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No Strings Attached

Chapter 527
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Chase didn't even think before he rejected the idea, "You're pregnant and still want to work? Can't I provide for you or our child? Sasha, you better drop that thought. Once it's confirmed you're pregnant, all your work gets canceled." "I won't! I've struggled so hard to get to where I am from being a nobody. I don't want to give up so easily. Do you have any idea how tough life was when I ran away from my arranged marriage? If Clara hadn't takenin, I would have starved on the streets." Hearing this, Chase's brow furrowed deeply. "You ran away from an arranged marriage? What marriage? Were you engaged? Tellwho that jerk is. I'll help you break off the engagement." He only knew Sasha had cto Northbridge alone to make her way. He never knew she had such a past. Even if she were engaged, he would find a way to break it off.

'My woman will definitely not marry another man, especially now that she's carrying my child.' Sasha wished she could bite Chase to death. She really wanted to tell him that the jerk was him.

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He was the one who disregarded his grandfather's illness and insisted on breaking off the engagement, causing his grandfather to fall seriously ill after returning.

To top it off, Chase spoke so poorly of Sasha behind her back. He even said he would never marry her in this lifetime.

Ha! Sasha wouldn't marry him even if he begged! She glared at him and said, "Mind your own business." Then she turned her head to look out the window. The two arrived at the hospital's maternity department in less than twenty minutes.

A doctor in his fifties was already waiting in the office. He saw them cin and greeted them with a smile. "Chase, what's the rush callingover? What's the matter?" Chase got straight to the point. "Can you check if she's pregnant?" The doctor's eyes widened at his words. Then he chuckled, "That's easy. A blood test will do. You seem nervous. This child must be related to you." Chase didn't hide it. "It's mine." The doctor looked at him with wide eyes. "This is great news! Your dad has been looking forward to this day. Looks like your wedding day isn't far off." Chase gave a roguish smile. "You better get the gift ready." Search the Find NøvelWebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

"Of course, I should prepare double the amount." After saying that, he took out a blood drawing kit, put on gloves, and looked at Sasha with a smile. "Don't be nervous. Have a seat. A little venous blood draw won't hurt." Sasha had always been terrified of injections and blood draws. She immediately threw herself into Chase's arms, her eyes welling up. not do the blood draw? A test stick would work, too." Chase stroked her head, softly saying, "Darling, this is the most accurate way. Even if we use pregnancy test stick, we still need to confirm it with this step. If it hurts, you can bite my arm." Content As he spoke, he comforted Sasha into sitting on the chair. He held her head in his arms, watching as the doctor took a needle and inserted it into Sasha's vein.

Sasha immediately started crying.

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"Chase, if it weren't for your carelessness, I wouldn't be suffering like this. You knew I was afraid of needtes, yet you still broughtto get my blood drawn. I hate you."

How could chase not know she was afraid of needles? He held her feeling a bit heartbroken. "It'll be over soon.

He held her feeling Just bear with it a little longer." "Why should I bear it? If you had controlled yourself, I wouldn't be pregnant."

The doctor withdrew the needle, his eyes crinkling with amusement at their exchange. Young people these days really said whatever cto mind. He was feeling a bit embarrassed here.

Ten minutes later, the doctor cin with the lab report. Chaseimmediately walked over and asked, "How is it? One or two?" Search the Find Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.