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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35

Stella was really strong if Mitch and Cooper stick to their ‘men don’t hit women principle, they might end

up in a hospital bed, courtesy of Stella.

I stepped Stella, “Stella, elegant lady doesn’t get into fights with men. Let’s get out of here”

“Humph, Mitch, you better remember this. If I run into you again, I’m gonna beat you to death!” Stella

glared at Mitch.

I was truly moved by Stella’s determination. I decided to pay the rest of her expenses.

Stella loved the nightlife, but she’s also a skincare junkie. I advised her to get more sleep, saying it

would do wonders for her skin. She laughed and said, “Sometimes, hormonal imbalances can mess up

your skin too. We’re almost hitting 30, so a sex life is essential!”

I felt a bit embarrassed, as the scene with Neil last night replayed in my mind.

Even though my legs were a bit sore, I felt great stepping out today. It was like a breath of fresh air

after a long time.

“I recently met a young artist. He’s handsome and I heard he’s got a few shows coming up, he’s going

to be a big deal. Want me to introduce you?” Stella tried playing matchmaker again when I didn’t


Tm not divorced yet. I reminded her, feeling a bit helpless.

“Well, isn’t that just a matter of time? Better have a backup plan!” Stella replied, quite boldly.

I knew the divorce was only a matter of time, but I had standards for my choices. I wouldn’t mind

someone like Oscar, as his status could bring a sense of balance into my life.

Otherwise, I’d rather stay single than invite trouble.

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“Oh, by the way, Barbara said she wants to go on a trip with us after her engagement party this

weekend. Me and Alicia are already in. Are you coming?” Stella asked again.

*Where to?” I asked back.

“We’re thinking Soneva Jani in the Maldives.” Stella was clearly excited, “You have to go! You and Neil

never had a honeymoon. Consider this a compensation for yourself!”

Her words stirred something inside me. A honeymoon trip with friends, who wouldn’t like that?

Plus, something happened between me and Neil that shouldn’t have. I should get away and give him

some time to pursue Bonnie.

With Neil’s charm, three days should be enough for some progress, right?

“Alright, it’s a deal!” I agreed without hesitation.

After we settled the travel plans, Stella tried to drag me to a bar. I checked the time and declined

immediately, I had to go home and sleep. I was already up late last night. I needed to take care of


After leaving Wellness Oasis, Stella grumbled about me not going with her and drove off. I got ready to

drive home too.

Just as I was getting in the car, a hand blocked my door. Russel was standing outside, “We need to


“You scared me!” I clutched my chest, “Get in.”

Russel didn’t waste any time. As soon as he got in, he asked, “Did you take the photo you sent me?”

It’s been days and he’s asking about it now?

“Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, and I took it myself. Is there a problem?” I replied directly.

“What did you mean by sending it to me?” Russel turned his head to look at me.

…Nothing special. I just wanted you to witness it.” I answered after thinking for a few seconds.

“Witness what?” Russel’s tone was cold.

“Witness your good friend’s every step towards finding true love. Is that okay?” I sometimes find talking

with Russel tiring. He’s as straightforward as Neil, but more serious. During my past life when we

worked together, he was always preoccupied with Bonnie, so he didn’t have time to chat. So it felt

different from how it feels now.

At this moment, he’s like a teacher, and I’m like a guilty student.

But my answer was sincere because Russel will fall in love with Bonnie too. I wanted him to witness

Neil and Bonnie’s love story with me.

Russel looked at me like I was crazy, didn’t say anything, and left.

As soon as he got out, I drove away. I could still see him standing there, watching me from the rearview


The next few days were busy for me as I helped Barbara choose hotels and plan her engagement. She

said I was the only one among us who was married, so I had some experience.

What experience could I have 1 never had an engagement party, I went straight to getting married.

In the end, she chose Orchid Hotel for her engagement party and hired a professional wedding team to

plan it. Barbara told the team that if they did a good job, she would hire them for her wedding at the end

of the year too.

The night before Barbara’s engagement, I was eating dinner when Neil came home.

He looked a bit tired. After he tossed his tie on the sofa, he went to get a glass of water. I watched him

while eating, wondering, was pursuing Bonnie really that exhausting? “Mr. Whitmore is back.” One of

the maids said politely.

Neil looked at the maid without saying anything and went straight to the dining room to sit down.

Seeing this, Ada immediately set a pair of cutlery for him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I kept my head down, eating my meal. It was a bit awkward. Neil and I were not supposed to be

intimate until our divorce. Now that we had been, it made our encounters awkward.

Before Neil even started eating, his phone rang. It was his dad.

“I heard you signed the contract with Zenith Global?”

“Yes. Everything went smoothly: Neil replied while eating, his phone on speaker.

“Good. You’ve been abroad these past few days, you must be tired. Rest early.” Ryan sounded

pleased. After praising Neil and reminding him to rest, he hung up.



Chapter 35

was a bit surprised. So Neil went abroad for business these past few days? I thought he was pursuing

Bonnie. Neil noticed my gaze, raised an eyebrow, and said coldly, “What are you looking at?”

“Nothing.” I went back to eating.

Neil continued, “I also received Barbara’s invitation for her engagement party tomorrow. We should go


This made me look at him again, “You plan on going?”

We hardly have any mutual friends, and the only reason we know them was because we all belonged

to the same social class.

Most likely Barbara’s parents decided to invite Neil. That’s just the way the social circle works. Who

knows if they would have the opportunity to collaborate with him in business in the future?

But I never in a million years thought Neil would agree to go. In my past life, he didn’t show up, just

sent a gift with someone else.

“Hmm, got a problem with that?” Neil seemed unpleased with my reaction, as I seemed not eager for

him to go.

“No problem!” I shook my head, then got up, “I’m full. I’m gonna take a shower, then go to bed.”