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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2932
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Nolan arched an eyebrow. "Don't worry, she probably just sprained her finger or something. It's not a big deal.

You know what they say, 'It takes tto heal,’ but once you get her hand give her srest, she'll be bouncing back in no time." Imogen's heart ached at the thought, and she lunged towards Nolan, fists ready. But before she could get any closer, a bodyguard blocked her path.

Francis was now seriously concerned. He immediately pulled Imogen closer.

"If this has nothing to do with Madeline, she will cout of this unscathed. But if it does, you know the drill." Francis' voice turned icy. He couldn't believe his daughter's disappearance could be linked to his stepdaughter.

But he wasn't completely clueless. He pressed on, "How could a girl manage to take Regina? The car window was even smashed. She must have had help. Is this related to her biological father?" Nolan nodded, satisfied. "Exactly. Imogen, if you're smart, you'll call Domingo now. | know you don't want to get back with him, but he does. | hope you can convince him not to do anything foolish with Regina. Otherwise, your daughter's fate will be Regina's. Think carefully." With a gesture from Nolan, a bodyguard handed Imogen her phone. She looked at it, shocked - she hadn't realized her belongings had fallen into their hands. Nolan had cprepared. Without assurance of Regina's safety, he would not back down.

Meanwhile, Madeline's scream echoed through the room again, pushing Imogen to act. She grabbed the phone and dialed the number, while Francis silently noted the call log, a '2' indicating this wasn't her first call to the man. He didn't react immediately, just stored the information away.

Domingo, busy with Madeline's request, was surprised to receive a call. "Hello? Imogen? What's up? Why are you calling?" Imogen, desperate to cut to the chase, interrupted him, "Is Regina with you?" Domingo, having promised Madeline he'd handle Regina, wasn't about to admit anything. "What are you talking about? How would | know Regina?" "Don't play dumb with me!" Imogen nearly screamed, "You don't understand, Madeline's life is in danger. If you don't tellwhere Regina is, who knows if Madeline will ever cback to you safely?" Domingo replied without hesitation, "That's impossible. Didn't Madeline return safely to the Tanner Mansion? There can't be any trouble! Don't joke about such things. | know I've made mistakes with Madeline and you, but you never gavea chance to make it right. Now, my daughter finally needs my help with something, and of course, I'll do it. You should giveanother chance." Imogen gasped. This was indeed related to him.