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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 989
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Chapter 989

At some point, it began to rain lightly. No one brought umbrellas, so they all hurriedly ran to their cars to hide from

the rain. Anthony also pulled Violet away with him, Only Kevan stood there without moving.

“Kevan? Anthony tumed back to call him. “Aren’t you leaving?”

Kevan stared at Bethany’s name on the gravestone as he said softly. “I want

t to stay for a tile while longer.”

Anthony knew that Kevan was feeling bad, so he did rot try to change his mind. He only said, “Don’t stay out for too

long. The weather is not good today. The rain will only be heavier scon.”

After everyone had lell Kevan only stepped forward and crouched before Bethany’s grave. He reached out to touch

Bethany’s beautifully carved name in the stone as he said quitily. “I’m sorry, Bethany.

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“I don’t hope that you’ll forgive me, but you must be happy while you’re up there. Il there’s a next life, remember

to go to a normal family and lind parents who’ll really love you. Goodbye.”

He hoped they would never see each other again.

When Kevan col back to the car, he was already soaked.

Anthony asked him with concern, “Do you want to find a hotel close by to shower?”

“No need.” Kevan refused his father’s good intentions. “Let’s just go home. I miss Lari and Aster already.”

Alright. Although Anthony was worried about Kevan’s body, he was used to letting Kevan make all the decisions.

“We’l serd you home first

After leaving the cemetery, Violet’s emotions gradually camed down. Sniffing, she asked Kevan, “Will Lari still be

leaving this time after coming back?

Kevan shook his head. “No.”

“Then your marriage — Violet was a little anxious. “You were worried about Cody then, but Co saying that word out

loud. “When do you plan on making Lan and Aster a real part of the family?”



She paused and avoided

“Soon,” Kevan said. Marrying Larissa was an easy thing. But getting her family’s blessing was going to be very

difficult. Since he wanted to give Larissa a grand wedding, he could not leave the seats for the bride’s family to be


“I must fly to Westonia in two days.”

“What for?” Violet did not understand, “Lari and Aster are both in Bartham. Who else do you need to see?

“Lari’s father and her cousin,”

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Those two were the most important men in Larissa’s life, and they were the biggest obstacles Kevan had faced in

his life.

The moment he thought of the disappointment that he may face, Kevan could not help but sigh to himself silently.

“Isn’t Lan’s father. Xavier Seymour of Cosmic Studios? Isn’t he already in jail? Also, since when did Lari have a

cousin?” Violet was very surprised.

Kevan had never spoken of Larissa’s parentage to his parents. Now, he only described it simply to let them

understand Gary and Lewis relationship with Larissa.

*Then you do have to fly over.” Violet held such traditional eliquelle very seriously. “But since you want to propose

Wouldn’t it be better il your dad and I followed you over?” She really liked Larissa and she always thought of Laissa

as her own child

Violet did not wish for Larissa’s family to think that they were not valued by the Rogers family, and she delinitely did

not want this to be an obstacle that would prevent Kevan and Larissa’s marriage from happening.

“No need.” Kevan did not dare to let his parents lollow him. He was scared that Gary would chase him and his

parents cul together. He Simply made up an excuse and said. “The fight to Westonia from Bartham is too long. You

two won’t be able to handle it. I go by myself.”