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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56 Fifty-Six

Sheila's point of view

"I vote against it," Killian said coldly. His words resounded in my ears. This can't be. I couldn't think

clearly as my every thought fell on Devon. He just can't lose his life like this.

I met Killian's cold stare. His dark amber eyes were pulled away from me and back to everyone else in

the court.

"The prisoner has to die," Killian said again.

I was frozen in my seat, rage seething through me. My furious gaze pierced at him, but Killian didn't

even look my way.

I don't know exactly what I was thinking about trusting him. What on earth was I expecting from a

bloody bastard like him?

Even though I didn't fully trust him to stand up for Devon, somewhere deep down a part of me hoped

he would do it for me.

But I was mistaken. This Alpha was still very much heartless.

"Everyone has voted. And as usual, the majority wins." Killian leaned on the round table. "Devon knows

about the curse, making him a threat to us, and so he will be executed immediately." Killian sounded

firm, and everyone nodded in agreement, leaving no room for further discussion.

All the while, I didn't shift my eyes from Killian, and he intentionally avoided looking my way.

"You will be in charge, Morgan. Take care of his execution." He turned to Morgan, Allen, and Mason,

then to everyone else. "The meeting has ended."

At his words, everyone was up from their seats and they began exiting the court. But I remained

motionless in my seat, and so did Killian, until it was just the two of us within the court's corner walls.

"Why Killian?" I said.

Finally, Killian turned his eyes to me. I could see absolutely nothing in those eyes of his. Not even an

ounce of guilt for what he did to me. This was the first time I had desperately wanted him to take my

side, to help me. But he couldn't even do that.

I felt my eyes sting with tears from the sudden pain I felt in my chest.

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Killian still didn't reply.

Without uttering a word, I jerked up from my chair, walking away. But Killian grabbed my wrist, pulling

me to a stop.

"Let go of me, Killian," I yelled, burning with so many emotions. Rage and pain stalked my veins. I

snatched my hand away from him, moving away from him but he held me again, turning me to face


"Sheila, calm down." He held me firmly to his body. "Listen to me." He began, but I pushed myself away

from his strong hold, my hand slamming hard against his cheek.

Killian froze. His stare on me was completely void of all emotions as the sound of the slap kept echoing

within the walls of the court.

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say, Killian." I was screaming, tears threatening to burst from

my eyes. I begged you for just one thing, to help me save him, and now Devon will be executed. I hate

you, Killian." I left him alone in the court, rushing to my chamber.

As soon as I was in, I collapsed on the bed, allowing the tears I had fought back to fall. I felt a burning

rage directed at Killian and immense pain. I don't know if it was from Killian's betrayal or the cold fact

that Devon was being executed at this moment. And I couldn't save him. I buried my face in my palm,

tearing up. I just couldn't hold my tears back.


It was way past midnight already. I could no longer hear the loud chatter of everyone and the merriment

from the bonfires. It seemed like everyone had probably retired for the night. But I haven't or rather still

couldn't. I was still in bed. And I haven't moved a muscle from my position yet, I could feel the puffiness

of my eyes already. Even my long lashes felt heavy and too tired.

The door to my chamber was pulled open unexpectedly. My brows creased furiously as I lifted my head

to find Killian's huge figure in the darkness. He was standing in the doorway, staring at me.

"Can't you knock before barging into my chamber?" Every word I muttered, held a certain rage brewing

in my bones.

I heard him sigh deeply as he leaned against the door. But he didn't take a step further inside. "Get

dressed and come out now." His voice was cold.

"Like fuck I will, Killian." I half yelled. "Get out!" I didn't move from my position on the bed. Even in the

darkness, I felt Killian's eyes on me intensely.

"It's not a request, Sheila." Killian voiced. "I will be waiting outside." He added and was about to shut

the door but paused suddenly. "Wear something warm. It's cold outside" And he jammed the door shut.

Even after he left, I remained motionless on the bed. After some minutes, Ria walked in, informing me

Killian had asked her to come to fetch me. She pleaded with me to come along.

I grabbed my brown furry cloak from the rack, donning it over my dress. I left my chamber with Ria.

Instead of going out through the main entrance doors, Ria led me through the back doors. We walked a

little deeper into the woods until we came to a tall oak tree, where Killian was waiting in the darkness

with a horse.

Ria lowered her head towards him.

"Thank you, Ria. You may leave now." He said, the moon's silver rays falling on him, revealing his

beautiful face and his godlike body.

At Killian's words, Ria left us immediately.

Without speaking a word to me, he jumped on his horse, sending a hand out to me as his eyes bore

down on me.

"Where are we going?" I asked, not taking his hand.

"You will find out soon." He said with his hand still in the air.

"I'd prefer you to tell me first, Killian," I said, still not taking his hand.

"Ah," he groaned, frustratedly. "By the goddess, you are impossible, Sheila."

"And you are not?" I couldn't help the rage in my voice.

"Just trust me and get on."

"That is the last thing I will ever do again, Killian."

Killian was quiet for a second, like something in my words had hurt him. But I didn't care to ask, or even

show the slightest bit of concern. He deserved every bit of pain he could get.

"I want to show you something." His voice was calm and at the same time, serious. Very serious.

I furrowed my gaze at him. But I didn't say anything. Reluctantly, I gripped his hand, and Killian helped

me up on the horse. I adjusted myself behind him, tugging on my cloak as the cold began to lash

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against my skin.

"Hold on tight." He tilted his head sideways at me.

"You know I won't," I muttered, looking away from his soft blonde hair and his gorgeous back. I

concentrated my gaze on the boring trees standing tirelessly in the woods.

Killian held onto the reins of the horse, and we rode off.

Killian moved at such an insane speed on the horse that I was forced to grab onto his waist. We moved

past some familiar routes that I recognized led out of the capital.

"Where are we going?" I asked behind him.

"We are almost there." was his reply.

After a few more minutes of riding, we pulled up to a familiar place. The cottage.

I came down from the horse. Killian followed suit. My eyes scanned around, finally dwelling on Killian.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

Killian didn't reply as he moved the horse to a tree and tied the horse to the tree.

Before I could ask again, the door of the cottage pulled open. I shook my head and went to the door.

Allen walked out the door and over to us.

"Allen, what are you doing here?"

Allen stopped before me. His eyes moved from me to Killian, who was a few feet away, unsure whether

or not to answer my question.

"Thank you, Allen. We will talk back at the pack." Killian strode toward us.

Allen nodded, sending me a small smile before sauntering into the woods, where he transformed into

his brown wolf. He sprinted off.

The fact that no one was answering my question was already pissing me off.

My blue eyes were on Killian. "Tell me exactly what we are doing here, Killian."

He exhaled, stepping closer to me so that I could feel the sparks now flying around us. "Gladly. The

truth is–"

The door of the cottage jerked open, cutting Killian off.

Killian's head swerved to the door, and I followed his trail.

Instantly, my eyes bulged, and my lips parted. I could not hide the confusion, as well as the surprise in

my eyes at the sight I never thought I'd ever see again.