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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 992
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Chapter 43 : Uses and Useless


I could feel Lucas lose it even before he started to swear.

“We need both?" I repeated hesitantly, hoping perhaps her answer might change or there might be a 'but' in there


No such luck. “Yes, you will need both now. The Slipstone has been awakened by a dream dancer, which means the

other stone will be awake as well," Priestess Canela said. She frowned at Lucas. “Language, young man."

Lucas ended his tirade with a cough and a low, “Sorry, High Priestess."

“I was shown a vision of people who were going to use the stone to return to the land of the Goddess or something

like that," I said. “And then the Goddess said I was supposed to 'save them,' only I'm not entirely sure who 'them'

are, if it's the people I saw in one vision or another vision...."

“Can you go fetch it?" Priestess Canela asked. “I might be able to divine something from it. I'm not a dream dancer

of any great power. But I do know more about the orbs than you do."

I looked at Lucas and he took a silk-wrapped package out from a bag at his side. I could sense the power of the orb

even with the silk around it. But then, I could always sense the orb. Its eyes were always on me.

Lucas unwrapped the Slipstone, which was still a sort of pink from my working with it on the ship, and handed it to

the High Priestess.

The orb glowed dimly when Priestess Canela took it in her hands. “Yes, this is quite a bit more powerful than was

even rumored," she said. “Quite a bit."

Then, to my surprise, Priestess Canela took my hand and held it as she held the orb. Her eyes closed and her

mouth moved in silent murmuring.

When she opened her eyes, Priestess Canela's eyes were glowing a dull blue. “Hmm… I cannot answer all of your

questions. But I can tell you what I know." She looked at me and it was as though she could see straight into my

soul. “You are the most powerful dream dancer I have ever heard of since Tasia. Do not follow her dark path."

“O-okay," I replied.

Priestess Canela closed her eyes again. “Old Dianny was created when Lycoan kidnapped and brought a group of

women through the portal to be his brides. I don't know if you knew that. The people you see–they are descendants

of these women, and so is the girl you saw in the hall, Anna. That much I know. But I know nothing more."

“Nothing more?" Lucas protested, but I put my free hand on his chest.

The priestess looked at me again, the glow in her eyes beginning to fade. “You will come into your wolf soon."

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“Yes, my birthday is within a week," I replied.

“Perhaps then we will know more," the priestess mumbled. Then she took her hand off the orb and handed it back

to Lucas. “There is much we will know...." She looked between Lucas and me.

I understood her meaning, and wanted to know the same. Was Lucas my mate? Deep down, I really hoped so. It

wasn't even that deep down.

Lucas quickly wrapped the orb again and stowed it in his bag.

“Am I meant to save that little girl, Anna, from the darkness?" I asked Priestess Canela.

The high priestess shrugged helplessly. “I don't know. I would hope the Goddess would wish a young life such as

hers to be spared, but when you say she said save 'them,' it must mean more than one person. I agree, it is very


“Do you at least know how to use the stone?" Lucas butted in, exasperated.

Priestess Canela blinked. “Oh. I thought you'd surely figured that out by now."

“Not so much, no," Lucas said. “Basically, until recently, it's been one, Sasha touches the stone, two, Sasha

disappears completely from the world itself like she was never born and it's the day before, then three, Sasha

reappears after the day ends. On the ship, she was able to use her powers to work with it through visions and not

disappear on me, but...."

“Oh dear… you poor dears. No wonder everything has felt so jumbled lately," Priestess Canela clucked. “Sasha,

being a powerful dream dancer, should be able to use the stone to change the past. So far, you've just been

watching it?"

“Yes. I haven't done anything to change it," I replied.

Priestess Canela nodded. “That is probably for the best for now. Watch, learn, find out what the Goddess wants of

you. It is a dangerous thing, to change the past."

“That's what I was thinking," Lucas grunted.

The priestess c****d her head to the side, regarding Lucas. “A mate might help. Powerful objects like this one often

lead to evil and corruption. You will require help to remain centered and focused. You are powerful, indeed, but

harnessing that power to use the Slipstone–and in future the Lightstone–is dangerous, dangerous work. But,

apparently necessary now."

“I was wondering that, too. Why now of all times? Is it just because we happened to find it and I accidentally paired

it with Sasha that the Goddess is like, hey, yeah, let's have a past party?" Lucas asked.

“It could be that simple, yes," Priestess Canela said. “In any case, you must guard the Slipstone. Guard it with

everything you've got. Because there are many, even those you've already met, who would use it for great evil and

personal gain."

Lucas blew out a frustrated breath. “And that's all you can tell us."

“Unfortunately," the high priestess replied regretfully.

“Thank you for trying," I added. “We've gained a little wisdom, at least."

Priestess Canela nodded. “I am glad the Slipstone fell into good hands. It could have been picked up by anyone. But

you two will keep it safe. I have a good feeling." The high priestess rose and smoothed out her robes. “I will return

to the temple now. I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful."

“You helped clear up a thing or two for me, High Priestess Canela. I really am grateful," I said while Lucas stared

balefully at the bag containing the orb.

“Good luck," Priestess Canela replied before sashaying out of the room.

Lucas threw himself back, groaning almost as loudly as the loveseat as he stared up at the ceiling. “Damn this

stupid orb anyway."

“I know. It just keeps getting more complicated, doesn't it?" I asked softly. I couldn't stop myself from curling into

him, leaning my head against his shoulder, drawing strength from his strength.

Lucas dropped his arm around me and stroked my hair. “A second f*****g orb… a second one. FUCK."

My eyes stung with tears. “I don't know if this is ever going to end, Lucas," I whispered, despair heavy in my heart.

A second orb? Would it mean a second mission? More answers? Fewer?

Lucas's lips brushed my temple and I looked up. Then he kissed away my tears and pressed a salty kiss to my lips.

“Hey," he said huskily, stroking my hair behind my ear. “We've still got a next step. We'll go to Winter Forest with

Oliver and Mother will help us."

My stomach tightened, and I looked away as I said, “I suppose we'll be seeing my mother, too."

“Is that a problem?" Lucas asked.

I shrugged. “We haven't really communicated much since I moved to the Dark Realm."

“Oh. Well… she'll be happy to see you. Will you be happy to see her?" Lucas hazarded.

I pressed my forehead into Lucas's shoulder. “I don't know. I have… questions. But she's never answered them

before and I don't know if she will now. Now, though… now I think it might be more important than ever."

“What questions, Sasha baby?" Lucas asked, combing his fingers through the length of my hair.

I shook my head. “I'll tell you later, if I can get her to answer them. If I can't, it won't matter anyway."

“Okay." Lucas was silent a long time, then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. The loveseat

creaked in protest.

“Lucas, I don't want to go breaking Luna Alison's furniture," I admonished him as he slid his hands up my bare


But he stayed a polite distance from my panties. “I just want to hold you, Sasha baby. I know this has to be rough–

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the orb, you coming into your wolf… things."

“Yeah," I agreed, knowing he was referring to the biggest unanswered question of them all. “Things."

Lucas wrapped his arms around me once he had me settled in his lap. He nestled his chin on the top of my head.

“Sasha, it's all going to be okay. I promise. We're going to work it all out. We'll go to Winter Forest, and your mother

or mine or both will give us more information, and we'll just take it one next step at a time."

“I really just wanted to be your intern and work on the northern library project," I sighed, placing my hand on his

chest. “School, internship… um… maybe some other stuff...."

Lucas chuckled, and it rolled straight through me. “We have done a lot of 'other stuff.'"

I couldn't help but smile. “Amanda was going to plan this big birthday bash. I was going to invite you and at


“It seems you're still having a big birthday bash. And midnight will still come." He stroked his hands up and down my

back. “And… we will still know."

“You want to be the Head Royal Engineer, don't you? Still?" I asked Lucas.

I felt Lucas's chin move on top of my head as he nodded. “Yes."

“If I'm your mate, will it make that hard? I mean, you already had the whole northern library thing go south, so

that's one project–"

“Two. That's the second project of mine that went south, in a row." Lucas sighed.

“Oh. Then it's even worse you're sleeping with your intern, isn't it?" I whispered.

Lucas was silent for a long time, his fingertips stroking up and down my back. “When we get back to the Dark

Realm, we can sort out all those questions. But, Sasha, I would not trade one second of the time I've spent with you

to be the Alpha King himself."

My eyes stung again. “Really?"

“Really." Lucas thumbed my tears away this time and lowered his lips to mine.

I felt safe, and wanted, and yes, even loved. I didn't want that to end. With every passing day, I cared less and less

about if we turned out to be true mates or not. I wanted Lucas. I would always want Lucas. I would always… love


After several minutes, which stretched out a lifetime and also seemed too short, Lucas let me go and helped me to

my feet, twitching my skirt back into place. “Come on, princess. Let's go be sociable."

“I suppose," I sighed.

“And… I seem to remember a certain promise someone made if we talked with the High Priestess…?" Lucas

wiggled his eyebrows at me.

“Oh, don't worry," I grinned. “I always keep my promises."