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Stomp on Your Broken Heart With Our Babies

Chapter 1661
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The security guard nodded his head as if he were a man.

"Yes, yes, that's the non the property deed, Rupert."

Seeing that a catastrophe was imminent, thesecurity guard dared not hide anything and told Nancyeverything he knew.

This includes the last tin the middle of the night, Rupert took Anna for a ride over here.

"Piece of shit!" Nancy was so angry that she slapped the security guard to the ground, "Why didn't you tellif there was such a


The guard rolled and stood up again, "At that t| thought they were really just passing by, and the attitude was quite good ......"

Who knew it would be this kind of person!

"What do you think, what use do | want a security guard like you!" Nancy was so angry that she copied the vase next to her and

was about to smash it towards the security guard.

The guard was so scared that he closed his eyes.

But the vase did not fall on itself.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Puzzled, she opened her eyes, only to find that it was Jay who stopped her, "Auntie, why get angry at him, if you think he's useless,

just fire him."

With that, he looked at the security guard, "You'd better keep everything you know rotten in your stomach, otherwise don't blame

The security guard was already scared out of his wits, and when he heard this, he nodded his head, "Yes, yes, | don't dare, | will

keep my mouth shut and never go out to talk nonsense."

"Get out." Jay said.

The guard then rolled away.

In the living room, Nancy, Nathan and Jay were the only onesleft.

The atmosphere was surprisingly awkward.

Half a long time, Nancy opened her mouth and broke this awkwardness, "Jay, now that you already know the real relationship

between you and me, are you ...... able to change your mind?"

Jay nodded obediently, "Mother."

"Hey!" Tears of moving excitement spilled from the corners of Nancy's eyes.

Following that, and full of expectation, pointed to Nathannext to him, wanting to open his mouth to introduce, "Jay, this you also

know, right, he is your ......"

Jay interrupted her directly, "Mother, while Sebastian has not yet issued our wanted notice, let's pack up and leave the country, the

domestic stuff will be dealt with when we return later, | bought an estate in Portugal, close to the city, it's convenient for


The situation right now is really not suitable to stay in Capital anymore.

It will invite jail time.

"Jay, why do you keep thinking that we should give up ah, | have fought for you so much, now give up, it is really a pity!" Nancy

still disagreed.

"Mother, if you were just fighting with Sebastian in the mall, | wouldn't have said anything.

But now, you are hurting Grandpa ah, do you think we will have good results if we stay in Capital?"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After a pause, Jay added, "Yes, Grandpa may not reach me, but you're bound to go to jail, and you want us to meet just after we've

met, only through thick bulletproof glass, in jail?"

Mentioning the last point, Nancy was completely convinced.

How can she separate from Jay!

"Okay, mommy listen to you, we'll go to Portugal first, and then if we get a chance after that, we'll cback and figure out what

to do with them." Nancy said.

Jay: "ot

What tis it that you are still thinking about solving Sebastian and the others?

Forget it, at least it is willing to leave ah!

"Then, Mother, go pack your things, I'll find a way to get a private plane, pack it up, and we'll leave immediately."

Nancy nodded, "Jay you've been very thoughtful, the private jet is safe and there's no need to explain Nathan's status as a wanted

man so the three of us can go to Portugal together."

The words landed, but Nathan spoke out coldly, "Who told you that | was going to Portugal?"