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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 237
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Chapter 237 I Will Consider It

On the large screen behind, the art displayed was indeed the one drawn by Eileen. It was astonishing

at first glance, not only because of its color but also because of its craftsmanship. Without at least three

to four decades of experience, it would be impossible for anyone to achieve that level of skill.

Eileen adjusted her breathing. The gazes of the two people sitting in the central seats below the stage

were hard for her to ignore. That was her first time seeing Nancy. There was at certain similar and

harmonious aura between her and Jasper. They were a perfect match.

After all she had been through, Eileen was no longer flustered. Upon seeing Jasper, she was even

more composed than she had imagined.

Casting a casual glance, she took off her black hat. “Sorry, I got caught in traffic and am a bit late.”

The moment everyone laid eyes on Eileen, most of them expressed ‘astonishment.’

From the start, her young age was astonishing, yet her painting skills were on par with those of an art

academy graduate. It was important to understand that every year, millions aspired to enter art

academies, but only a few hundred were accepted. Interestingly, the judges who made the selection at

that time were professors from the art academy.

At that moment, it was her appearance that took one’s breath away. She was dressed simply, but her

face was unforgettable.

The magazine that was initially sold like hotcakes only showed a vague side profile of Eileen. In

person, she was more beautiful than her cover photo.

A man in his late sixties or early seventies stood below the stage, his hair snowy Blake. He lowered his

head to put on his glasses and picked up the microphone. “Before presenting you with the award, may I

take the liberty to ask where the inspiration for this painting came


The host handed the microphone to Eileen. As she prepared to speak for the first time, she seemed

somewhat nervous, unsure of how to begin.

As everyone fell silent, waiting for her to speak, Eileen’s heart seemed to calm down as well.

“Actually… When I was painting this piece, I was just giving it a try because that… was the darkest and

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lowest point in my life. I missed a very important competition, which almost knocked me down. I even

considered dropping out of school… just taking things as they come. Moreover, the theme of the

competition was hope. At that time, I couldn’t see a glimmer of hope at all. However, a friend once told

me… Even if one lives in darkness, one should not fear the sunlight. If they are willing, that beam of

light can become their salvation. Hold on to the light, and miracles of hope can happen. The more

impossible it



Elm’s voice and words echoed in her mind.

She repeated what he said. “We must turn the impossible into possible! Even in adversity. there is

hope. Darkness and light can coexist. It’s these very words that, no matter how bleak. or sad I was at

the time, I still had to paint a picture full of hope and sunshine at my lowest point. This is also what I

truly desired in my heart.”

As soon as Eileen finished speaking, a round of applause followed.

As she faced those rounds of applause and affirmation, Eileen didn’t cast a glance at the person

directly in front of her.

Upon seeing the nameplate on the table, Eileen was somewhat taken aback. It was Gideon, a national-

level master of traditional painting and a professor at Hulbury Central Art Academy,

At first, Eileen wasn’t sure until she took a look at the name.

When it was time to present the award, Jasper stepped forward and handed her a trophy adorned with

Boundless Tech’s logo, which was a cartoon character holding a paintbrush.

In addition, there was also a contract with Boundless Tech to be an artist.

Eileen was hesitant about whether to sign or not. That was undoubtedly akin to a labor contract. She

hadn’t even graduated yet, yet she was already starting to work for others.

“Congratulations.” The deep voice of Jasper echoed from above.

Eileen’s heart gave a jolt. “Thank you.”

While the award ceremony had ended, there was still a banquet to attend.

Eileen didn’t enjoy the lively atmosphere. She wanted to refuse, but she simply couldn’t.

She was asked to stay.

Jasper was a person of high status, always surrounded by people wherever he went. He was unlike

ordinary people who were not qualified to sit with him. Hence, Eileen was seated in a separate private


Thankfully, she still had Benjamin’s company.

Actually, it was quite difficult for her to have a conversation with him. After all, she hadn’t been to

school for a long time, and aside from discussing topics, she couldn’t really hold a conversation beyond

live sentences.




Halfway through the meal, Eileen pretended to go to the bathroom and left.

Thus, those people who wanted to pry some gossip from Eileen didn’t even get a chance to do so.

Outside the hotel, there was a scenic balcony. Eileen asked the waiter for a cup of hot water and sat on

the balcony. Not long after, another figure took a seat across from her. “When do you plan to return to

school? Your second-place ranking is at risk.”

Aside from discussing topics, Benjamin rarely spoke that much.

Eileen didn’t respond. Instead, she asked, “Have the results for the Olympiad Math come out? How did

you do?”

Benjamin said calmly, “I took first place. Most of them secured a guaranteed spot, including


Eileen nodded. “As expected.” Why did he specifically mention Vera?

“Even so, I won’t let you take the top spot.”

Eileen was unusually relaxed in his presence. She said, “There’s no need for you to step aside. I’ll take

the first place. It’ll be good for you to taste what it’s like to be second.

“If you surpass me, you’ll be the top scorer in the national university entrance exam. However, you truly

deserve this honor.” Benjamin had guessed it much earlier that would eventually return to school one


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It was because she was different from others.

“Of course,” she said, the evening breeze tousling her hair as she gazed at the distant, brilliantly lit

night view. “Although, how did you end up here?”

Benjamin stated candidly, “I am the founder of Boundless Tech. I started this company!”

Eileen was perplexed,

Benjamin had a pair of attractive, monolid eyes. When he drooped his eyelids, it gave off a sense of

world-weariness. “Few people know about it, and I usually don’t have the time, so I leave it to my

friends to manage.”

“Benjamin, you continue to be as outstanding as ever,” said Eileen.

“Welcome to Boundless Tech, Eileen!” Benjamin greeted.

“I’ll take that into consideration,” Eileen replied.


“Alright, take your time to think it over. You can determine your salary,” Benjamin said, casually putting

his hands in his pockets before walking away.

When Eileen picked up the cup of water, she realized it had already gone cold.

As she returned to the private room, Jasper and Nancy coincidentally emerged from it, accidentally

colliding with Eileen.

Wearing a black hooded dress, Eileen looked at Jasper with an indifferent expression. She briefly

glanced at Fabian, who stood behind Jasper, and silently stepped aside to make. way

for them.

Just as everyone was leaving, Benjamin offered to carry her bag. The meal didn’t take too long, lasting

just over an hour.

Benjamin suggested, “Should I give you a ride? It’s difficult to find a taxi at the moment.”

Eileen furrowed her eyebrows and replied, “I appreciate your offer, then.”

“You’re welcome.”

They walked towards the elevator, but upon seeing it was already full, no one entered.

However, Jasper blocked the elevator door with his hand, creating space in the crowded compartment.

“Are you coming in?”

People around them also began to shuffle to the side.
