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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50 “Bringthat wolf,” | ordered Brian.

“No!” She interrupted him grabbing his arm. “The alpha will interrogate the intruder when he’s been treated and has a clear mind,” “Annette,” | sighed rubbing my thumbs on her hips.

“You're bleeding,” she looked up atbacking away. Her cheek was covered in red and | stepped forward cupping her face covering it. “I want him punished,” “He will be,” she stated, jaded ice reaching her eyes. The surety in her statement she made so fluidly would scare any man but it filledwith pride.

“Brian guard the stairwell I'm going to tend the the alphas wound. Have the guest room prepared for Amaria and her things moved here,” she directed her guard.

“Also station extra guards around the forest this evening, find out how they got in,” She finished lacing her finger through mine and leadingup stairs.

Her hands were soft. What could have happened if one of those wolves had gotten to her. | grabbed her finger and k*ssed the back of her hand. | wanted her safe, it was my responsibility to protect her.

“Are you alright?” | asked her as she closed our bedroom door.

She kept her face away fromher hands resting on the door.

“I saw the bear charge you....” She whispered. A small sob cout of her.

Small sounds never phasedbefore but that one cry and | was a broken man.

“I'm alright,” | cup behind her taking her hands off the door and holding them, keeping my arms wrapped around her. Her small back solidly against my chest as | k¥ssed the top of her head.

“I couldn’t focus on anything so | went to the moon pool just to make sure you were okay 1-” she wavered in her words and gathered a breath. “I just wanted to know you were safe,” She briskly left my arms and went to the bathroom.

“I'm not upset Annette, those enemy wolves shouldn't have been in the forest at all,” | placed my hand on her back.

“You need to take off your shirt,” she sniffled.

“Excuse me?” | chuckled. | had missed her too but this is not what | thought we were going to do.

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“I need to see to your wounds,” She looked atpleadingly.

“Of course,” | grabbed the hem of my shirt and tried to pull it over my head but the tears of flesh around my shoulder Chapter 50 reared their head impenetest.

“Asgh! Fr “Aggh! F*+*ing dammit!! growtech under my breath halting my motion.

“Sit on the edge of the tub, she pusiet my backwards until my knees hit the stone of our bath.

| sat down and her light feathertifingers danced on my shits edge touching me. This tiny women could knocke down with a breath.

The trouble | thought she'd be into westconsethwillingly, | wanted her distractions, her encouragement, her troubles my problems. | wanted her..

| stopped myself from grabbing her try this hips and plating her to stadle my waist. The images of her flushed face fr the night before our binding as she sattonumylegsastited her entered my mind and the urge to see her red again rattled me.

She pulled my shirt off ofwincing when she sawithe bruise on my chest, the bite on my shoulder, the small! scratches here and there from landing overblowerszamon the hard mountain rocks.

“If we didn’t need allies | would burn that unan forsending your there,” she whispered I'm sure she thought | hadn’t heard but | smiled at her fury.

She was kind when she wanted to be, hard when itwassreecuteed She gave herself so fully to those she loved their pains were hers and the only thing that made sense wasstoogdier the sante Whatever she needed I'd be it.

“He got into you good,” she crinkled her nose her eyes misting geimas she got to work on cleaningup.

The alpha blood inwould heal these wounds in days; but she was sight to disinfect me. Even alphas can get sick, we live and die like anything else.

“As long as | live I'll live by you, not another night out of your tied “I'll take that promise,” she lookedin the eyes daringly. Makingnesitetht.commovethettoser.

She bent down, cleaning off my wounds and rinsing the bloody towel intheth traced her arms with my finger ti It was an involuntary movement of mine while around her.

il thought it would drive her crazy and it did but in the sweetest way, | found thaimadhandizzy in her mind, dru on the feeling.

If she relished this trace | made of her every chance | got 1 would never stop “Sorry,” she whispered in advancy as she started disinfecting the large holes in my shoulder Tatting was muchTolerable than the initial injury.

Trueerhair behind her ear and took my thumb to the side of herface tracking down lernawibere. saw the humps appear on her chest.

Hensmailistine was silken ke her skin and covered her the sway her night gowns did interurnirathon Im Chapter 500 | could see moret their theduy but not still enough for the night times wishful intentions.

“I can tell what you're in Grayson, your in no shape for that,” she muttered toand I didn’t stop myself grabbing her by the waista libein: her to my face.

“Terrible women i fought liked bulb be here with you and you deny me,” | feign offense at her statement. “Your husband.

“Oh loving husband | will notti aningeypoit further, her words were a shade of red, breathy and wanting, a tease k saw it in her mind. She was desperate too.

Still she was right, my wounds were deppshot been threatened tonight. It was not what | wanted for her. .........

So | loosened my grip on her and lettersshand bandage my bite mark.

“You'll bear the bite mark you know, shb bbetted hrdlashes atbeing her I*ps to my ear. “But it won't hurt you only make you more rugged,” She quickly evaded my attempts to entrap hengshine tunel Her giggles tantalizing the thoughts already dark for of more innocent relationship.

She breathed running her hands through her hair Hirves cunning overthrough the mirror. “We should take bath, I'm covered in dirt and so are you...

“A bath?” | squinted at her stunned she suggested this:.

She locked the bathroom door. “Just a bath...besides youshandd hwyd been ander my nightgowns for weeks now,” blushed hiding her face as she reached for towels..

She cover still pink along her nose and turned on the water.

“Are you sure?” | judged her making sure she wasn’t nervous or ulding this just for me.

“I just want to take a bath, with my husband, who returned tone,” sheuazied het head looking atkindly as sh always seemed to do.

11 stood up and began to undress she followed suit dropping her sl*p onethe greoudpoblingit at her feet.

She was more than perfect, she was mine. Mine. Made forall of her ddewiser Hed face red in a blush crept down her n*eck.

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“Don’t be embarrassed, your stunning,” | softly spoke k*ssing her cheek. “The not evenweetly,” Hedumelted me, her hands roaming up my arms.

Metball up and I pot in helping her in along side me. She rested her head bathe unattered kidow of my che na kladdnt stop from discovering this new map she'd graciously laid out before me.

Meteneerdermen this curves that had been hidden from my eyes for far too long. leranda wenovental thre diy conesl muscles. We spent the tlearning each other's bodies in the steam and uteri Avenueber Chapter 50 cto mine.

Sweet k*sses we normally shared were now harder with want behind them from distance and danger. My hand was in her hair, her chest tightly against mine, and her legs wrapped around me.

“Missing you is one of the challenges | don’t think I'll ever overcome,” | told her as we calmed down and she began resting onagain.

“Nothing seemed as important as if you alright,” she agreed with me.

She grabbed the soap and loofah and started to wash herself another form of torture | had to endure but it only worsened when she tried to clean me.

“Annette trust| don’t think | could take it if you did that, | grabbed the sponge from her.

1 did help her clean her hair, it seemed as though she had eighty steps to clean up in the bath. Hair, face, b*dy, she toldshe shaves too but she didn’t have to this time.

The regshe kept up seemed too extensive.

“Your hair seems to be the only other thing besides your skin that needs attention,” | smirked at her insistence that she was not as bad as other women who spend hours grooming themselves.

“Seems pointless you're effortlessly beautiful, the classic beauty in paintings and fairytales,” | explained my confusion.

“For such a scary looking man you're very warm-hearted,” she brushed her finger along my face.

“Only to those close to me,” | met her earnest gaze loving her with my eyes.

We dried off and got into our bed, she fell asleep againstquickly and | watched her thanking the goddess she was safe and | cback to her.

| gingerly got out of bed k*ssing her bare shoulder. | dressed myself and headed out of our room and down the stairs, “Matt, wake the wolf,” | ordered.

| will protect you Chapter Comments Beverly Jones maps take advantage of this map she has layed out in front ofI'm starting to love Grayson Susan Suire She is strong, | believe she going to have more then 3 babies at once.