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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64

Lying on the hospital bed, Yasmin Huang moved her body slightly and suddenly felt a sharp pain all

over, as if she was going to break apart.

But what Yasmin Huang didn't know was that those men had already been merciful to her because she

was just a student. Otherwise, if they had really followed the rules of the underworld, she would be

fortunate even if they had just broken her legs or hands.

Tears fell from her eyes silently. Yasmin Huang couldn't help but sniff in pain. She didn't understand

why she had been beaten up like this.

At this time, the door of the ward creaked open. Louise Lee came in and saw Yasmin Huang on the

bed. Her first sentence was not to greet Yasmin with concern, but to ask nervously, " Did you look for

trouble with Fade ?"

Yasmin Huang's face twitched. She frowned and said," Louise, are you still talking about this at times

like this ?"

But Louise Lee looked nervous and continued to ask, "Tell me, did you or did you not?"

Yasmin Huang said impatiently, "Yes, I did look for trouble with Fade. Are you satisfied now?" She told

Louise how she had been beaten up for no reason when she had asked for people to go and beat Fade

Chen up.

After hearing this, Louise Lee's face turned pale immediately. She looked at Yasmin Huang as if she

was looking at a dead person and said, "You, you don't know what you are doing! You are looking for

death! Do you know Fade's status in this place? How dare you provoke him!" "What's his status? He's

just a little thug. What position can he have?" Yasmin Huang shouted.

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Louise Lee said coldly, "A little thug? But those people that you called to beat Fade dared not do

anything. A little thug but he can teach you a lesson without making a sound? Do you still believe that

he's just a little ?"

Yasmin Huang's face turned serious, and she felt a faint uneasiness in her heart, but she still did not

want to believe this. She shouted," Even if he has some status around here, so what? When Master

Zhu knows that I have been beaten up, he will definitely teach him a lesson. When that time comes,

Master Zhu."

‘ Don't talk about Master Zhu anymore. Let me tell you, if you go and find trouble again, even Leonard's

father Xavier Zhu won't be able to make a difference, let alone Leonard Zhu," Louise Lee shouted.

"Louise, I think you must be really scared. What nonsense are you talking about?" Yasmin Huang did

not understand why Louise Lee, who was usually bold and daring, had become so timid.

"I don't want to say too much. I only want to tell you one thing. Earlier this year when the semester

started, at the hotel outside the school, even the Young Master Wei of North Bay City called Fade Chen

as Brother Chen. If you want to carry on with whatever you're doing, you'd better think carefully about

it." Louise Lee got up to leave, turning away quickly.

Yasmin Huang was stunned and came to her senses after a long time. "Young Master Wei of the North

Bay City, is it Tom of Long Enterprise ? Even he needs to call Fade Chen as Brother Chen. Who is he?

Who is he really?" Yasmin Huang shouted, but Louise Lee had gone.

The more Yasmin Huang thought about it, the more frightened she felt. She was a native of Bay City,

and usually followed people like Leonard Zhu around. Naturally, she was very clear about the power

balance in Bay City. Needless to say, the name of Long Enterprise from the North Bay City was enough

to make people tremble.

As the second-in-command of Long Enterprise, Tom Wei was only second in line to Uncle Wei of North

Bay City. His status was much higher than that of Leonard Zhu, who was just a rich young man. How

could such a powerful person call such a young thug as Brother Chen ? Was Fade Chen even more

powerful than Tom Wei was ?

For a moment Yasmin Huang's heart was cold. She now realized who she had been dealing with. She

finally understood why Louise Lee had repeatedly warned her not to provoke Fade Chen. She then

realized that it was fortunate enough that she could still lie on the bed with her four limbs intact.

Fade Chen did not know what Yasmin Huang had done behind his back. He had returned to the villa

with Housekeeper Wong and Jordan Qi. He comforted them quickly and then everyone went to wash

up and go to bed.

The next day, Fade Chen brought Jordan Qi to the company and showed him the manufacturing

process and also other things that needed attention regarding the production of the health-preserving

wine. Jordan was indeed a professional, and soon he started his work. Along the way, he solved some

minor problems in the production line, which improved the quality of the health-preserving wine.

After settling Jordan in, it was already noon. Momo Soo called Fade Chen on the phone and said that

she encountered something strange. Yasmin Huang had taken the initiative to call her and apologize to

her. Yasmin Huang also asked her to send a message to Fade Chen to express her apology and

promised that she would never provoke Fade Chen again in future.

Although Fade Chen did not know what had happened, he was relieved that Yasmin Huang had finally

decided to not stir any more trouble for him. Fade Chen chatted with Momo Soo for a while and finally

hung up the phone when it was time for work in the afternoon.

After putting on his white coat, Fade Chen came to the medical room and went back to work. But when

he looked towards the empty seat next to him, he couldn't help but whisper, " Didn't Xenia say that she

would go out to buy something at noon ? Why hasn't she come back yet ?"

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After more than 20 minutes, Xenia Xu still had not come back to work. Fade Chen could not help but

feel a little strange. He picked up his mobile phone and was ready to call and ask her about the

situation. After all, Xenia Xu was his direct subordinate.

Before Fade Chen could dial the number, his phone vibrated. When he saw the caller ID, it was Xenia


"So this girl still knows to call me and ask for leave!" Fade Chen muttered and picked up the phone.

However, before he could speak, Xenia Xu's cry came from the other end of the phone. "Doctor Chen,

I, I have hit someone!"

"What? You hit someone? Are you injured? Have you been sent to the hospital?" Fade Chen asked in

a hurry.

Perhaps because of panic, Xenia Xu's words were incoherent. "No, no, Dr. Chen. I didn't hit anyone.

But they insisted that I hit someone. I didn't."

Although her words were messy, Fade Chen quickly noticed something unusual. His heart thumped

and he said, "Xenia, is someone blackmailing you?"

"Yes!" Xenia Xu said, "An old woman insisted on lying in front of my car. She said I hit her." When she

said that, Fade Chen heard an old woman's crying and cursing voice coming from the phone, including

a man's shouting.

Xenia Xu was really scared and immediately burst into tears.

Fade Chen quickly comforted her, "Don't worry, Xenia. Tell me where you are and i'll be right there.

Don't act rashly. I'll take care of it."

"Okay, I will." Xenia Xu answered and then texted the address to Fade Chen.

Fade Chen hung up the phone and then applied for leave from Lily Wei on the RTX. Then he took off

his white coat, ran downstairs, and rushed to the place where the accident happened.

The accident occurred not far from the company. It was on an old street two blocks away. Fade Chen

ran fast and arrived in less than ten minutes.