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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 113
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113 Fairness

Keira opened the Twitter post and saw that it was a video shot by Josh.

In the video, Isla and Connor met each other, hiding in a corner. Due to the distance, it was unclear what they

were saying; one could only see that Connor was very agitated.

Josh tried to get closer, and the camera slowly moved through an inconspicuous corner. After closing in, one

could hear the voices of the two people talking, with Isla saying, “Don’t panic. As long as you don’t slip up, the

police won't have any evidence. The job you did

was seamless!”

Connor replied anxiously, “But now the journalists are

all after me...”

Suddenly, Isla yelled out, “Who's there?”

They both turned around to look at the camera.

Immediately, Josh’s camera shifted to the side, capturing the ground.

Then Isla’s voice followed, “What did you manage to


( 113 Fairness


Josh spoke up. “I'm a journalist. | have the right to disclose anything | capture!”

Isla took a deep breath. “How much do you want? | can give it to you! Just delete the video!”

Connor also ccloser, saying, “Right. Delete the video, or you won't be leaving here today!”

His voice carried a chilling malice.

Josh was clearly nervous. “Alright, I'll delete it now.”

His camera went black.

However, what Connor and Isla might not realize was that the technology for follow-up filming had

improved greatly. At least, the footage shot by journalists could be instantly transmitted to online.


After posting the video, Josh immediately tweeted, “Miss Olsen and Connor were plotting together, showing a

fierce demeanor. At that time, | feigned cooperation and deleted the video. Later, | received an anonymous

recording and handed it over to the police myself! Yet Miss Olsen shamelessly snatched the






113 Fairness


Josh didn’t have many followers, so this tweet didn’t attract much attention after it was posted.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Josh sent Keira the link to the Twitter post and then made a request. “Ms. S, the voice of one person might not be

heard by society. Could you helpby sharing


Keira’s Twitter account had several million followers.

Back when she was working part-tas a journalist, her posts were known to be fair and objective, which made

them popular, and she later went viral for exposing a major corporation for discharging polluted


People had a lot of trust in her messages.

Over the years, whenever there were reports that struggled to gain attention, people in the journalist circle liked

to seek her help.

Keira would have someone investigate the matter thoroughly and, if it turned out to be true, she would agree to

share it.

Every post she shared would draw public attention.




113 Fairness

Of course, Josh's post didn’t need any investigation.

Keira had been a participant all along and was very clear about the truth, so she chose to share it right away.

Almost the instant she did, people started to


“Ms. S is playing the hero again!”

“Let’s see what the incident is this time?”

“The intehas been abuzz with the story of a Miss Olsen bravely stepping forward and handing in a recording,

turns out it’s fake?! Damn! No wonder the police haven't issued any reward notice! It's been hyped so much that

| actually thought it was true!”

“Someone has already said that Miss Olsen is going to marry into the Horton family, as in Oceanion’s riches the

Hortons. Would they accept someone with such character?”

After retweeting, Keira didn’t look at the comments online anymore.

She leisurely put away her phone and looked at the exquisite breakfast on the dining table.





113 Fairness

If the quarrel continued and she didn’t eat, it would get cold. What a waste!

She was thinking about that when a fork suddenly appeared and placed a croissant onto her plate.

Keira was slightly startled.

But when she looked up, she met Lewis’s eyes, which were filled with a smile.

Keira suddenly felt a bit embarrassed and quickly looked around, only to find that everyone's focus was on the

shares, and no one was paying attention to their small gestures.

She quietly let out a sigh of relief, lowered her head, and bit into the croissant. The rich fragrance explode in her

mouth, and it was delicious enough to make on want to bite off their own tongue.

Her eyes brightened slightly as she ate and waited for the fiasco on the microblog to ferment, looking

forward to seeing the first branch of the family’s


Unfortunately, they hadn't noticed the change in the situation at the moment and were still aggressively

progging old Mr Horton to giva un charoa



113 Fairness

The old lady was indignant, slamming her hand on the table and shouting, “So what if I'm biased? Over the

years, if | hadn't favored Lewis, he would have been ostracized and lost his status in this family!”

She stood up, and even though she had started to shrink in height at her age and looked withered and frail, her

actions still exuded elegance and authority. “Nathan, tell me, they're both your sons, but you only have eyes for

the elder one. Have you ever cared for


“When he was so young, he lay in the hospital covered in tubes and was at death’s door. Your

fourteen-year-old elder son just had a little cold, but you left your newborn baby and went away to take care of

your elder son!

“Lewis survived the first hurdle but after coming hyou neglected him again, revolving solely around the

elder son. If I, as their grandmother, didn’t favor him, I'm afraid you would've long forgotten him!

“And about the shares. | don't like Isla, so why should | give her any? Who's rule is that? When Lewis got married

and cback to announce it to everyone, didn’t | tell you to take out 2% of the shares and give




113 Fairness

them to him? What did you say at that time?

“You said you didn’t like a daughter-in-law who couldn't present well in society, that the shares were yours to do

with as you wished, and that no one could force you if you didn’t want to give them up. So how cyou can


Nathan frowned immediately. “Mom, those things are in the past, so why bring them up now? The current

situation is special. Lewis's wife isn’t so publicly known, but Isla is different. Although the Hortons are the richest

in Oceanion, we are still businessmen. Nowadays, everyone likes businessmen with a sense of righteousness and

loyalty. Elevating Isla’s status can cast a positive image on the Horton Group. So, let's not talk about the past,


The old lady snatched a bowl from the table and slammed it down. “You don’t allowto mention i

nor to show favoritism. Then let’s be fair! If you wanto give Isla shares, fine, but you have to give the shares

to your daughter-in-law first!”

Nathan frowned again.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

At this point, Oliver, who had been quiet, spoke up





113 Fairness

with a smile. “Dad, what Grandma said is also correct.

We have to treat everyone equally in this family. Since that’s the case, you should give Lewis's wife the missing


Nathan wanted to say more, but Oliver gave him a


After pondering for a moment, Nathan understood something and immediately smiled, saying, “Okay, | gave

Oliver's wife 2% of the shares back then, so | will give the sto Lewis-2%. Mom, you gave Lewis's wife 5% of

the shares back then, so now you should also give Isla 5%! Only then would it be fair!”

Old Mrs. Horton choked when she heard this.

She had momentarily forgotten that the shares w

the same!


Lewis was able to sit in the CEO's seat because the

combined shares of old Mrs. Horton and Lewis amounted to exactly 51%. If she were to give shares away like

this, the first branch of the family’s shares would exceed Lewis's, and then the Horton Group would fall into the

hands of the first branch!

But she had said so much already, so she couldn't go



113 Fairness

ck on her word now. What should she do?!

Nathan immediately looked toward Lewis and asked directly, “Lewis, what do you think?”



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