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Savvy Son-in-law by VKBoy

Chapter 43
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CHAPTER 43 Anous’ wife told him to quit the job. However, not wanting to lose his primary sponsor, he was thinking of returning to work in a few days even though he suffered from a heart attack “Benjamin told my wife that | should bring his car?” Anous’ frowned a little bit. “So he isn’t as dumb as | thought. But | have Madam Elizabeth on my side. | have nothing to fear even if the truth gets known.” At that moment, Alfred entered the room with a basket full of fruits and a bouquet. “You seem to be doing great, Mr. Anus.” “I don’t know who you are, mister, but my nisn’t Anus. It's Anous. U is silent.” “Ah, is it?” Alfred sat down and began crunching on one of the apples from the basket, puzzling Anous, who thought the fruits were brought for him.

“Who are you, sir? What do you want?” Anous asked. His wife or children weren't in the room.

“I just cto see a patient in the room next to you,” Alfred replied, “so | thought I'd meet you as well.” “Oh, but... do | know you?” “No, you don’t,” Alfred spat the apple seeds on the bed.

“W-What are you doing!” Anous got mad immediately. “Get lost from my room!” “You lost your nerve just because | spat a couple of seeds on your bed,” Alfred said, “so how do you think Benjamin should react after you purposely destroyed his new car he spent so much effort to earn?” Anous was initially startled. “Oh, so you are from Benjamin's side.” He faintly smiled. “You must be his grandfather or something. Your grandson told my wife that | should buy a new car for him. He still doesn’t seem to know his place in the pecking order, but it’s alright. | will remind him once | return to my job.” He was smirking. “Is that so?” he put the bouquet and the flower basket on the bed and took out a knife that was hidden inside the basket.

Anous’ heart skipped a beat. He was still feeling weak, so if this old man were to attack him, he wasn’t sure if he could properly fight back.

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“Fret not,” Alfred stared right into Anous’ eyes. “I intend to leave your fate up to Benjamin, but since I'm here, | can’t go without doing nothing, so...” he swiftly threw a punch with his left hand, and it knocked Anous’ out of his senses. Alfred then put the knife to use and completely shaved Anous’ hand. That didn’t satisfy him, so he went on to remove all of Anous ‘fingernails. That didn’t satisfy him, either. He then removed the toenails, too. “This isn’t enough, but... I'll let the Master finish him.” He wiped the blood off the knife and put it in his coat before taking the bouquet and fruit basket and walking out of the room. He went to the room where Akash was being treated.

Alfred was wearing an old coat and blended with the crowd, so nobody really knew who he -7A? TER 43 was. The nurse also thought he was just another old man. He introduced himself to Akash and told him that he was sent by the spizza delivery guy who had helped him. Akash was freely given VIP treatment that cost over forty thousand dollars, and his hand was reattached, so he wanted to thank Benjamin personally, but Alfred told him to heal first.

Akash asked Alfred if he knew who attacked him. However, Alfred replied, “Sthings are better not known.” He then gave the bouquet and fruits and left. Akash would later realize that there was actually 3000 dollars worth of cash hidden in the fruit basket.

Meanwhile, at Bonsbell’s mansion.

Artur received a report on Rebecca. “Mm, she’s like the embodiment of beauty, and she’s twelve years younger than me. | do feel like meeting her. What do you think?” he looked at his private security guard who was over fifty years old and was also the head of the guards.

“She’s both beautiful and thoughtful from what I can tell,” the head of the guards replied.” She's definitely worth a try, sir.” “Alright. Ill pay her a visit this evening.” “I'll make the necessary preparations.” “Give the Ferrari to one of your boys,” Artur told the guard. “I'm bored with it. I'll buy a new one along the way.” Later that evening. Benjamin made the special pizza again and brought it home. He looked excited because he wanted to give it to Rebecca; however, Lisa and Roshan were sitting outside. Seeing them, Benjamin ran into the butlers’ dorms and used another entrance that linked both the villa and the dorms.

Just as he reached the room, Johnny suddenly showed up and tried to steal the pizza from him, but he couldnt even touch the pizza as he rushed past Benjamin.

“What?” Johnny was left shocked. “I was sure | caught it.” Benjamin didn’t even bother to look at Johnny. He entered the room and locked the door.

“Wait, why are you locking the door?” Rebecca asked. She wasn’t wearing the sclothes as last night because the allergic feeling was gone. “Uh, about that...” Benjamin opened the pizza box and revealed what he believed was the most beautiful pizza he ever made. The names ‘Benjamin & Rebecca’ were written with the sauce, and seeing how the names were intact, Rebecca understood how carefully Benjamin carried the parcel home.

“You wantto eat it?” she asked in surprise. “Don’t you know that I'm not a fan of fast food? They are not good for health.” “I-I know, but...” Benjamin scratched his cheek. “Didn't you ask for a pizza yesterday afternoon? | actually made one last night, but you were sleeping, so | couldn't wake you up.” Rebecca had no idea what he was talking about. She ate burgers a couple of times, but she never tasted pizza before, so she wasn't sure if she should taste it or not. However, seeing Benjamin's pitiful eyes, she pitied him a little bit. “Alright, I'll have just one piece. That's it.” “Sure, sure,” Benjamin excitedly put the pizza box before her on the bed, in a way that his nwas facing her.

“Pick the slice with my non it, please.” “Mm? Why?” she couldn't help but ask “I'm yours, that’s why,” he replied.

Rebecca almost smiled and shook her head. (Whatever, it’s just a slice.) She told herself and picked the slice that had Benjamin's non it. Just after she put it in her mouth and was blown away by the rich texture of the pizza, Benjamin ripped another slice that had Rebecca’s non it. Her eyes widened. “W-Wait, why are you eating that piece first?” Benjamin grinned like an excited child and said, “You are mine, that’s why.” He hurriedly gobbled on that piece in a matter of two to three seconds.

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Weird imaginations of herself getting eaten popped up in her head, and Rebecca found herself flushing a bit as he chewed on the slice that had her non it.

At the stime, a luxurious car stopped in front of the main entrance, catching the attention of Lisa and Roshan.

“Who's that?” Roshan was up from his chair and so was Lisa.

“A bugatti?” Oliver who was watering the plants was slack-jawed. “I have only seen it in GTA before.” He put the water pipe aside and cover to take a closer look. A handsman as tall as him stepped out. Dressed in a sparkling blue suit, he shone brighter than the bugatti itself.

He tossed the car keys to Oliver before climbing up the stairs and walking past the two teenagers who had their mouths wide open as they could see diamonds embedded in his suit.

“Are those diamonds in the suit?” Lisa whispered to Roshan who could only shrug his shoulders.

Meanwhile, Kathy who was cleaning the dining table just noticed Artur entering the villa in a confident gait and his eyes checking around. “Who the hell is this handshunk?” she thought. “He walks like he owns this place!”