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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 113
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Sitting here, enjoying the gorgeous day with Declan and the three kids, and suddenly, Cam is linking me, 'Luna, we are under
attack! They are coming from the western border, and there are a shit ton! I'm coming to you now, please take cover."
'No, stay and help your warriors, I have Alpha Declan with me. We will take the children to safety and then join you."
With all due respect Luna, you are not joining in this fight. The Alpha Heir needs you. My Gamma argues with me, but I don't
have time.
"We are under attack!" I inform Declan, frightened for the children.
"What do you mean?" I ask incredulously.
"Cam just linked me, they are coming in through the western border and there are a lot of them. I told him to stay there while you
and I get the kids to safety and then we will join them."
I'm sending out a pack link for everyone to take cover and for those who can fight to join in. Each home has a safe room, it's one
of the features that Declan had put in when rebuilding, and I couldn't be happier at this moment. As Declan and I make our way
down to the safe room, Demi, Summer and Veronika are close behind. Cici is next to come down in a huff because her mate is
making her take cover instead of fighting.
"I've already alerted my pack; they are on their way too." Declan informs me, and I am very grateful. When I go to follow him
back up the stairs he stops me, "You need to stay put, Quinn."
"I will not hide away while my warriors fight! I will fight right beside them!" I glare at him and try walking around him, but he won't
allow it.
"Quinn, listen to me, I need you to stay here and take care of our pups. I trust you to keep Holden safe for me, they both are the
future of our packs and if needed, I know you can protect them. Besides, Ash doesn't need to lose another parent. I promised
Gavin that I would take care of the both of you, and I'm not going to let him down!"
All my anger fizzes out the moment he mentions my mate. He's right of course, I need to be smarter, and I need to stay alive for

my son's sake. Now isn't the time to try and play hero when there are so many capable warriors out there. I nod and then take
Ash into my arms.

"Thank you, Quinn." He pulls me in for a hug and I swear I feel his lips on the top of my head, but I don't say anything. He bends
down and kisses his son's head before standing back up again, "I will be back. With any luck it will be over soon with minimal
I watch him go and then follow him so I can lock the trap door behind him. He will replace the rug over the trap door before
joining in the fight. I move over to the desk in the corner and turn on all the monitors. The ones in town turn on first, and luckily,
the fight hasn't gotten that far, but as the last few turn on, the ones in the surrounding forest, there is a war going on at the west
I haven't felt a bond break yet, so that's good. It means that we haven't lost anybody, so all the blood that I see belongs to the
enemy at the moment. We are holding strong, and I can't be any prouder of my warriors than I am right now.
I notice the huge black wolf enter the fighting and I know right away that it's Duke. He is glorious when he fights, I can watch him.
all day long. He is ripping through the enemy like they are. yesterday's trash, and a big ole grin appears on my face. 12
All of a sudden, though, I feel it; it's like a knife slicing through my heart as a bond breaks. I try watching the screen to see who it
might have been, but I can't see anything in the mass of skin and fur covering the woods. Storm River warriors come flooding in
on all sides, and that's when the enemy pack starts to retreat. Thank Goddess it never got anywhere near the town.
I'm still saddened over losing a pack member, even though it could have been far worse. I continue to watch the screen to see if I
can figure out who it is that we lost, but there is just too much out there. All I can do is wait until Cam or Spencer update me. A
knock on the trap door gets my attention and I run over to it but don't say anything.
"Quinn, it's me, Declan."
I breathe a sigh of relief and unlock the hatch. Declan is in a pair of shorts and still dirty with mud and blood, but I don't care, I
hug him anyway, so happy that he's alive and well. He pulls away from me, looking down at my now soiled shirt, and chuckles.
"You could have waited, you know." He shakes his head.
"Yeah, and you could have thrown a shirt on before coming down. here!" I cross my arms and raise a brow at him.

"Had I known that you would throw yourself at me shamelessly, then I would have."
"What!? Oh, you..."
He cuts me off, "Do you want an update or not?".

I puff out the last of my frustration, "Fine, yes. Do you know who they were?"
"I do," he pulls me away from the others first, "Have you heard of the Gray Skies pack?"
I jerk my head back, "Why did they travel all the way here?"
"They are looking for the Dire wolf." He says in a low tone.
I throw my hands up, 'When are they going to give it up? There is no Dire wolf!"
"Quinn, calm down!" The Alpha lectures, "They have been taking down packs all along the border and are finally coming our
"Yeah, Gray Skies is the pack that attacked Aspen and Kimber's old pack." I inform him.
It's his turn to jerk back, "It is? Do they know that the girl's survived?"
"I'm not sure, you would have to ask them." I watch the many emotions that pass over Declan's face before his eyes land on me
once again and they soften, "Do you know which pack member I lost in the fight?"
He shakes his head, "I do not, Quinn, I'm sorry."
"It's sad, but like, I keep telling myself, only one life was lost today, so I should be grateful, but how can someone be grateful
when a life was still lost?"
"I know what you mean. Luckily, I didn't lose any members today." He states and I sigh with relief because that would have really
made me feel bad.
"Looks like our packs are a force to be reckoned with. Maybe they won't come back for us." I say this out loud, but I know it's not
true. If I've learned anything, it's that the strong packs get targeted the most.
'Da da, da da!" Holden calls out for his father, interrupting our conversation.
I quickly grab a shirt off the shelf and toss it to him before he picks up his son. He smirks at me, and I flip him off, making him
throw his head back and laugh. I watch the interaction between father and son, and it warms my heart. Just thinking how Declan

put his life on the line because of a fucking legendary Dire wolf, pisses me off. If they come at us again and more of my pack die
needlessly, I' m going to bring a shit storm down on them.
Thanks for reading peeps...I hope you enjoyed it! Keep leaving me your comments because I love reading them and I always try
to respond. Have a fantabulous day! =)