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Savvy Son-in-law by VKBoy

Chapter 69
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CHAPTER 69 Selena accompanied Rebecca to her room and went a step further to talk to her in private in the room.

“You don’t look happy, Rebecca,” she said. “And that’s a clear sign that this marriage isn’t working. It never has.

You guys never spent quality ttogether, so obviously, he doesn’t really try to help you when you're in need.

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That's the kind of husband you've chosen.” “Mom, can you please leavealone?” Rebecca said.

“Fine, but take a good rest and think. Use this tto cto a decision,” Selena said and walked out. Benjamin was outside, looking unhappy and tense. She tried to start a conversation, but he ignored her and walked past her. She didn’t mind that, though, as she knew he probably was thinking of giving sexplanation to staring at another female's breasts.

Benjamin cand hesitantly stood next to Rebecca's bed. She sat with her back against the headboard, but she wasn’t even looking at him.

“Rebecca...” he tried to talk “I don’t want to talk,” she said, rather softly yet bluntly.

Benjamin, however, wanted to clarify things now that she seemed quite upset. “This isn’tgiving excuses, but there’s nothing betweenand that maid. | did look at her cleavage once, but that’s all there was to it. Nothing more.” “Yeah, you expectto believe that, right?” she talked back fast. “I do, so you can go now.” “I'm telling you the truth.” Rebecca just shook her head. “You know, every tyou fight Veronica for wearing tight and exposing dresses, | thought you were different, but you're the same. You can’t help but look when sskin is shown.” “Mmch,” Benjamin didn’t know how to explain to her. He raised both of his hands. “I....” He brought his hands down, his lips pressing against each other hard. “I think it's better | talk to you after you calm down a little. I'll be outside, so callif you need anything.” Saying that he left.

Rebecca's heart was growing heavier. Just when she was beginning to open up to him, he began looking at other women. Now, she started to wonder if Delle and Benjamin had met coincidentally on the rooftop or if there was sother reason.

“Does he seeany different than the maids?” All these thoughts only burdened her heart smore. Faint stress marks fought for places on her forehead. Her eyes turned wet, but she didn’t cry or even blink. Her mother’s words cto her mind. Like Selena said, she could still choose to divorce Benjamin and marry srich man with no problem as she and Benjamin didn’t have any kids together. There would be no issues whatsoever. However, what Rebecca couldn't say for sure was that even if she finds sother man, what was the guarantee that he wouldn't look at other women? Just looking itself wasn't the issues as it was only natural for someone to look at the opposite sex, especially if they were good-looking. It was a typical human instinct.

After giving herself this sort of reasoning, she remembered that Benjamin wasn’t looking lustfully at Ashley. She knew very well how a man with lust would look, for she had seen his father look at new maids so lustfully, she was terrified of the expression he would make those times. It felt like he would do anything to make that maid cinto his bed, even if it required him to completely disregard his own family.

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Benjamin's eyes were like her father’s. They were nowhere near close, at least for now. So, she thought she should go and talk to Benjamin and discuss these things. “Mom was right. We never spent quality ttogether.

That's why | got angry at him so easily.” She got off the bed and walked out with the help of the walking stick.

However, Benjamin was nowhere to be seen. “Mm? Where did he go? He said he would be here...” her heart suddenly skipped at the thought of him going after a maid. She sat on the handrail and cdownstairs by sliding on it and at the end managed to slow herself down by bringing her leg over the railing and thus increasing the friction. She used to do that when she was young, but even after many years of gap, she was able to pull it off almost perfectly. However, she wasn’t in the mood to feel happy about it. She kept looking for Benjamin and couldn’t find him in the kitchen or the dorms. She went to the backyard where Johnny was watering the plants. “Hey, did you see Benjamin?” she asked. “Y-Yes, ma'am,” Johnny lowered himself and was overly polite. “I saw him take the kids to school.” “Oh...” Rebecca suddenly felt relieved. She totally forgot that Benjamin needed to drop the kids at school.

“Why, ma'am? Is there anything you need help with?” “No, nothing.” She turned and walked away. Johnny kept staring at her legs and licked his lips and murmured to himself. “What a waste. All that beauty, and no one gets to taste it. If | was Benjamin, | would at least sneak into her bed at night and lick her legs clean, keke.” Something fell on his shoulder. “Mm?” he glanced to his right, and the smell of fresh bird crap entered his nose and warped his expression. He looked up at the sky, and there a parrot just flew past him. “You damned bird!” He looked for a stone and threw it as fast as he could, but it missed the target. This wasn’t the first tthe parrots crapped on him, so he felt really angry now. “When | catch you two, I'll make bird soup and eat you together, | swear!” Meanwhile, Benjamin just dropped the kids at school, all except Lisa who was still in the car.

“Why aren’t you getting out?” he asked.

“Because | want you to doa favor,” she said, taking out the platinum card. “Buya bugatti with this... in your name, of course. If you don’t, I'll tell Aunt Rebecca that you have skind of crush on me.” Benjamin's expression stiffed. “What?” Seeing the clear nasty smile blooming on her face, he felt like grabbing her little neck and choking her to death.