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My Wife is a Hacker novel (Nicole)

Chapter 3263
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Chapter 3263

"Ms. Riddle, Doretta cto my place yesterday..." Patricia shared the information Doretta had given her with


Nicole's eyes showed a hint of seriousness. "It looks like Lawrence is finally making his move. He's probably

getting impatient.' "Jared has started the process to buy the MierMare Group. We're hoping to see results by the

day after tomorrow at the earliest. Do we have enough time?" Lulu asked, worried.

Nicole's eyes narrowed a bit. it should be enough time." "They're keeping a low profile right now, not wanting to

show themselves, so they won't act too quickly. We should have enough tin three days," Patricia added.

"That's good to hear," Lulu responded, feeling resolved. "I'm speeding up our work here, trying to get a plan

ready quickly our company can handle this situation smoothly."

With Jared's move to acquire MierMare Group, her job was becoming a lot easier.

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With Jared's move to acquire MierMare Group, her job was becoming a lot easier.

Once MierMare is part of the Johnston Group, any partnership would be straightforward and beneficial. So, she

could focus fully on creating a perfect, innovative plan to push the project forward effectively and ensure a

positive result.

Nicole smiled encouragingly at Lulu. "Proceed with confidence. The acquisition of MierMare Group will definitely

be successful." "Alright, I'll get on with my work then," Lulu said, determined to quickly create the best plan.

They wanted to be ready to move forward right after the acquisition.

After Lulu left, Nicole turned to Patricia. "Did Doretta tell you anything else?

"No," Patricia replied. "That's everything she knew for now. But she and Charlie have a backup plan. If

Lawrence's team comes to San Joto, they plan to catch them." "Good, that's a solid plan," Nicole said, nodding in


Being proactive was often the best approach, so Nicole supported the forward-thinking strategy of Doretta and


"Ms. Riddle, since we know what's happening, please be careful about going out, especially by yourself," Patricia

suggested. "I can handle any errands or tasks you have." "Don't worry, I'll keep doing my usual things; it's best

not to tip off Lawrence by changing my routine," Nicole reassured her, highlighting the need to act normally to

prevent Lawrence from suspecting they were onto him.

"But still..." Patricia insisted, concerned primarily for Nicole's safety.

Nicole reassured her with a confident smile, "Rest assured, Lawrence is unlikely to make a move onbefore

his people arrive in San Joto."

She believed that any sudden action from Lawrence at this point would be premature and not particularly

advantageous, anticipating that he would wait for his reinforcements.

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"Understood," Patricia nodded, though she still felt the urge to keep a close watch on Nicole's safety.

Shifting the conversation, Nicole remarked, "I see things are settled between you and Ellar," her gaze subtly

dropping to Patricia's left hand.

With a slight self-conscious movement of her hand, Patricia acknowledged, "Yes, we've decided to be together."

"That's wonderful. You've both been through so much, and it's heartening to see your relationship cfull

circle," Nicole expressed, glad to see their affection finally culminating in a commitment.

Flushing slightly, Patricia admitted softly, "I was hesitant about certain things before, and I'm grateful Ell ar stood

by me." She recognized that if Ellar had given up, they might have missed their chance to be together.

Nicole smiled and teased, "It seems I'll need to find a new assistant then."

Since Patricia had chosen to be with Ellar, it implied she would eventually leave her current position.

Quickly, Patricia responded, somewhat flustered, "Ms. Riddle, | want to stay here. Even if you hire a new

assistant, they won't be as familiar with everything as | am, so please, could you not replace me?"