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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 4146
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Practically everyone's expressions changed when that was said.

That person was right. If they did not find a way to break the formation, they could be trapped there until they die!

That was a fate that was worse than death. They would be forced to just wait without any hope other than death!

It was something they would never want to experience!

"I don't want that. It would be better to just grant myself a quick death than to be completely trapped here until I


Everyone was suddenly in a much heavier mood. All those words of mockery from earlier completely disappeared.


The attacks from the two people clashed against the purple barrier at the same time.

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The purple barrier had ripples again, but other than those ripples, nothing else happened. After a moment the

barrier was back to its original state.

When he saw that, Zubac could no longer remain calm.

He grabbed his own hair as he said, "How could it still be like that?! We clearly..."

He could not bring himself to continue. The hope he had earlier had been completely shattered. He felt like he was

about to go crazy.

Jack frowned as he stared at the purple barrier, "It's wrong again. Could I have been mistaken?"

Lourain's lips trembled, and he did not know what to say. He wondered if he should be consoling Jack.

However, Jack was someone that never needed consoling. Rather than Jack, he was the one who needed consoling.

After all, he was trapped there as well.

Jack walked two steps forward as he looked right at the purple barrier. His full focus was on the barrier, and he

completely ignored everything else at that moment. The only thing on his mind and in his eyes was the purple


Could he be mistaken?

Was his method wrong?

Various thoughts echoed in his mind.

He muttered to himself, "Could it require all the attributes?"

He turned to look at Zubac again. At that moment, Zubac had a look of complete defeat in his eyes. It looked like

he had just lost his whole family.

Jack sighed as he said, "What use would it be if you just lost hope? You'll accomplish nothing other than making

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yourself feel bad. You won't be able to get out even if you go crazy. Just toss those thoughts aside for now. You can

fall into despair again if nothing else works."

Zubac's lips trembled as he looked at Jack in exasperation.

He wondered if Jack was just very mentally put together or if Jack was just calm to a terrifying degree. Those words

felt like mockery in his ears.

Did he need to choose the right time for despair?

However, Jack was clearly not willing to waste any more time.

Jack calmly continued, "Let's see if we can fuse our attributes before we attack the barrier."

Zubac's eyes lit up with hope again, but the hope did not last for that long before he was struck with the next blow

of defeat, "Fuse them? How would we do that?"

He had never heard about two attributes being fused to form an attack in his life. After all, two attributes would

have to come from two different people, and the attributes would fight against each other and reject each other.

They could not be fused.

"How do we fuse it?" Zubac widened his eyes and asked with confusion.