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The Guardian's Sword

Chapter 2631
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Chapter 2631 Sean had now returned to Willow's side.

Seeing Sean taking so long to return, Willow asked in confusion, "Where did you go?" "Nothing. | just ran into an acquaintance and went to say hello," Sean casually made up an excuse. He did not tell Willow about Darkness’ assassins, not wanting her to worry.

Willow knew Sean was lying, but she did not press further. Since Sean did not want to tell her, asking further would be pointless.

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"You said this emerald ring is worth 10 million. Why not give it to Old Master Yorker as a gift?" Willow asked as she handed the emerald ring to Sean.

However, Sean shook his head with a smile and replied, "Old Master Yorker likes antiques, not emeralds. He probably has hundreds of kilograms of the most precious imperial emeralds in his study. Giving this ring to him won't impress him. We still need to browse Antiques Street." Willow nodded and said nothing much. If an ordinary person was given a 10 -mill ion-doll ar imperial emerald ring, it might keep them excited for days, unable to sleep at night. However, Grant was not an ordinary man. The Yorker family was one of Janestown's top eight families and was even one of the upper four top families. The top eight families were influential in Janestown and even the entire Dragon Kingdom. The upper four top families were also unusually powerful.

An imperial emerald precious to ordinary people might be as significant as glass to the Yorker family. Only antiques with special significance and years of history were valued by Grant.

Sean and Willow strolled along Antiques Street, while Zander had already led the Brown brothers to the street.

Zander and the Brown brothers walked on Antiques Street, their eyes constantly scanning their surroundings, searching for the dead-end alley Sean had mentioned.

"Brother Zander! Is that it?" Daniel exclaimed suddenly. BQ Zander looked toward the direction Daniel pointed and saw the dead-end alley.

"This should be it. Let's check it out!" Zander said.

Then, the four of them stepped into the dead-end alley. When they saw the two men tied up in the alley, they immediately confirmed that they were the Darkness assassins Sean had mentioned.

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"Who are you?" Bobby asked solemnly when he saw someone approaching.

Zander raised his eyebrows, asking in confusion, "Mr. Lennon sentto take them. Who are you?” "Mr. Lennon? What's his full name?" Bobby asked cautiously, afraid that Zander and his gang were accomplices of the two men on the ground.

Daniel and his brothers also curiously sized up the three men before them.

The three men showed no signs of aura fluctuations, indicating they were merely thugs stronger than ordinary people.

"Sean Lennon!" Zander said indifferently.

Bobby breathed a sigh of relief, finally confirming that Zander and the Brown brothers were not accomplices of the two men on the ground.