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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 973
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Chapter 973

Her smile was ominous.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Marilyn turned to look at her darkly. “If I’d known that I wouldn’t have done so

many irreversible things.

And you wouldn’t have to

She trailed off.

“Wouldn’t have to what?” Larissa asked.

But Marilyn refused to answer.

She was acting really weird. Larissa began growing panicked.

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“Calm down,” she tried advising. “There’s nothing you’re doing that you can’t take back. If you’re willing to stop

now, I can pretend that nothing ever happened today.”

“You can do that, but what about before? Can you pretend that I never told my father Blue Star’s confidential

information? Even if you can, what about Gary and Lewis?”

Marilyn refused to let her go, “Since I’ll never have Lewis, I’ll destroy you all I will destroy you so that you’ll never be

able to love anyone again!”

The more she spoke, the crazier she got.

It was like she’d prepared herself for the end, Larissa knew that she was too far gone to be saved. She had no

choice but to place all her hopes on Lewis behind them.

Marilyn turned left and right and finally stopped at a three–storey house.

This was a long distance away from the city. However, it looked to be a suburban area.

“Don’t move! Marilyn wamed. She got down from the car and went to the passenger’s side to open the door,

dragging Larissa out.

She had a gun in her hands, so Larissa did not dare to act rashly. She followed Larissa obediently.

While dragging Larissa, Marilyn walked quickly toward the door.

She pressed the doorbell. Soon, the door opened.

A familiar face appeared.

“Allen?” Larissa was shocked.

But she wasn’t really very surprised after what she’d seen last night.

“I’ve delivered the goods.” With a shove, Marilyn threw Larissa Into Allen’s arms.

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“You can do whatever you want to her. But there’s just one thing. Don’t leave anything behind, and don’t let anyone

find out that I was Involved.”

Alter saying that, Marilyn left.

Allen shut the door at once and trapped Larissa lightly in his arms.

“I’ve finally got you, Larissa.” He looked at her as if in a trance. A chill went down Larissa’s spine when she saw his

crazed expression.

“Let me go, Allen.” Larissa tried to break free, but he held her even tighter.

“No! I will never let you go again! No one can make me!” Allen roared in a sudden rage. He kissed her fervently.

Larissa fought with all her might to dodge him, but she was still slobbered by his saliva. She was so grossed out that

she wanted to puke.

“Don’t you know that this is illegal?” she roared. She was hoping that this would wake him up.

Allen didn’t care. “So what if it is? No one knows that you’re here. The cops will never catch me

He went up to the third floor and brought her into a small room.

It was emply except for a mattress. And on the walls behind the mattress was a long, long steel chain.