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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption

Chapter 143
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Chapter 143 Upon seeing Lizetta, Jolin immediately stood up.

“Liz, you finally showed up! Check out how your mother-in-law is treating her own kind Here | am, a quest, and she has lockedup with a bodyguard on my tail. What am |, a thief, a criminal? Con, Liz, you're the legitimate lady of the house, you should stand up for your mother! | need you to set things straight today, or who will take you seriously in this family in the future? Hey, Liz, wait for me!” Before Jolin could finish, Lizetta turned and swiftly walked towards the exit.

Jolin hurried after her, grabbing Lizetta’s arm.

“Mom's talking to you, are you mute?” Lizetta shook off her hand violently, and Jolin stumbled a few steps, falling onto the fawn with a wail.

“What are you doing! Now you‘re getting physical with your own mom? Ouch, my leg! My leg, what sins have | committed, how did | raise such an unfilial daughter!” The sensation of something foreign in Lizetta’'s eyes persisted, causing her vision blurry and her eyes sting.

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She, the daughter, was a total mess, but Jolin couldn't see it at all, knowing only to make a scene and having eyes only for money.

Jolin thought making a scene would ultimately force the Dashiell family to care about their reputation and give her money.

Lizetta stepped forward, fiercely grabbing Jolin by the collar with a cold chuckle.

“Ha, an unfilial daughter? Have you ever played your part as a mom? By making such a scene, what position do you putin? Have you ever considered my situation and feelings? Just shut up!” Her eyes were bloodshot, yet her expression was ice-cold as she pulled Jolin up, who was somewhat frightened.

“If the mother is kind to her daughter, then the daughter would be filial to her mother. You're not kind, and my being filial to a scoundrel like you is just abetting tyranny! You wanna make a scene, right? Fine!” Lizetta let go of Jolin, who fell back onto the ground and hadn't even gotten up when a sudden cold water drenched her completely. Lizetta had picked up a high-pressure water gun from the flower bed, opened the valve, and aimed it at Jolin.

Jolin screamed, unable to open her eyes.

“Ah, help! Lunatic! Ah, Lizetta, you nasty brat. Ouch!” Jolin scrambled away, rolling and crawling in panic, quickly covered in mud and destroying a large section of Hanna's carefully tended flowers and plants.

“Stop it! Lizetta, have you lost your mind?” The noise was too much, and Hanna emerged from the villa with others, her face livid as she scolded Lizetta.

Lizetta swung the hose towards Hanna, who stopped in her tracks, stumbling and awkwardly being helped to retreat.

“How dare you!” Hanna was almost sprayed head to toe, staring at Lizetta in disbelief.

Lizetta dropped the hose, a slight smirk on her lips.

“Didn’t you askto handle this? If we don’t teach her a lesson, she'll just cback again. This is my way of handling it.” Hanna was so angry she saw stars, but Lizetta began to walk away.

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After a few steps, she turned back, smiling.

“By the way, and about that pastel floral double-eared vase in the living room, it looks like a valuable antique.

Next tshe shows up, just smash that and blit on her. That should land her behind bars for a few years.

You won't have to worry about her bothering you again, dragging you down to her level. I've told you a once- and-for-all solution, so next tshe makes a scene, just do that, and please, dorit callagain.

Lizetta nodded, turned, and walked away without looking back, quickly exiting the Riverbend Abbey.

Hanna swayed, supported by two servants.

That's when Joseph crunning out from the villa; the kid had just taken his medicine and was sleeping.

“Where's Liz? Why did she leave?” “Don’t even mention her! You want to upset your mother too, huh? She's really rebelled, she’s insane!” Hanna shouted angrily, Joseph looked at the messy flower beds, the water all over the ground, and Jolin, who had just crawled out of the muddy flower bed, his mouth hung open.

“Mom, after all, Liz was raised by Remi, and you know his temperament. Liz has been influenced by him; if she’s not a big devil, she’s at least a little demon. Maybe Liz was just pretending to be too good before, and she even deceiving you.”