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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 33 She Was Wronged
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The crowd burst into laughter.

Zhou Tian was stunned. Glancing at Li Ruoxue next to him, he endured it.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here." Zhang Shuyun looked at Zhou Tian angrily, wishing he could disappear right away from her sight.

"Mom, don't treat him like this. He's just being kind to help." Li Ruoxue persuaded Zhang Shuyun.

"What can he do?" Zhang Shuyun said angrily, "In the end, he still needs the help of the First Young Master Qian, doesn't he?" Li Ruoxue shook her head helplessly. She felt that it was quite unfair for Zhou Tian to be beaten. After all, it was she who called for Zhou Tian to come.

Zhang Shuyun ignored Zhou Tian and glanced at Qian Xiaofei. She was still very satisfied with Qian Xiaofei.

Because Zhang Shuyun saw that since the arrival of the First Young Master of the Qian Family, the noblewoman had not been so arrogant.

TheOldest Childe of the Qian Family was really strong.

" Childe of the Qian Family, the woman's husband will clater. Can you control him?" Zhang Shuyun pulled Qian Xiaofei aside and asked quietly.

Qian Xiaofei smiled proudly and looked at Zhang Shuyun, saying, "Auntie, don't worry. In Beichuan City, no one dares to refuse my face." When Zhang Shuyun heard Qian Xiaofei's words, her back immediately stiffened.

"That's great. I'm relieved to hear you say that." Zhang Shuyun looked at Qian Xiaofei with a smile on her face. She liked him so much.

"Auntie, don't worry. She just wants to get smoney back. It's okay, | have plenty of money." Qian Xiaofei looked like he was rich.

Zhang Shuyun was even more relieved. Looking at Qian Xiaofei's extremely swollen face, she asked in confusion, "Young Master Qian, why is your face so fat?" Her words hurt Qian Xiaofei. He sneaked a glance at Zhou Tian, feeling the hatred in his heart.

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"Why is my face so fat? | have been slapped dozens of times and swollen!" But naturally, Qian Xiaofei couldn't tell Zhang Shuyun that. That would be too embarrassing.

"Auntie, | ate a lot recently, so I'm a little fat, hey hey..." Zhang Shuyun was not stupid. She looked at Qian Xiaofei and smiled. "Don't tease me. Did | get beaten up?" Qian Xiaofei blushed and knew that he couldn't hide it anymore. He smiled awkwardly and said to Zhang Shuyun, "Auntie, in fact, | was beaten up like this to save Ruoxue." "Save Ruoxue?" Zhang Shuyun was stunned.

Li Ruoyun was afraid that Zhang Shuyun would be worried, so she discussed with her sister and didn't tell Zhang Shuyun what had happened during the day.

"Yes, Auntie. Today, Ruoxue and Ruoshi met with bad people. In order to save them, | was beaten like this." Qian Xiaofei sighed and said.

Zhang Shuyun was scared after hearing this and asked Li Ruoxue, "Ruoxue, is it true? Why didn't you tell me?" Li Ruoxue bit her lips. What happened during the day was really unbearable to recall.

She was also very surprised. It was Zhou Tian who had saved her. When had Qian Xiaofei saved her? "Mom, it's a guy called Qian Jin. He caught Ruoshi and Guo Liang..." Li Ruoxue briefly told Zhang Shuyun what had happened.

Zhang Shuyun was even more confused. Li Ruoxue didn't know who Qian Jin was, but she knew that Qian Jin was Qian Hai's brother and Qian Xiaofei's uncle! "Young Master Qian, isn't Qian Jin your uncle? Why did he catch Ruoshi?" Zhang Shuyun's face darkened as she asked Qian Xiaofei.

Qian Xiaofei had already thought about how to deal with it. At this time, he pretended to be very angry. "Auntie, Ruoxue, | don't have this uncle! Humph, when | heard that this old bastard Qian Jin wanted to bully Ruoxue and Ruoshi, | was furious! | went to argue with him, but | didn't expect that he beat me..." Li Ruoxue was very surprised when she heard that. At that time, Zhou Tian asked Xiao San to take her and Ruoshi home, so she did not see Qian Xiaofei there.

She didn't expect Qian Xiaofei to know right and wrong so well. He was willing to fall out with his uncle for her and Ruoyu.

Zhang Shuyun looked at Qian Xiaofei and sighed with emotion in her heart. "Hey, Old Master Qian, you're really good. I'll remember you." Zhou Tian watched all this from the side. He really admired Qian Xiaofei for being thick-skinned. Could this grandson be any more shameless? "Qian Xiaofei, are you sure you're not in cahoots with your uncle?" Zhou Tian smiled coldly and questioned Qian Xiaofei.

Hearing this, Qian Xiaofei burst into an uproar. "Zhou Tian, do you still want to slander me? Aunt Zhang knows best what | am like to Ruxue!" "Yes, | believe in the O Childe of the Qian Family!" Zhang Shuyun nodded and glared at Zhou Tian. "You've learned how to fra good person. | think you're getting more and more ridiculous!" "Mom, | was the one who saved Ruoxue and Ruoshi. Qian Xiaofei and Qian Jin are in cahoots, and he has bad intentions towards Ruoxue." Zhou Tian said.

Zhang Shuyun's eyes widened when she heard that. "I don't think you have any good intentions! How could you save Ruoxue with such weak skills? You ran away faster than anyone else if something happened." At this time, Li Ruoxue said to Zhang Shuyun, "Mom, it's true that Zhou Tian savedand Ruoshi." "All right, all right. Even if Zhou Tian comes to save you, the Childe of the Qian Family will also make a contribution.” Zhang Shuyun said impatiently.

Qian Xiaofei felt so good. Although he had suffered a lot today, Li Ruoxue didn't know what he had done, and Zhang Shuyun had a good impression of him.

Zhou Tian knew that Zhang Shuyun wouldn't believe him no matter what he said, so he stopped talking.

"Hey, hey, hey, have you finished muttering?" The rich woman was impatient on the side. She pointed at Zhang Shuyun and said, "I'll tell you something. If you don't pay100,000 yuan today, I'll teach you a lesson!" With Qian Xiaofei here, Zhang Shuyun had confidence in herself.

She had been afraid of this lady before. After all, this lady's husband, Ren Yong, was very famous in this area.

But now, Zhang Shuyun didn't care about Ren Yong anymore. She was sure that the First Young Master Qian could deal with Ren Yong.

"Hehe, trying to extort me? I'll tell you, don't even think about getting a single one of them!" Zhang Shuyun put her hands on her hips, pointed at the noblewoman, and sneered.

The noblewoman was so angry that she wanted to fight with Zhang Shuyun again. However, Zhang Shuyun didn't show weakness and was about to fight again.

This time, Zhou Tian didn't hold her back. He was speechless about this mother-in-law. Even if the mother-in-law was beaten to the head of a dog, he didn't want to take care of her anymore.

But at this moment, a black Lexus cquickly.

With a creak, the car just stopped, and five fierce-looking men rushed out.

The leader was a middle-aged man in a suit and tie, who looked quite gentlemanly. However, when looking at him, you would found that he was a fierce man.

Behind the middle-aged man, there were four young people, all wearing black vests and jeans, with tattoos on their bodies.

"Bad news, Shuyun. Ren Yong is here!" "Shuyun, run away. Ren Yong is ruthless." "Yes, yes, look at Ren Yong's way of eating people..." Those aunties were so scared that their faces turned pale. They urged Zhang Shuyun to run away quickly.

Zhang Shuyun was also scared when she saw Ren Yong's murderous momentum.

Li Ruoxue was also very nervous. She was standing with Zhou Tian, so she instinctively moved closer to Zhou Tian.

But this was just a woman's instinct. When she was in danger, she still needed a man to rely on.

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"Honey, it's she who beatup. Look at her, she scratched my face. I'm not beautiful anymore..." The noblewoman cried and ran to Ren Yong, pointing at Zhang Shuyun.

Ren Yong's eyes widened in anger when he saw his wife's face turning into a cat's.

"How dare you beat my wife. Are you tired of living?" Ren Yong cto Zhang Shuyun fiercely.

Zhang Shuyun instinctively took two steps back and her face turned pale.

All four of Ren Yong's men rushed over, waiting for Ren Yong's order to beat Zhang Shuyun up.

Li Ruoxue was so anxious that she was at a loss, and her lips were trembling slightly.

She was ready. If Ren Yong really wanted to hit her mother, she could only go all out.

Zhou Tian didn't want to care about Zhang Shuyun at first, but when he saw his wife's pitiful and helpless look at this time, his heart suddenly softened.

"Long Kun, do you know a man named Ren Yong?" Zhou Tian called Long Kun.

"Ren Yong? Oh, | remember, it's just a small role. Mr. Zhou, did he offend you?" "Tell Ren Yong to get out of here." Zhou Tian hung up the phone.

No one noticed Zhou Tian because everyone was concerned about whether Zhang Shuyun would be beaten up.

At this moment, Ren Yong had already let four of his men twist Zhang Shuyun's arm.

"Dear, didn't this bitch scratched you? You canscratched her face now!" Ren Yong said to the noblewoman.

The noblewoman immediately widened her eyes and rushed over to scratch! Zhang Shuyun was almost stunned. Although she was already a middle-aged auntie, she still cared about her appearance.

She knew that she could not count on Zhou Tian. The only one who could save her was Qian Xiaofei.

" Childe of the Qian Family, Childe of the Qian Family, cand save me!" Zhang Shuyun shouted like a pig being slaughtered.