon hearing the order. They rushed toward the preschool immediately.

“Ah!” Screams instantly echoed all around the preschool. Everyone was horrified, and they tried to flee

from the scene as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, there was no way that Sebastian’s men would let

anyone go. It took Sebastian’s men less than two minutes to seize everyone and round them up at the

entrance of the kindergarten. One kick from a few men was all it took to get everyone to go on their

knees in front of Sebastian. The preschool’s principal was one of the people kneeling. So was the

middle-aged woman, who had walked out of the office with the others. Sasha was still held in the office,

so she had no idea what happened… Or at least that was the case until a man holding a gun suddenly

barged in. She was stunned and hadn’t even gotten a chance to react to it before the two men holding

her fell. Everything was so scary that Sasha’s brain fused.

“Y-you…” “Ms. Wand, we’re with Mr. Hayes, and we’re here to rescue you. Are you alright?” “Huh?” That

got Sasha completely petrified. She was in a daze when they took her out of the office a few minutes

later. To her surprise and annoyance, she was still witnessing a violent bloodbath in front of the

preschool. “You’re the one who hit my son?” “N-no!” “No?” “Y-yes.” Thump! The man holding the boy in

his arms kicked over the middle-aged woman who was on her knees and she fell immediately. She was

injured so badly that she couldn’t even get up. Oh my gosh! Everyone was terrified.

They trembled, and a few teachers even passed out in fear. Sasha was also flabbergasted. That man…

actually came? And i-is he defending me and my son? A wave of emotions hit Sasha. She didn’t want to

admit it, but she was ecstatic to see how that unreasonable middle-aged woman fell onto the ground.

Xandra, on the other hand, looked terrified. “You… Just you wait. I-I am the secretary general’s wife. You

kicked me, and I will not let you off the hook so easily.” To everyone’s surprise, the middle-aged woman

got back up after being kicked and still had the audacity to run her mouth at Sebastian. Everyone on site

turned to the man who looked as terrifying as the devil. All they saw was that his expression had turned

even scarier.

“Who is the secretary general?” The man looked like he had just emerged from the deepest parts of Hell.

He had a kid in his arms, but every other part of him exuded a freezing aura that inspired horror and

devastation. Even a peek at him would get one’s scalp tingly. The security guard stepped up and

immediately answered, “It’s Kyle Kent.” “Kyle Kent?” “Daddy, that’s her. She’s the one who slapped

Mommy,” said Ian in an angry tone at that crucial moment. He was still in his daddy’s arms when he

pointed his tiny finger at the middle-aged woman. At that instant, the aura on-site turned so cold that it

was freezing. “

Slap her!” “Understood.” “Also, get rid of Kyle Kent. Don’t ever let me hear that name again!” A simple

sentence was all it took for that man to crush someone as powerful as the secretary general. He’s truly

the devil! The middle-aged woman finally slumped to the ground. How powerful does a man have to be

to crush a secretary general with mere words? Who among us has the power to even be on the same

level as him? The middle-aged woman finally regretted her decisions, but it was all too late.

The subordinates who received their orders pulled her by her hair to get her up. Then, they slapped her

endlessly and mercilessly in front of everyone else. This is too bloody and violent! No one dared to say a

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word or even make a squeak. They looked lifeless and were tempted to hide away immediately. The

same applied for Xandra. Unfortunately, the cruel man saw her at that moment. His gaze turned even

colder when he demanded, “Why are you here? What did you do earlier?” “She forced me to apologize

and wanted to pay that woman.” At that moment, Ian, who had been resting in his daddy’s arm, voiced

up once again in a chilly tone to cause another problem. Xandra instantly turned pale, whereas Sasha

was gleeful. Good job, my sweet boy!

“N-no, that’s not it. Listen to me, Sebastian. I was just…” “So this is how you’ve been interacting with the

school over the past two years? The son of Sebastian Hayes was attacked. Yet, he is the one who has to

apologize and pay the other party?” The man’s voice was downright cruel and was so distant that it could

freeze the entire continent. Xandra saw how angry he was, and she got so terrified that she almost knelt

down in front of that man. “Sebastian, I-I didn’t… I just wanted to create an environment so he and his

classmates can interact nicely. H-he’s different, after all.” “What’s so different about him? My son is as

healthy as all the other kids, so how is he different? I wondered why he hated the preschool so much.

Now the truth is out. It’s because you’ve been planting all sorts of wrong ideas in his head, and buttering

all the other parents up. Oh, you evil woman. My son has the most powerful family backing him up, and

you turned his identity into a boy from a dumpster!” Upon hearing that, Sasha immediately shouted at

and insulted Xandra before the man standing opposite of her could say anything else. Xandra was so

angry that her face distorted. Sasha was about to slap the woman when the man in front of her spoke in

the cruelest tone he had ever used. “Lock her up. No one is allowed to let her go without my permission!”

Sebastian spat every single one of those words through his teeth. That showed just how murderous and

angry he was at that moment. Xandra shivered immediately.

Thump! Her legs gave way, and she went down on her knees the very next second. “No, Sebastian.

Please don’t lock me up. I’ve learned my lesson, Sebastian,” begged Xandra endlessly. She was on the

verge of losing all dignity and almost crawled to that man and kowtow to him. However, the evil man

never even looked at her. He simply turned around with his son in his arms. At that moment, even

Sasha, who had witnessed all that, couldn’t help but was taken aback. That scum really is heartless. Isn’t that the woman he loves the most? He’s actually okay with locking her up? Sasha didn’t know how she

felt at that moment.